I mentioned in my first post that I don't give a crap about sequels. They are mostly horrible, and everyone expects them to be. They are lazy attempts to cash in as well, but they are sequels, not remakes of classic films.
Remakes devalue the originals. Simple as that. It's lazy. It's a cash grab. It's an insult to the original films, like saying "your movie isn't good enough, so we're going to make it over again". Now, don't get me wrong, a few remakes have surpassed original films, but it's extremely rare, and once again, with anything, it's all pretty subjective. I fall on the side of "*beep* remakes".
None of the Batman films were remakes. Different titles. Same characters in completely different plotlines. A remake takes the exact title, plot, with all of the best remembered key scenes, and just "does them over." I can even justify this to some extent...if they simply add a subtitle so the original film can stand alone.
Characters like Freddy, Dracula, Batman, etc...they will always be in movies, and that is fine, but by constantly doing the same thing over and over, it just waters everything down and ruins what everyone liked about the characters in the first place.
We are living in the time of unoriginality, and it's a shame. Figured it would die out soon, but people will always be looking for the quickest way to make some cash, and the sheep keep coming to the slaughter, so I'm sure we will see remakes of all the classic horror movies left unscathed, and all timeless classic movies in general, for a long time to come. And I'll be pissed at every one of them.