MovieChat Forums > Cold in July (2014) Discussion > ???'s about police involvment and other ...

???'s about police involvment and other ???'s (Major Spoiler alert)

How were the police certain their fake fake Freddy would be killed by Richard after breaking into the house or did they just see this killing as a good opportunity to use declare Freddy dead and make a hero out of Richard?

Also, how were the police certain Freddy's dad Ben would certainly take revenge against his sons killer, Richard. What if he just let it be? They baited him but how did the know for sure head bite.

Ben knew Freddy was a home burglar, and that's how he died. It's safe to assume home burglars in Texas such as Freddy must have committed other offenses and lived a life a crime, which would make it highly likely he had already killed in his , since in Texas it's legal to kill someone if they are in robbing your home or in your home unwanted, its even legal to kill someone if they are breaking into your neighbors home, Texas's stance on home invasion is if you commit the crime and you are caught by a neighbor or homeowner you can be killed no questions asked so Freddy must have carried a gun for protection and used it because everyone in texas has a gun and living a high risk life of crime in Texas means you probubly killed to get what you wanted sometime down the line. But to Ben, his son being killed for burglarizing a house wasn't an acceptable punishment for his son which is why he wanted revenge, my question is why only after seeing the tape and knowing his son was a killer was it okay for him to decide his son had to die? Was it because he was killing women or the brutality of the murders, of that he got off on recording the events? I don't understand why it was okay for Ben to decide his son deserved to die for what he saw on the tape instead of what he had done to Richard and probubly more people we can assume and we can also assume he had murdered in the past. So why when Richard "killed" Freddy was it not okay for Freddy to die but when Ben saw the tape it became okay for Freddy to die?'

Also, When Richard returned to help them kill everyone they didn't seem the least bit surprised or curious

I was surprised Ben died from his wounds and Jim-Bob survived what seemed like a direct hit from Freddy's gunshot.

A side not: Ben also mumbled his words silently many time making it difficult to hear him, is this how Sam Shepard also speaks in movies or was this how he particularly played Ben?

Did we ever wonder who was in Freddy's grave or do we even care?

Did the police figure they're plan was foiled because Ben's body was probubly found burned in the house with I.D possibly on him and Freddy now dead. I also don;t remember them reburying "Freddy" and anyone can tell a fresh dug up grave, so this coupled with the fact Richard was adamant that the mugshot of Freddy was not the man he killed they could easily assume he has something to do with the really Freddy death and wouldn't a state wide police cover up with murdering crooked cops be more dangerous to Richard than anything else? Why did he seem relieved at the end as if it was all over, it seems to me his problems could just be arising.

Also at the end did I see the hooker they saved at Jim-Bob's house when Richard pulled away or was that some other lady?

Don Johnson was great in this movie by the way he definitely saved it or it would be a more somber grim movie without him , he gave it some laughter and energy against the serious and scared Richard and Ben the silent,lethal man with his own moral code of justice and some heart.
