How are they going to do this?
shareWell, they have a production company with money and a script and people. They get a crew, cast and location and they make the film.
shareLol how original! i mean, will they do it like Bill Bryson is writing it as they go, or will it just be about two guys walking in the woods?
shareFrom what I understand at this point (and there is so little information on this film at the moment) B. Bryson is adapting a script from his book. Persumably it will concentrate on the narrative parts of the story and some other adjustments will be made. From reading the book, I can see the set-up for the story, where bryson is researching, shopping, angling for a partner, preparing for the trip to be a big part of setting the tone for the rest of the movie.
shareAs I read this book and later listened to it twice on CD (Perfect for long road trips), I had all sorts of images and ideas going through my mind as I'm sure Redford did as he read it. I think the images and the beauty of the trail itself are more to be the basis of the film rather than a direct adaptation. There was a lot to the book involving self discovery, recognition of how much America is the "Car Culture" (Heck, I walked 3 miles to pick my car up from the shop once and the guy thought I was nuts) and what is going on environmentally in the US; there are a lot of things this film could hit upon and of course along with a lot of narration by Redford. Of course none of this sounds like its aiming to be a blockbuster, more of a self indulgent project for Redford, and for me thats just fine - its a worthwhile indulgence. Although I did read an article where Redford had hoped to get Paul Newman to play Katz, I think togetehr they could have made it a hit, but of course it would be more of a true comedy and farther from the actual book. Either way to answer the original question "HOW IS IT GOING TO BE A FILM?!!!" In the opening credits it will probably say "Inspired by the book by Bill bryson" Still, I am looking forward to it.
shareThis is one of my favorite books, I can't wait to see the movie! Also, why would this be so hard to make? Two guys having adventures on the trail. Ever see Redford's "Motorcycle Diaries"? What are you, an unimaginative moron? I don't like to sound rude, but a man can make a movie out of anything, it is about the journey, the human interaction. I liked the book so much, I don't understand why you find it so hard to see it as a book. What did you have, the pop-up book version?
Yeah, well...that's just, like, your opinion, man.
Is this site a book club review?? Didn't read the book and therefore loved the movie. No preconceived notions about age or who should have played what. When a book is that much of a fave and you want it EXACTLY like the book just stay home. Simple.
I liked the book and the film, but, they are different, indeed.
Wow. OP is from 2008. This movie has been in the works for a long time.