hold on


there has to be more than me out there that narrowed down the ending halfway through. not the ending exactly but at least how the connection was made. it was immediate pretty much as soon as alex hung up the girl's picture on the wall to the first scene robert pulls his own picture out of his jacket. after the first mention of the hospital i predicted she'd probably let herself in while they were out or him taking her up to the bedroom where she'd see it. i didn't expect such an anticlimactic ending but when you get the idea pretty early on it's surprising to read that it was surprising for anyone else.

was it also not annoying that coming from a small town where a murder would be considered a large deal that the wife seemingly made no connection of alex's confession at her house? right?


so, you predicted that the wife of the policeman will see Alex' photo of Tamara?

which confession at her house?


It was very predictable.
Towards the end, after she realizes who he is, I kept wishing something unexpected would happen, a surprise, but unfortunately the movie ended a few minutes later.


I had a feeling the 'resolution' (without giving away spoilers) that took place would be something similar.

The movie starts off very stark though. A bit nihilistic (even in happy/scenic settings). It ends the same way.

true to life

recreates the atmosphere of how an event like this would pan out in real life almost perfectly.


I reluctantly agree. As enjoyable as I found this film, I also found it to be extremely predictable from start to finish. Sometimes it takes a lot to surprise those of us who watch so many movies. That said, I did enjoy seeing what approach they were going to take to get there.

~ "Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties." ~ Erich Fromm



The beauty of the film for me was that the plot functioned like a thriller/noir, complete with things that are sort of coincidental and predictable, but within that framework the film was populated by real people who weren't bound by the usual conventions. Thus, in the end, slightly ambiguous though it may be (also true to life) we got something closer to hope than we would have predicted. The plot didn't need to unravel into tragedy or moral comeuppance. That was the unpredictable part.


You think the storyline was obvious, but are clueless as to who's child that was? Hmmm....

In the movie they stated that she had a 1 in 100 million chance (or something crazy like that) to be impregnated by Robert. She has relations with the bank robber for a few nights, and all of a sudden she's pregnant. I have my guesstimation.

They should make a Revanche 2, when the cop realizes that his wife invited into the home, carried on an affair, and is having the child of the robber who threatened him at the scene and was stalking to murder him.. If Robert almost lost it before and needed psychological help, imagine him after he were to find that out!


About the idea of Alex being the father of Susanne's child, I think it's more than that. I think she seduced Alex only to get pregnant to save her marriage and she succeeded. This was, of course, before she realized who Alex was. In my opinion, this makes the movie so powerful at the end. What is she going to do now? Her pregnancy is the best thing that happened to her marriage at the moment but it is from a guy who is obsessed to kill her husband, although he is wavering on that now (Susanne doesn't know that.) Listen to the last dialog of theirs. I think the very first scene just before the title screen when Robert was mowing the lawn and Susanne looking out with a heavy concern on her face is probably the follow-on scene after her final talk with Alex. What is she going to do now???

I loved this movie--it's one of the top 10 ever for me. I watched it again last night to make sure my thoughts (above) and have few dialogs that I can point to to back it up.

I would love to see a sequel, too.



So you guessed part of the ending, so what? I'll never understand why people feel the need to internally guess what'll happen next and then whine about being right. It really doesn't take away from the film at all. Then again, I don't try to guess the endings to anything. I just watch it and see how it unfolds.

Some people who watch a LOT of movies DON'T have to guess the ending as such, it just follows a natural course in our minds. My partner is always amazed that I 'had it' but it's not for want of trying or sitting there trying to be the one smart ass who 'gets it' it's purely because I watch a hell of a lot of movies. My partner is a reader and the same can be said for books. If you read one particular genre, say mystery all the time or have read hundreds, it comes natural to have your mind guided toward the end result.

The only time I whine about this is when you get so many rom/com type movies that just have the happy ending one after the other after the other. Now you can't say you've sat down to one of them and NOT known exactly that the guy/girl will win the other by he end??!! Be truthful now!!

And no, it doesn't always take anything away from the film, that's all dependent, for me anyway, on the acting, directing etc. of the movie. If they're all done well, although I know where it's headed, I'm just sitting there enjoying it.

~ "Being brilliant is no great feat if you respect nothing." ~



