What a powerful movie. Without the Oscar-nomination I wouldn't even know of it.
Michael Haneke and this movie (I haven't seen anything else from Götz Spielmann yet) makes me now officially proud of my country :-P.
What a powerful movie. Without the Oscar-nomination I wouldn't even know of it.
Michael Haneke and this movie (I haven't seen anything else from Götz Spielmann yet) makes me now officially proud of my country :-P.
Only those two? We got so many very good filmmakers to be proud of. Okay, Haneke and Spielmann are top-notch, of course, but there are still Murnberger's, and Dusl's out there who shouldn't get overlooked. :D
if you like Revanche, definitely check out "Der Nachbar" too, another movie by Spielmann. Very powerful and full of atmospheric relevance that you shouldn't miss. :)
Sorta awkward to talk with another inhabitant of my country in english. ;)
Well, these are two that stand out from the rest, in my opinion.
After my post - going through Spielmann's filmography - I realized that Antares is also from him. I have seen it a while ago and was very impressed, but I didn't bother looking the director up at that time. In my opinion it had a rather "german" feel to it.
Thanks for the recommendation, I will definitely check it out if I can find it somewhere.
Not sure what all the fuss is about. A middlebrow effort that demonstrates little understanding of its subject and little ability to present that subject in anything approaching an interesting manner. In other words, an insincere potboiler at heart - and very typical of what passes for state-funded Northern European cinema these days.
Check out Ulrich Seidl's Import Export for a genuinely thought-provoking Austrian film.
The fuss is about this movie's amazing directing, acting, script and cinematography.
Oh and Import/Export is middlebrow as well. Don't see what's wrong with that, but you seem to care about this for some reason.
If you've heard of it, it's already too mainstream for me.
great movie. any other good films similar to this?