MovieChat Forums > 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) Discussion > A "doomsday prepper" whom failed to stoc...

A "doomsday prepper" whom failed to stock up on booze?!!!!!

Remember how Howard only has "moonshined" vodka to offer as alcoholic beverage?

I mean, how could he possibly have NOT loaded up on beer, spirits and yes, even drugs (pot, heroin, anything you can snort/shoot/smoke/etc)?

It's the easiest to preserve (booze won't go to waste anytime soon if original container remains closed), and clearly one of the very first things you'll need to endure a prolonged stay underground, riding out whatever happened above ground (if a nuclear war broke out or an alien invasion too place, cirrhosis and addiction will be the LEAST of your problems).

So how could he have NOT done that?

That to me was the clearest sign that he was completely insane (I was almost waiting for him to say next "Oh, we're also out of toilet paper, so start getting used to eating with one hand..."


I get what you're saying, but that's a very low priority for some reason.. He did have painkillers tho.. He gave her A demerol in the beginning of the film..


About as low priority as toilet paper!!!

Your life may not depend on it, but your comfort and thus sanity sure will...


I mean to some people.. I'd definitely want it lol


If you're old enough, you're likely to remember a MAD Magazine issue that dealt with "The Day After" movie, pointing out what would be on any (practical) person's to do list of things to do after a nuclear war.

One of them was "Smoke, booze, and shoot up all you want, for lung cancer, addiction and cirrhosis are the LEAST of your problems now!", right next to "Put your 10 year calendar to more immediate practical use" meaning as toilet paper.


Considering that he didn't even want his captives to touch, I don't find it hard to believe that he would deign to imbibe on controlled substances.


I wonder if any preppers saw this movie and if so, were they offended by Goodman's portrayal, liked it or that it reminded them of more things they need to do for their preparations.


I wonder if any preppers saw this movie and if so . . . it reminded them of more things they need to do for their preparations.

"Darlene--next time you run by the hardware store can you pick me up one of those barrels of body-dissolving acid? Thanks, babe!"


The barrels of acid should be a priority considering that nobody in the bunker is foolproof to death. What you do with a decaying body in a bunker?


What you do with a decaying body in a bunker?

Not a question I've ever given serious thought.

Not a question I ever plan (or hope) to give serious thought.

Preferably some method that doesn't have the potential to kill or maim if tipped over?


Maybe a compost box? But that is kind of morbid.


Or a metal box that could be welded shut? I mean, anything that could be sealed would work, right?

Oh, December 5th, 2006--the date I started figuring out how to dispose of a dead body in a bunker, sigh.


No i don't think it will works. Decomposition is far more complex than just a body who is disapearing. The box will start to be pressured by the gaz of the rotting corspe, a ferment juice of the decomposition will start to leak on the weak sides of the box until someone just accidently touch it then...BOOM, every thing will be red.


Awesome ;)


I was thinking about it recently since I watched Don't breathe and I think barell with crude oil or tar where you submerge the body could do it.

The best - Fight Club, American Beauty & Falling Down.


Booze is low on the prepping stockpile for personal use. If you are looking to use it as trade with addicts it is a great thing to keep but for personal use it's terrible. It is addictive (and if you are prepping you do not want anything that breeds weakness) not to mention that with that excessive consumption of alcohol dehydration can become a problem. If I had the ability to make a bunker underground I would never have drinking alcohol. One could argue a bit of alcohol for special occasions but as much as I enjoy some rum I wouldn't keep it personally. Rubbing alcohol for cleansing is another story however.

"Sorry to hear it, I'm a fan."


Like the OP said any problems brought on by alcohol are the least of anyones worries in that situation, alcohol or drugs might be the one thing that could help keep a person sane in that situation for long periods of time. Depending on the situation I think going underground into a bunker is almost worse than just dying right away during a disaster. Its like living like a cockroach just trying to eek out a pathetic life where you don't even really live you just exist from day to day, that seems like a living hell.


See, YOU get it!


Yes, let's get addicted to heroin in an underground bunker. When you run out, have fun kicking the habit you created.
