That's mind-blowing Indianajmb! I was just thinking the other Bob spends time in Utah, and how Harrison spends time in Wyoming...yeah, both in the West...
How long does Harrison have to wait between making movies? Let's pencil him in and if RR is really going to do this film and isn't just yanking our chain again, we'll see if HF is ready too.
Can you imagine it?! Two biggies from completely opposite sides of the movie-making spectrum coming together to make a fun, rompy buddy picture! It would catch everyone off guard. Sure, we'll need a lot of digital computization to make this work but that shouldn't stand in the way. Ah, the logistics...
Love Harrison Ford and would love to see he and Redford in a film, but not this one. It's hard for me to picutre Harrison Ford as the overwight sort of loser than Katz was.
Favorite scene with Katz was when he was drinking the cream soda on the Friday when he rather would have been watching X files. Katz was a moron, he got lost in the woods and ended their trip. They couldn't complete the hundred mile wilderness and Harrison Ford probably wouldn't play an idiot.
Nah, Harrison Ford wouldn't want to play the idiot, it is against his movie star persona. Maybe Nick Nolte is destined to play that part? I see he is already mentioned as cast memeber.