"Little Woman"?

In the guessing game they play, the answer that Howard missed was "little woman". I wonder if that is even a thing. Never heard that expression before. I can see how Howard may have dismissed it intentionally looking for something "smaller" instead.

Last movie watched: Johnny Got His Gun (8/10)


The answer was "Little Women," as in the classic work of literature.

And all the pieces matter (The Wire)


Okay, that one is below my radar.


Far above it, Ace. Far above it.


@Bob_Brooker It was below Howard's radar too. Howard said, "Little Woman" even after Emmett said that the answer was "Little Women."


Very well-known juvenile literature from way back.

Great scene btw, since Goodman's character could not envision her as a woman.

Princess! Awesome . . and very creepy.


Great scene btw, since Goodman's character could not envision her as a woman.

That was a very telling scene as you say, one of the clues that Howard had some issues regarding women.

And all the pieces matter (The Wire)


Especially with how distressed he was trying to come up with the answer.

The way his tongue was wagging out of his mouth was incredibly unsettling.


Another 'piece of the puzzle' of the fractured being that was "Howie."

Can you fly this plane?
Surely u cant be serious
I am serious,and dont call me Shirley


The charades scene was far and away my favorite scene in the whole movie. It was simultaneously hilarious and terrifying.

Hilarious as his guesses grow more and more outlandish "A princess?!", and the look on Michelle's face that's like "What the hell?" and Emmet soldiering on trying to get him to guess.

Terrifying because it truly shows how warped Howard's perception of Michelle really is. If someone referred to me as a "princess", I would be so majorly creeped out. That's the moment where you're like, dang!, what is going on in this guy's head?


He could have been thinking of A Little Princess. 😜


In the guessing game they play, the answer that Howard missed was "little woman". I wonder if that is even a thing.

It's an old expression, usually referring to someone's wife. Probably not much in use any more.


@masuka-fan Emmett said that the answer was "Little Women."


I felt that it showed how fixated on little girls he was. Dude was a pedophile murderer.
