MovieChat Forums > A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) Discussion > Is this the worst remake of all time?

Is this the worst remake of all time?

Like, what happened here? A remake to be given such a huge budget and near quality cast squanders it to produce quite possibly the worst remake of all time?

- Freddy wasn't scary, and what were they thinking with that horrible voice? He didn't even look terrifying given all the CGI effects we have now vs the 80s. Englund was unsettling and sadistic, this new Freddy is just tormented and a pedophile. Yawn

- None of the characters were likeable or developed. A bunch of random teenagers get killed. Yawn

- Why did they feel the need to recreate deaths from the original frame by frame? And again, they didn't even do them justice, they ended up looking like cheap imitations (and given their budget, they weren't...) All it did was serve as a reminder that the original did it so much better, despite being made 30 years before. Yawn

Terrible, terrible movie.


You gave this a 4, not a 1. I'm pretty sure this isn't the worst remake out there, especially since movies like The Fog and Prom Night exist.


Not when the Psycho remake exists, but it's definitely down there

Death Awaits (Horror forum)


Since when has Freddie been scary? He's a comedy character in the original movies. Maybe slightly less so in the first one, but he's never really scary because of all the comedic kills he pulls off. His one liners also make him funny, not scary. I found the remake/reboot Freddie to be scarier simply because he was more serious.

This was by no means the worst remake of all time IMO and I found it to be quite enjoyable. People who have never seen the original will definitely enjoy this more than the long time fans tho.



No, that would be Psycho (1998). I actually liked this remake; its not as good as the original, but its still pretty good imo. Jackie Earl Haley was awesome as Freddy.

"Speak of the Devil, and He shall appear."


The fact that Freddy could crack such funny jokes while killing people is what made him so scary to me. I also think the "Prom Night" remake is light years better than the original.

"There will be blood. Oh, yes, there WILL be blood."-Jigsaw; "Saw II"


I didnt think it was that bad.  The Halloween remakes are pretty bad.

R.I.P Paul Walker 1973-2013


While I didn't like this or the "Halloween" remake, I didn't hate them like I thought I would.

"There will be blood. Oh, yes, there WILL be blood."-Jigsaw; "Saw II"



^Much agreed.


Nah, I can name a lot worse.
