MovieChat Forums > Cold in July (2014) Discussion > This film has too many adult themes for ...

This film has too many adult themes for young people

I have been reading this forum and it seems so many of themes about parents and children and justice are difficult to follow for people. I have also seen how there is a difficulty in understanding why the FBI and the Sheriff's department work the way they do in the film. Oddly, all these factors are blamed as plot holes or bad direction.

I'm actually very shocked that extremely basic points in the film are difficult for people to follow. I can understand how the Father/Son Family themes are difficult but the FBI and witness protection themes are pretty well explained throughout the film.

I think if you found it a tough watch come back to it in 5 or 10 years time. It's a very simple film to follow, very well directed and scripted as well.


Nothing is hard to follow. It's just crap.


You're referring to taste. I'm referring to people's complaints.


No worries, Fast N Furious 24 is comin out soon, I'm sure you'll be there.




I guess the snuff movie parts has adult themes but nothing is hard to follow.

Its that man again!!


I totally agree. Most of the posters here seems to be kids who like spoonfed plots without subtleris.
I liked this adult movie A LOT.


The reason many of the plot points are looked upon as holes is because they are. Why does someone the police are trying to protect and not draw any attention too have a wanted poster with his face on it posted in the middle of the police station? Why did Jim Bob steal the snuff-tape before he knew what it was? The most frustrating thing is that the novel fills these things in (and more) so the movie really had it's work cut out for it, but still made it a mess. I won't argue against the fact that it's well directed, but let's not pretend that it was well written. (Read the book and you'll see what I mean)
