a bit 'all over the place'
Was the writing a bit sloppy? The storyline a bit rushed? Who were these people? Why does a small-town framer, averse to violence, leave his family and risk his life by following two very shady characters (a pig-farmer detective?) into a gunfight? I can understand that he wants to know the id of the burglar he killed, but how does helping the father locate his son help in this regard? Did we ever find out why the police wanted to kill the father? idk, just seemed like they threw a bunch of characters together and expected us to go along with their ill-defined goals. Also, The way they found the videotape - a random car accident followed by a random opening of the trunk - was not convincing as a means of changing the direction of the storyline. It felt rushed and contrived. I liked the feel of the movie but couldnt connect to the story.