How did this movie get away with not mentioning Israel once?
Israel was not even identified on the big map of the Middle East in the "war room," where Bush and the Israel loyalist Neocons plotted the Iraq invasion.
In one scene, Dreyfuss (as Cheney) explains the "vision" of the Neocons - control the oil in all of the nations currently viewed as hostile, and thus "controlling the world." And he points to Israel, which is NOT identified on the big map, as where the oil "will be pumped through." That is the Neocon vision. Have America invade Iraq, Iran, Syria and occupy all of those nations (and "never leave," which is what Cheney says in the film and what he's said in real life). Pump the oil through Israel and have Israel sell it to the United States. Only those pesky militant Muslims in the way.......
I read a few years ago that Israel was the "White elephant in the room" when the war was blueprinted - no one mentioned it, or stood up to the dual citizenship loyalty of people like Wolfowitz, or the "Think Tanks" accountable to no American voter, which pushed for the war against the sovereign nation that never attacked the U.S. (Think Tanks like PNAC, made up of other Israel-Before-America people like Bill Kristol and Richard Perle). For so much influence, you'd think Stone would have included some references. But then I supposed he would be tagged an as "anti Semite." Apparently telling the truth now makes you an anti Semite in this country.
(I posted similar comments about Israel on other movie boards, like "Green Zone," and they were removed by the website administrator, which also proves that you can't even question this omission in a movie - I hope these comments do not get censored).
Dude means nice guy. Dude means a regular sort of person.