the nonsense about bad luck and the police incomptency.
C'mon, that police Robert was not a first timer with gun, he was doing so good in the shooting lane, the space between tire and rear window was so distance. So to sum it all it was no way he shot the girl accidentally. I would say he get too carried away of how fine he usually did in the shooting lane and then took the matter into his own interest. And his own defense was the girl shouldn't be there in the first place was really lame.
I can't believe he was not being suspended by the force and the matter was brought into further investigation by the internal affair after the incident, but then again it might be also the police incompetency we are being shown. I mean if we think again after the car was found in the forest, why is there no further investigation? Isn't it the standard procedure for the police to do a search/investigation to a certain radius miles around. And with Alex and his grandpa who lives around could avoid at least some sort of questioning from the local police explained something.