Disappointed(spoilers )
I saw the trailer months ago, saw the actors and director, I thought it would of been better. I came on here and people who had seen the movie or read the book, talked about twists? What twists? That they teamed up to go look for the guys real son? The concept was interesting, but how they pulled it off was annoying to me.
There were way too many loose ends, we never find out who the dead guy was. Why the cops imprisoned, beat and tried to murder Sam Shepard's character.. What was the point of that? Why was Sam Shepard so enraged at Michael C. Hall's character, he said himself he hadnt seen or spoken to his son since he was Mch's sons age. Even at the end when he shoots the guy, he says are you my dad and SS says "as far as I know". They had absolutely no connection whatsoever. Why go through all the trouble to stalking the family and threaten the boy with bullets in his bed?
People have already touched on the crawl space issue, if he was in the crawl space why would it be wet and dripping water if he never left the house? Why would MCH want to help a guy who just stalked and threatened his family? The connection made no sense, regardless if he believed he had shot a different person, I just can't take the part serious enough. If Sam Shepards character is that crazy and unstable(something that wasn't consistent through the entire movie btw), why would you want to work with him to help find his son?
Then we get to the part where the movie goes into basically a second, completely different movie. Its no longer about the man MCL shot, or the cops doing illegal activity(including attempted murder). Which is never anwsered by the way. It's now about Shepards son who we find out is possibly alive, and the whole thing was set up by the feds(why are the locale police in a small town doing the FBI's bidding in a witness protection case?), he is now in the witness protection program,in which he is moved to Houston a couple hours away, and our 3 hero's are now trying to contact him for some reason. MCH's character feels the need to travel along.
Don johnson by going through the DMV, finds two people who he thinks could be him. So they investiagte.. As they pull in front of the house, they get into a fender bender basically with Shepard's sopposed sons conspirator, he gets out and starts a fist fight(makes sense with a trunk full of video snuff film's revealing dozens of murders you had committed). Of course the old guy's beat the huge mexican up, and as they inspect the damage they see the tapes...
Oh I see this random video tape.. it has batting pactice written in magic marker on the front. I think im going to leave this place, abandon the entire reason we came here, so we can watch this random VHS tape from this guy's trunk. So it shows a snuff film with Shepard's alleged son, beating a woman to death with a baseball bat (which admittedly was shocking, even though nothing is shown). Someone please explain to me why Shepard was so upset that his son was a sadistic torcher killer? Wasn't this the same guy that was just in another mans house in a crawl space threatening to kill his son? I mean come on, that's what I mean when Shepard's character was not consistent whatsoever. After all of this, and they do the final shoot out, and the good guys win and the hooker is saved.. We never even find out if the guy was Shepard's son or not!? It's just some random blond hair, blue eyes guy, that might have been his son. So in the end, nothing is solved, no answers are ever given.
It was like watching two different movies that were bandaged or taped together. The characters names were the same. But that's where any consistency ends. I watched it having high hopes, but the story (which had potential) was bad, and the characters were very unrealistic. The acting was top notch, the mood, lighting, music, locations that was all great. I thought the character writing was terrible.
I wanted to like it but I just couldn't.. the more I think about it, the more I dislike it. .