MovieChat Forums > 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) Discussion > "Howard was a good guy, Michelle is the ...

"Howard was a good guy, Michelle is the monster" - Just Stop

All you're doing is making yourself out to be either:

A) Someone who didn't pay attention to the movie.

B) An Idiot

C) A Sexist

D) Trolling / All of the above.

Mad Max: Fury Road > Every Other Action Film


You are correct.

Its quite a good element in the movie that for some of it you DO think she is in the wrong, but that's just a good script keeping you guessing. Once the whole film unfolds you can't possibly think she was in the wrong...he was a killer and got what he deserved.

"dont you hear that horrible screaming all around you? That screaming men call silence."


A sexist? Really? This must be the favorite card (besides racist, LGBTphobic) to pull in the past couple of years.


No, because there are actually a couple of whole threads on this board claiming that the main character was stupid simply because she's a woman and that she should have just sat down, shut up, and not questioned anything Howard told her. And that she's the bad guy for not doing that---go figure. If you don't believe me, look them up. Apparently a few posters have a problem with the fact that a woman was even the main character--go figure. And calling someone out for being sexist, racist or homophobic is not pulling out a damn card of any kind, like it's a damn game or something--it's just calling out people who are that way on their bull****, that's all. Just like there's no such thing as the "race card" or any of that bull****.

And, yeah, Howard was the real monster in this film--he was just as scary as the aliens, if you ask me. Check out this thread, in which the OP's reading of the film is just so immature and stupid, it's unbelievable, claiming that Michelle is the villain and all that:



Actually with how open ended this movie was I just disagree. I think its a valid way of looking at it. I mean she basically kills him with still arguably minimal evidence, and everything howard said basically was true maybe aside from running her off the road.
