MovieChat Forums > A Walk in the Woods (2015) Discussion > Book Dialog Translation to Older men

Book Dialog Translation to Older men

Do you think the book's dialogue and events will translate well to men in their 60's or 70's. I have a hard time imagining a 60-year-old overweight guy trying to climb up to a bunk without someone immediately coming to his aid. Or coming out with some of the things that Katz does.

Also, I read something today, that brought to mind a joke in the book about pedophilia. Do you see them switching this joke for another? I'm not a "politcally correct" person but when it comes to this subject I find any jokes about it awful.



Yeah, I that joke wasn't funny. I can't imagine they would think to use it. There's tons of other droll quips they can choose from, that don't touch on that subject. Bob's fervent against the sexual exploitation of children.

As for the age thing, they shouldn't have to be age specific, do they? Bryson described themselves as two middle-aged guys. We don't know if the co-star will be in his 40's or 50's or what and Bob regularly plays characters decades younger than he is. He could do 50-60s. I'd hate for anyone to be stereotyped by their age. When you say, 'some of the things that Katz does', could that mean his brush with Beulah? I think that could be a fun part of the narrative of the film. Personally, I'd like to see them stick close to their adventures and characters, Bryson with his family and Katz with his issues. Perhaps add more adventures. I'd hate them to limit this film to being constrained by what 'old' guys can do, and knowing Bob it won't be an issue. People are more active and healthy then ever these days regardless of their chronological age.

However, when P.Newman was attached to this project surely there would have been some age related bitching going on. After bowing out, perhaps the script is going through some revision. We'll have a better idea once the co-star is announced. I do hope they move along with this quick. Logistically, they have until fall, early winter if they want to get the filming done this year.


Yes, maybe there will be rewrites to add more dialogue. I hope they don't decide to film with soft focus lens, this drives me nuts.

Projects with Redford are notorious for dragging on. But I agree, he probably wants to do it this year, it would be nice for Christmas. He needs a hit (i.e. moneymaker)



I'd like this film to come out promptly for a change. He does need a hit for a change too. That'd be super.

What's a soft focus lens? What other movies of his did they use this, so I know what you mean? Horse Whisperer?


Yes Horse Whisperer.

I see the film only coming out next summer. How long does it usually take to film, two or three months? Then there's the editing, another couple of months.



"I'd like this film to come out promptly for a change."

And yet, seven-and-a-half years later, it has yet to come out, LOL.


I disagree strongly. I do not think Redford plays 50s or 60s well at all. He's a wonderful actor and a fine filmmaker, but if he plays this part it's purely out of ego and not out of love for the book or its story. I love the guy, I really do, but he just isn't convincing as a middle-aged man--no way, no how, and with no amount of fuzzy filming or make-up. (Possibly with hands over eyes.) He's in his 70s, for Pete's sake. Let it go, man! Let middle-aged audiences have a film of their own for once, instead of forcing us to put up with old guys who just can't let go of their long lost youth. (Ironically, if these were women's roles, they'd be played by 30-year-olds.)

Initially, I was excited when I heard that "A Walk in the Woods" was going to be a film, but when I found out Redford had cast his senior citizen self in the role, my love and loyalty for all things Bill Bryson went completely out the window.


I couldn't agree with you more "indyslf". I greatly admire Redford but he is too senior to play this role. Actors around 60 would be better suited than Nolte and Redford. I'd prefer any combination of the following; Alec Baldwin, Kevin Costner, Kurt Russell, Jeff Bridges or (dare I say it), Mel Gibson.
That being said, being a Redford fan and a middle age wilderness hiker, I'm looking forward to seeing the film upon its release.


there was a joke about necrophilia, not pedophilia. while the latter is repulsive, there's nothing that isn't funny about sex with a dead person!!


Eeww! Eeew! Eeew! Not funny.
Check yourself. Eeww.

Anyway, there was a joke about pedophilia. The crux of which began, 'how do you spell pedophilia?'. Perhaps you were distracted by ugly thoughts.


Yes, Cristine is correct. There was definitely a joke about pedophilia



Quite right.


They did a great book and author a disservice.
I'm familiar with Bryson's work and it didn't need a 70 yr old Redford to be great.
