I liked some of this movie and it's great to see a resourceful heroine but wasn't Michelle just TOO smart and resourceful?
I mean, she even says she spent many years running away from things then when captured she's brilliant at putting things together, sets fire to a spaceship etc.
I think it would have worked better if she said she was an engineering student or something rather than a fashion desinger - I would believed it more, as it is, it was just way too much.
Well, she did have Howard's survivalist literature and diagrams to help her assemble the suit. And even then . . . the suit was not so great. I think it's important to remember that the suit is never truly tested because of the state of the air when she emerges.
And the thing with the spaceship had a very beginner's luck vibe to me. Just a last-ditch, might as well moment.
There were several key moments where Michelle made serious mistakes, such as not being able to screw the vent in properly, and also her great plan for hiding the suit in progress was . . . shove it under her bed.
Michelle's risks don't always work out. She gets lucky, in a sense, because Howard wants to keep her around and so he's more forgiving when he catches her doing things she shouldn't.
To me the movie was more about her need to keep fighting and trying things. She talks about being indecisive in the past, and this situation forces her to make decisions and follow through on them. There's the old saying "Fortune favors the brave," and Michelle feels like a good example of that.
I agree with you. I was thinking the same thing, that she was very MacGyver-y and too quick acting for the circumstances happening around her. She didn't seem scared or panicked when she was about to be devoured by the alien ship and quickly makes a fire bomb in her last seconds.