Small things that took me out of the movie
1) Supposed to be east Texas in July yet I don't think one person ever broke a sweat. Pretty lush and deep green scenery, much more so than I recall in E Texas. Turns out it was shot in upstate NY. Figures. It's never ACTUALLY cold in July in E Texas. Title is just a metaphor (for something, I guess).
2) First, hubby buys the ugly gold sofa, then they go to the store to pick out her preferred floral. Later they're back at home sitting on the gold one. Only yet later they're finally on the floral number.
3) For a guy who owns a frame shop the picture over the sofa looks wrong. It looks like something they picked up at a garage sale. I can't imagine a true craftsman would let such junk into his house.
4) Why would rain water drip into the house/closet just because the hatch to the crawl space is open? If the roof were leaky it would have dripped during previous rains, open or not.
5) How do those scumbag snuff-film makers get access to that English manor house for their nasty work?
6) "The only furin movies we's got is Japanese and Mexican." "No, we've got some British, too."
What? No Canadian? Icelandic? Mauritanian?
7) So this whole first-half plot was a scam to lure Sam Shepard so that they could have him murdered? Even though he'd just been sitting in jail?
Man, and I thought the Guantanamo situation was messed up.
8) So after exhuming the body they depart the cemetery without putting the casket back in the grave and filling in the dirt... and apparently nobody ever notices, it never comes back to Mr. Mullet who had publicly raised questions about the corpse, and there are no repercussions?
9) Least convincing drive-in movie theater ever. And what ancient movie were they showing? Whatever it was it not likely that it would be the feature in a small Texas-- or NY State-- town in 1989. Nor would any drive-in have a full-on Mexican cantina such as the one depicted. Nor would Sam Shepard be wandering around in it-- or anywhere in that town-- if he's supposed to be dead or targeted by the police.
I could go on.