MovieChat Forums > Cold in July (2014) Discussion > Don Johnson stole the show!

Don Johnson stole the show!

I forgot how charismatic Don Johnson can be on screen. Wish he were in more movies. ???


He had a recent bit part in the first season of the series From dusk till Dawn; showing the young uns how it's done.


It's the reason why I rented it. He's just good in whatever role he does. Love Sam Shepard too!


His entrance scene was definitely the best part of this film! yes, we need to see him more.


He's got himself in good shape too. Liked seeing him in Django Unchained too.


they need a miami vice reunion

Job application: "Do you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender?"


The entire cast is excellent. One of the best films I've seen since Raid 2. It might remain in my top 5 of the year.

Action Hero's Anthem


He reminded me of an older Matthew McConaughey. In fact, I thought it was MM in makeup at first.


I agree, Don was superb in this.

Duty Now For The Future


swaggy old man

great to see him come back

"The only thing a gun does is focusing an explosion in one direction"


He's what attracted me to the film initially he's the man! But the rest of the cast also did well, good movie... I second that they need a vice reunion, with Michael Mann in his 80's-90's state of mind it could be epic

Untouchable Darkness


Thought Don was terrific (he always is). But they all took turns in stealing the show. Hall had the toughest role playing a mostly passive observer, but on 2nd viewing he was amazing. And Sam Shepard just took it away from everyone in the last quarter. His scenes haunted me the most.


I love Johnson and always have but I rented it for Hall.


I was never a fan of Don Johnson back in his heyday. But I'm definitely a fan of his now after seeing him in this movie. Just wow!
