Snoozefest of the year
I actually watch very few new movies every year because most of them tend to suck. However, having loved the original Cloverfield I decided against popular opinion to give this one a shot..........and boy did I regret it. 100 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
What exactly is its selling point? That they got "Cloverfield" plasted all over the place, or that lame, obscure "nod" to the original with the letter from Japan? Or the oppressive captor shtick who hates the other guy because she likes that guy more than him? Boohoo she doesn't notice me so I'm gonna be mean to the both of them and ruin their evening by yelling.
30 mins into the film I was ready to fall asleep. Gritty suspense & tension? It was nothing more than tiptoeing around a fat bully with anger management issues.
A sure sign of the producers realizing how much it sucks is by throwing in the pedophile implications to try and provoke some reaction from the viewer ZOMG!!!! The world has allegedly gone to hell due to a global chemical attack and all of the sudden they're gonna focus on some fat guy's sexual preferences?
And the ending? Might as well have copied & pasted in the last 15 minutes of Skyline or something. Utterly pointless. Was it supposed to surprise me? Made me triple facepalm actually, and deleted the movie from my hard drive.
And now they're doing a third one and allegedly planning yearly sequels.......what the fark do they think they're doing? What the fark is the point of this sheet?