age difference!!
it's completely off, it has been mentioned, but looking up the numbers, it's just utterly ridiculous:
Bryson was 38 tops when he walked (parts) of the trail, Katz as his high school buddy would be the same age.
Redford, amazing actor as he is, in amazing shape no less, is TWICE that old, and so is Nolte (minus the shape thing).
The book is about a man before any kind of midlife crisis, just trying to shake things up a bit and trying to loose some weight, where as this is about two old man (78, 75) who can be lucky to still be walking without a mobility aid, or breathing...
Also Bryson met his wife when he was travelling England in his early 20s, so his wife is about his age, give or take a few years, but they didn't have the guts to pair Redford with an appropriately aged actress, because who wants to see Redford with a granny in her late 70s, everyone would assume that'd be his mum