MovieChat Forums > A Walk in the Woods (2015) Discussion > O, C'mon ~ Consistently charming/funny, ...

O, C'mon ~ Consistently charming/funny, and poignant given their ages!

Due to extended wait-lists on other selections, this buddy-flick floated to the top of my Netflix queue before I had a chance to check out reviews here. (Not that I ever let reviews entirely determine my choices).

The general consensus is so tough that I tossed it over to my husband & said I'd be multi-tasking in the background while he watched. And, while he wasn't crazy about it, I found myself drawn in by the playful dialogue and engaging pacing.

Bottom line: I liked it! Found it touching & sweet without becoming saccharine or trite.

Maybe you have to be a Boomer to appreciate it: the need to stay aligned to Source as you grow older, and how well Nature provides that. The large part of their conversational exchanges devoted to reminiscing. Playful banter alternating with irritability, competition and discord. For me, it pulsated right along, winsomely.

The highlight, as it should be plotting-wise, was when all seemed lost and that lethal threat brought out their truest values, and they became philosophical.
Also appreciated that they didn't opt for the excessively heroic, and had the boyz quit while they were ahead. The trip was a lot to ask of two geezers in their 70s, and what they did manage provided them with what they needed: Mission accomplished!


I'm a 32 year old male, and I liked it a lot OP!


Glad to hear!


So glad I read your post! I am gonna watch it with my 20 something kids and I hope they like it too! (I believe they will!)

Wait! Wait! Where are you going? I was gonna make Espresso!


I was so happy and absolutely loved it! Much better than I expected and I too, thought it was because I am a Boomer. But the more I read I see lots of younger people liked it too! Very funny. I laughed SO hard throughout the whole movie! Nolte was hysterical and Redford had that dry sense of humor. Just great!

Wait! Wait! Where are you going? I was gonna make Espresso!


I loved it too!

It's a keeper.
