The HELP message

Possible that it was scratched on the outside, not the inside? Like someone wanted in, not out (e.g. the neighbor)? This would push the narrative that Howard was not evil at all...


Others have mentioned this in threads about whether or not Howard was the bad guy.

I'll be upfront about saying that I don't think it was ambiguous at all: I think that Howard was clearly the villain in this movie. Inside of his mental issues he might have seen himself as being a good guy, but that's not how his actions read to me.

Anyway--I felt like it was pretty strongly implied that the blood on the window and the blood on the earring meant that the previous victim had scratched the message into the glass using her earring (the blood partly coming from injuring herself while trying to scratch the letters). Scratching "help" on a window that faces out makes sense to me; the infected woman or some random neighbor scratching it doesn't. After the invasion things are so crazy that it doesn't quite seem logical to me that someone would sit there and scratch that into the glass (like they have time to scratch it in, but don't think to reverse the letters properly?).

I can't remember whether or not Michelle actually touches the letters with her hand (which would make it very clear to her if the scratches were on her side), or only reaches toward them. Does anyone else remember this detail?


She says they were scratched from the inside when she tells Emmett about it.


She does run her fingers across the letters.


See, it's been a while since I saw the movie. But my memory of that scene was of her touching her fingers to the glass and then looking more upset/horrified.

To me that would imply that the letters were scratched on the inside and she's reacting that way because it confirms what she suspects about a previous woman being held captive.


they'd be inverted.



Never mind - it says "Helf"

Philo's Law: To learn from your mistakes, you have to realize you're making mistakes.


+5 points for excellent Far Side reference!


outside the Weather would have erased it eventually

