MovieChat Forums > Pet (2016) Discussion > Dont rate a movie before the official re...

Dont rate a movie before the official release!

Even if youve seen it somehow, folks are gonna know youve seen it through some illegal method like torrenting if you rate it and let everyone know youve seen it before the official release.


It played at SXSW film festival. They didn't pirate it.

Sincerely, yahmez the mad.


I saw it in a film festival in France. 100% legit.


You cannot torrent something that has not yet been released xD even if its only in the cinema... its still released for the public, and even small film festivals, still means quite a few people have seen it mostly huge film buffs who are very likely to all leave a review after seeing it... logic fails you xD


Sometimes you can get them before they've been released, so your logic seems to be the one failing. Lord of the Rings was probably the most famous one to leak before release. But there are tons. What OP seems to fail to understand though, is that not everyone cares if you can tell that I stole it. Of course I'd steal it, there is no way in hell I'd ever pay for this based on the cover, I might not even bother now that I can get if for free. I'll buy it if it turns out they deserve it, but you can't tell that from a cover or trailer. There is also no justification for the prices they put on these things. And they need to make a unified platform with a subscription at a reasonable price and timely release date. Why would I want to go to the cinema? Get herded into a room full of noisy people, germs, uncomfortable seats, no smoking, no cold beer, no way to go get some snacks or a coffee in the middle of the movie. Why would I subject myself to that when I have a perfectly decent home theater system? It's because of the release date, they make it run in theaters for months just so they can squeeze as much money out of us as they can. Put it on netflix on day one, and make sure all the online platforms has all the content so we don't have to subscribe to 17 of them. Only when they make paying for it more convenient than stealing it will pirating die. Besides, you can't even call it stealing anymore than you can call taking a photo of the Mona Lisa stealing. But as long as they act like greedy scumbags most people won't feel to bad about copying the work of these over paid hacks. Especially not when they put out deceptive trailers and leaves us with one terrible movie after another. Like I said, I'll pay for it if I think it's worth money, if not, then they should pay me for wasting my time. Which means they owe me about a thousand good movies. I should count them up by studio, so I know which studio owes me what. I also accept a paid vacation equivalent to the time I wasted, or my time back. And by the way, I'm a game developer, and I'd never work on a game they put DRM in. It's a digital thing, I can sell it or give it away as many times as I want, so I don't mind people downloading it, it's not stealing if I still have it. It's free publicity, and many people are decent enough to pay if they like it, and I'd want people to play it even if they can't afford it. So don't come give me some BS about peoples hard work. Proof is right here, I would have never heard of this if not for downloading sites, which means they now have a much higher chance of getting some of my money than they would have without it. Downloading is the best thing to ever happen to the indie community, we have a bigger audience and lower publishing cost than ever before. All this anti downloading propaganda comes from big studios who are afraid they'll get cut out like any other common middleman.



I tip my hat to you, good sir.


You are 100% Correct Sir. I couldn't have said it better myself.....I'd even go further and include the Cable Companies and Phone Companies....the greed in this world is the worst I've seen in my 63 years on this Earth.
Very, very well said.


you're a likable person

I'm not signing anything without my lawyer.


Years ago, long before Netflix, I heard of a service that was in the works. It was going to be a paid service that you had a subscription to, and you could watch movies at home the same day they were in the theater. Granted the service would be expensive, and they would have to find a way to keep people from recording it, but I would gladly pay for that. Even if it were over a $100 a month.
To keep from having to go to the theater every time I don't want to wait for a movie.

Like you said, these big studios are making *beep* BILLIONS on us. All the indie movies you can either watch on Netflix or Prime, which I have paid subscriptions for both services.
I rent PPV movies on Prime when I see something interesting, otherwise I'll try and DL it of my NZB service that aI also pay for. Hell, the big studios should be investing in UseNet servers in Europe, then they might actually be getting their money's worth. But instead of trying to rip us off, and also rip of the theaters(why do you think popcorn is $10 lol), they should be PPVing their main titles. Take the Marvel movies that are being pumped out. All the Fanboys are going to show up to see their latest movie in glorious 3D Imax, you can count on that, but think how much extra money they would make if they also had it on PPV Prime the same day it opened in theaters. They think they will lose money, but I guarantee that it would be the exact opposite.


Wrong! You can't watch stolen films until they're released.. I seen this movie at A film festival in South Carolina back in August..


It's on rarbg, we saw it on torrents We didn't distribute it, it's legal here. Bye.


long live the pirate party!


There's these things called film festivals, private viewings, critics viewings, hence ALL kinds of ways someone can see a movie before it comes out in the theatres.


dont rate my butt till you have smelled what it can do!


i download it, but not torrent


LOL! Complainers always try to find something to complain about. Try to get others in trouble for something they can't get in trouble for. Even if someone could get a hold of it before release, it isn't us consumers but the people that did the movie or works for the movie being done. How the hell does someone pirate a movie without their hands on it? Pirated movies are when movie has already been out, not before, dummy. Got to have more logic than just saying it happens. Proof that it is just pirated, instead of just saying it is. Look at the people that made the movie first before consumers. Also, other countries get it sooner than others. So it could be released, and you wouldn't know it because it was released in another country.

Take a look at Google Play. They have movies early there. I see them listed of movies I never even heard of on there. I usually check on new releases to see what is out.

Rated R Horror movies are better, no matter the argument.
