The end is ambiguous, but as the entire film has played off of our expectations for a neo noir thriller, I don't see how the end couldn't be seen as something closer to hope than we'd usually get. Who knows how Susanne will act once the child is born? Perhaps, having put everything together, she'll see Alex as a threat to her new family. Perhaps Alex will be overtaken once again with grief and anger once he sees Robert start to get over his sorrow for killing Tamara. Maybe his resentment will build when he consideres the child might be his. Or maybe Robert will never get over the killing, the child will have no positive effect on him, and eventually Susanne will leave him and come to a fully reformed Alex with the news that this is his child.
There's room for all these possibilities and more. The film's conceit was to take a noir formula, populate it with characters who were far from stock cliches, and let the story unfold without moral judgment or nihilistic mayhem.