One of my favorites

Bill Bryson is one of my favorite writers. This books vivid description
of scenery and situations will certainly make the bad buddy movies a
thing of the past. i cant wait for 2009 this movie will rock, Redford
as Bryson wouldn't of been my first choice, i would maybe of like to of
seen Brendan Gleeson as Bryson, he fits the look and the probable some
of the "English" sentiment Bryson developed whilst there for 20 years.


Redford bought the rights to the book, that's why he's the star. Bryson said that he was thrilled about it. Thought he doesn't seem like 'Bryson' per se, but actors make characters their own. The book itself content-wise is right up RR's alley, so it's not surprising he read and optioned the book.
Brenden Gleeson was great in In Bruges and got rave reviews for his performance. He has the knack for that partnership dynamic and looks like a 'Katz'. The only thing is they both have the same color hair. The pair can't look identical so Gleeson would have to change his hair.


No, no, no, no, no!! Redford is too old for this! "He doesn't seem like 'Bryson per se"?? Well, gee, could it be because he's at least 20 years older than the characters in the book and is in no way believable as a middle-aged man? I love Bill Bryson, which is why I wish Robert Redford, as great as he is, would come to terms with the fact that he's a senior citizen and this role is not for him--not if he loves the book and the story.... And, gosh, what else do you expect Bryson to say when a major director buys the rights to his book, "Um, I hate the casting..."?

"A Walk in the Woods" is very specifically about middle age. I don't usually get bent if a director/writer hacks up a book, because it's their right, but this book was so fine. Please, Bob! CAST SOMEONE ELSE!! Be a man! (A 71.5-year-old man!)


Yes, I agree. I have trouble relating some of the dialogue to 70 year-olds. However, Redford could choose to go with a younger actor as Katz (someone in their mid-40s). In the book, Bryson was more the foil( or straight man) for Katz. The relationship between the two men may have to be tweeked for the script, but it would work. What about Drew Carey as Katz?


I read an article that was dated as far back as 2005 that this movie was going to be made, although it said that Redford would direct as as well. There was also speculation that Julia Roberts would have a cameo. Redford also talked about having Paul Newman play Katz as Newman and Redrord had not shared the screen in over 20 years and Newman having a desire to do one more film role and then retire. Although I am pleased that this film is being made and that Bryson himself handled the script because he's adept enough as a writer to adapt his work. As I am in the last 50 pages of the book, I am excited to follow this movie adaptation and see where it goes. here is the link to the article on the movie from 2005.


It'll be interesting to see if he can put together a punchy, smart script. It certainly needs some generous adaptation to make it to film. I think he should be up to it. I just finished reading "A short History..." and it's too fab to express! If he can write that, (and he did) he can write something fab for RR. Wouldn't it be cool if he got a best adaptation Award for the film?

How could JR have ever been mentioned in connection with this project? What was she supposed to be, some sleazy waitress or better, the rude one in TN? I don't think who wrote this article knows the book.


That's interesting.

I also would never have expected Redford to play Bryson. I would have thought of more of a character actor and someone younger -- like William H Macy. Still, I like Barry Levinson and it'll be good to see Redford do something light.


I always thought of Donal Logue as either Katz or Bryson


donal logue he might be perfect for katz but i was also thinking john c rieley


Love this Book! So excited!!
Meredith Prunty
Actress, Anti-Bully Advocate, Volunteer


Can't wait to see this. Hope Robert Redford is still attached to star.

"Inside everyone is a frontier waiting to be discovered"
