In the subtitles, the old man at farm say that Alex is his grandson, but
in the synopsis of, it tells that he flees to the farm of his father, instead of grandfather.
Do the synopsis make its mistake or what?
This was possibly a mistake, it's hard to tell. However, I found the subtitles in this movie by 'KIMI LUM' to be the worst I have ever come across. We already sadly, miss out on a lot through translation. Given the amount of foreign cinema now enjoyed throughout the world, it's time for them to get their act together and have a native speaking English translator for subtitles. These seemed as if they were translated by a 5 year-old, given the budget of these movies, is it too hard to ask for correct subtitles, or as close as can be interpreted?!
~ "Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties." ~ Erich Fromm
i noticed that too. i think he was his grandfather and that the funeral alex missed was for his grandmother, and when Alex said 'mom said...'he meant Alex's mother who was the grandfather's daughter.
Ad hoc, Ad loc, Quid pro queeee,
So little time and so much to see
Clearly his grandfather. As for subtitles: if the complaint is about the prostitute's, I was wondering about that as well, until I realized that as a Ukrainian immigrant she was probably speaking broken German, so the English subtitles reflected that.
Yes, it is only the subtitles for her that read like broken English. And at the beginning of the first scene with Alex, it is apparent that he is trying to learn Russian from her (and there are no subs for this small banter), so it is set up from the start that German is not her first language. So, for a non-German speaking person like me, I thought it was all handled quite well.
The policeman at the lake asked him if he was the grandson and he said yes. They kept saying he was going to chop wood but all he did was use a power saw to cut wood which had already been stacked and cut by someone else.
When the movie started he and the girl talked with no subtitles for several minutes. I was beginning to think the subtitles were missing. I guess this was the part where he was trying out his attempts at Russian and she spoke only broken German.
It could be his father's farm and his grandfather living in it.