movie blows

There were so much dumb ass *beep* in the movie.

I don't think I need to explain head shots. SO many wasted bullets. When did friendship becomes thicker than blood to betray a family. A condemned building with less a teacher?(according to this movie they do need a raise badly) Dude standing on a car surrounded by zombies(come on, you can't fight thru massive amount of dead people to get on top of a car and why was it necessary for him to hold off the crowd? Black guy smashed the dude face on the pillar but never destroyed the brain.... why did the zombie not continued to attack.. and what about his bro?? why didn't he rise and attack? streets were packed with zombies and just outside the front door yet no1 is outside when they finally escaped the building? So many errors. This movie could have been better if they thought more of zombies than 28 days later infected mad runners.


They didn't know the brain out solution of zombies. I agree they should have known since the first was killed in hostage room and precious bullets were wasted. And also the cop on the car scene was brilliant but flawed, zombies could easily reach from the car front, so dumb zombies. By the way WATCH "THE WALKING DEAD" show!!!


I have watched the TV serie. Infact, I saw the leak before it was on AMC. That is a good show with minor flaws but what can you expect?? It is trying to follow the comic book closely. This movie however, missed it by a long shot. I hope WWZ will be as good as Dawn Of The Dead Remake.


The Walking Dead is a pretty sweet show



Yeah the guy on the car scene bugged me too. First off if he wants to distact them just run away and have them chase you, you get them away from your companions and live longer and even have a chance to survive(though he was already bitten so that doesn't matter much). The other part that bugged me is how long it took the zombies to kill him, it wasn't a tall car or anything, they should have overrun him almost instantly.


I absolutely agree. Why the hell was it necessary for one of the cop to hold off the crowd? Why? Couldnt he just have run along with the group. And since he chose to hold off the crowd (for whatever reason that might be), why didnt anybody give him a grenade so he could take out as many as possible since he was going all kamikaze on those zombies.

I had high hopes for this movie. Looked good on paper but man was I disappointed. It had so much potential and could have been so much better.


He was bitten, so he knew he would change soon.... He tried to stall the zombies so the others could get a head start. It was more a distraction than him thinking he could take them all on...

"...And night will come for them, and I will come for you..."


Bola did attack, he was in the car scene with the cop.

Try paying attention.
