MovieChat Forums > La horde (2010) Discussion > Holy s***!!! It got leaked!!!

Holy s***!!! It got leaked!!!

I been waitin foreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever to watch this.

Happy searching everyone.




I know, man. I'm not surprised the subs weren't released with the movie. I remember when Cold Prey 2 came out, it took almost two months for subs to be available. I'm grateful the subs came out the same time, even if I had to search for them.

But the English subs are good, but not the greatest.

I took the srt and I am now in the process of localizing it a little bit in Open Subtitle Workshop. Two hours and three cigarettes later, I'm almost done editing it. From what I seen, this movie is CRAAAAZY! They French make some the most DIESEL horror movies...PERIOD.






