Well in that vein....
There ought to be a Law against any Law that steps on, suppresses, or down right strips away our Inalienable Rights as Americans.
You know, like The Patriot Act for example.
Oh, wait there is a 'Set of Laws' against such a foul Fascist type 'thing' which is named: The Patriot Act.
(Just the name alone screams George Orwell)
It is Our Constitution of the United States of America that TRUMPS so-called laws like The Patriot Act...
Because it is OUR form Of Government that defines us as Americans.
Meaning Our Constitution.
You can have any other form of government with any other country and they will still be defined as who they are.
For example you can still be French, German, Italian, etc with any other form of government. Doesn't matter...
Not so with the United States of America.
We are DEFINED as AMERICANS only because of our Constitution.
Our Form Of Government. Take that away and we are no longer American Citizens.
Think about that for a moment...
Under George W Bush's Administration he ALLOWED The Patriot Act.
Bill Clinton did NOT do any better with ALLOWING 'Echelon' to take place either...
Obama has NOT stopped the wars, the torture, the drugs (from Afghanistan).
Obama is no different than Bush or McCain would be at this point.
By the way I remember George W Bush speaking about how we can be 'Patriotic' right after 9/11.
He said we should go out and buy a car, go to Disney World, etc...etc...
Patriotism to me anyways is Questioning, Challenging, each and everything the government does.
Patriotism to me is NOT buying crap...
Here is a Link to from the Washington Post in 2008.
Still applies even today...
Link: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/10/03/AR2008100301977.html