I was about a quarter of a way through this film when I checked IMDb and read the summary. I now deeply regret it. The !@#$%^& moron of a 'summary' writer, aptly called 'Anonymous,' revealed a key element of the film.
What kind of quality control does IMDb have in place when this kind of 'summary' (you should excuse the expression) is allowed to appear? A well-written summary does NOT reveal important plot information. It offers an outline and that's it. This is a superb, tension-filled film, and this idiot gives us an important piece of information without a whiff of a SPOILER ALERT. Jesus H. Christ.
In future, I will avoid any summaries written by anyone called 'Anonymous'.
If you're referring to the death of Tamara, that's pretty much implied by the trailer, even... it's kind of the setup for the movie. Yeah, it's a spoiler, yeah it'd be better not knowing it going in, and yeah, it'd be nice if there had been a spoiler warning... but it's hardly the most egregious thing.
Especially when the detail is listed under something labeled "summary". Why on earth you would seek out the summary of something before you watched it, I don't know.
I didn't see the trailer for this film, so I didn't know about Tamara.
I find it very odd that you think it's unusual for someone to check out a summary before watching a film. I suspect one hell of a lot of people do the very same thing. If not, why is the summary even there? A summary is essentially a written version of a trailer. Most summaries on IMDb give outlines of a plot; they don't reveal important plot elements. There most certainly should have been a spoiler warning, but there wasn't, and that's what bothered me. And plot summaries should NOT have spoiler alerts in the first place. That's not their function. And what's 'egregious' to you isn't necessarily 'egregious' to me.
A summary is not a written version of the trailer. A summary is a short listing of the major points of a thing.
The reason I say it's not as egregious is not a matter of personal opinion, it's because it's an act one spoiler. It's central to the whole concept that is the very title and premise of the film. If you want to go into a movie unspoiled, which I can certainly understand, you should look at or read nothing. If you do look at stuff, you should be so lucky as to only encounter first act spoilers. Even if a summary was a written version of a trailer- trailers spoil stuff from first acts so often that it's almost part of their DNA, and oftentimes a trailer will give away an entire film except for the very climax.
Well OP the movie is called Revanche (Revenge)... It was pretty obvious that Tamara would die, so I don't know who YOU'RE calling an idiot, it's clearly not the the person who wrote the summary.
'Why on earth you would seek out the summary of something before you watched it, I don't know.'
So when do you suggest people 'seek out' a summary? AFTER they've watched the film? What would be the point of that? I doubt if ANYONE bothers reading a summary after seeing the film. A summary is put there deliberately to provide people with an idea of what the film is about.
I assume you never read summaries. Fair enough. But I do, and I'm fairly certain countless others do as well.
Some people want different things before they go into a movie. One of the reasons trailers spoil so much is precisely because many people want to know what kind of movie they're spending their money on, and they'll willingly give up the element of surprise in order to make sure they're not seeing something they won't like.
If I wanted surprises, I would avoid something called a summary. I am not suggesting one would read a summary after they have seen the film. I am suggesting that they only read a summary if they want to know stuff about the film going in. I am not saying a summary should contain a spoiler like the one about Tamara's fate... only that it is not that surprising that it did, considering it was an act one event that set into motion the real conflict of the film.