MovieChat Forums > La horde (2010) Discussion > Movie has many logical and technical err...

Movie has many logical and technical errors.

Here are a few:

1) The dubbing is incredibly bad. The word that replaced by "Chinks" is far more offensive than that term.
2) The old guy keep going on about Dien Ben Phu. That was in 1954. Unless he was 17 years and old and there at the time, that was complete BS.
3) Did this film require ANYBODY to get training on weapons before handling them?
4) Very few Nigerians speak French.
5) Abuja is in the Ivory Coast (it where's Bola and Markudi are supposed to be from)

Really bad film.

Bad films are a crime against humanity.


I totally agree I gave up on it after 30-40 minutes. I don't know how they couldn't understand that :

1. They pumped 1000's of bullets into the zombies and they don't die. Then the bald dude blows the one zombies head off and it kills it, then they go back to firing away again when the two guys are turned in the apartment. The scene where the pony tailed dude it going hand to hand combat with zombies was ridiculous.

2. All the characters were douche bags.... and there was no explanation of WTF happened to start the zombie epidemic. I like a little back story or something before the action starts..

Like you , I didn't like ..but I love zombie movies.. this one could have been great. But it missed the mark my a mile.


Ok - what in the world are you talking about? while i'm not necessarily going to defend this movie, your review is absurd.

I saw the movie in French. dubbing is almost ALWAYS bad - except in Spain. The Spaniards have elevated dubbing to an art form. Either way he was calling them *beep*

personally i would find the term "chinks" quite offensive so i don't really see a problem with the translation.

is it really that hard to believe that a 17 year old (or younger) fought in the French Army in the 1950s?

i'll give you this one: the shooting was terrible. but frankly i was more annoyed by their seemingly infinite ammo.... i know most moviemakers are guilty of this - but it was so blatantly absurd in La Horde that it was actually a huge distraction.

but the real issue i have with you is 4 and 5. Very few Nigerians speak French? You must be joking. The Nigerian government has been pushing the hell out of French for years now. Maybe because they are surrounded by other french-speaking nations? Any educated Nigerian is going to speak French on at least a conversational level. While English might be an "official" language - Nigerians speak some 250 languages - with French fast becoming number 2. As they say, English might be the language of science, but there French is the language of diplomacy.

All of this not withstanding, shockingly, Nigerians living in France might consider picking the language up a good business move for their business enterprises (legal or otherwise)

and finally - Abuja is the capital of Nigeria.

this movie is maybe a 6/10
i give your review a 2/10


New Flash: I don't give a crap about you or your review of my review.

Abuja is a capital of Nigeria and it's not Abidjan which is what I thought that the characters said.

You thought this piece of crap was a fairly good film , which says more about your judgment than it does about the overall quality of this film.
The fact that the film has fared poorly both in box office and critical acclaim basically reinforces my view that it is crap.

Anything else?

Bad films are a crime against humanity.


maybe you should go back and reread what you wrote

by jw_mixon
5) Abuja is in the Ivory Coast (it where's Bola and Markudi are supposed to be from)

i didn't say i thought this was a "fairly good film" i mean look at it - it's called The Horde. It's about a bunch of police trying (and failing miserably) to avenge the death of their buddy who then get attacked by zombies. how good can it be? but you are right, 6/10 is WAY too generous. i'd say 4 at best.

the point is - for what it is, i thought it was fairly entertaining. to use the term "film" is even a bit of a reach.


Overall - I did enjoy it. But yes - many errors. I stuck with it - but the errors did annoy me.
Number one was the infinite ammunition - as has been said.
But a close second, is the fact there was no consistency to how or if you could kill these creeps. Sometimes, hundreds of rounds have no effect. Sometimes, you can bash them with your fists or an axe and they stay down (???).
I thought their indestructability was a major detraction. Much better is to devise a reasonable method to actually kill them - find some weakness, I mean, and then that can become the driving issue. To try to exploit that weakness. Examples - the werewolf's silver bullet; the vampires wooden stake in the heart. Yes, great writers have done wonders with these "achilles heels". And it could have worked here too. But instead, in scene after scene, the "heros" are just blazing their inexhaustable weapons directly into the Horde with little or no effect and thus, it was repetitious, and there was no actual reason for anything or any catylist for the action. Nothing to build a plan around, just pointless shooting.
But anyway, it had its moments.
6/10 stars


What word did they use? I saw this (well I gave up on it before it ended) and it was subtitled, and they were saying chinks.


The dubbing is incredibly bad.

I suspected because several of the Old Soldier's lines were silly, and not in a funny way.

Unless he was 17 years

Most people in the military join at 18. I don't see this as an error.

Did this film require ANYBODY to get training on weapons before handling them?

Not sure where you are going with this. They didn't figure out right away that shooting them in the head was the only way to kill them and several of the survivors weren't there when they did.

Very few Nigerians speak French.

I suspect the ones living in France do, not an error.

Abuja is in the Ivory Coast

Abuja is in Nigeria. Your error.

So where are these "many" errors. You listed one.

|Statistics show that 100% of people bitten by a snake were close to it.|


The inconsistency with how the zombies formed: you have two dead bodies that resurrected without having been bitten at all (the guy in the bathroom and the guard from the back entrance) plus one guy who blew his own brains out didn't come back but someone who was shot in the head in the first act suddenly comes back to life near the end?


how is there any inconsistency with how the zombies formed. If you die bite or no bite your a zombie after(just like walking dead). The older bald cop never became a zombie.

Clan Motto: Sapienter si sincere
