1. How did they know that Sam would bring a friend and how did they know where the car would stop?
2. What on earth was that nonsense with the ropes? Fine, she gets one hand free and scratches the old witch (or devil or whatever) and then what...... she unties her other hand and both her feet and everyone just stands around watching her and only when she starts running do they say "get her." WTF is that?
That was idiotic.
Anyway, the ending wasn't as awful as people make it out to be, but the second point I made totally ruined things for me. How incompetent can they be?
The ending, while not awful, still didn't live up to the awesome buildup.
1. How did they know that Sam would bring a friend and how did they know where the car would stop?
they didn't know she would bring megan along, so they got rid of her. that megan would pull over into the cemetery to wait until sam's alone to go back to her was pure luck and gave the ulmans an opportunity to kill her.
2. What on earth was that nonsense with the ropes? Fine, she gets one hand free and scratches the old witch (or devil or whatever) and then what...... she unties her other hand and both her feet and everyone just stands around watching her and only when she starts running do they say "get her." WTF is that?
i guess they were in trance from the ritual what with all the eyes rolling back into their heads and whatnot (i think mr. ulman does that at one point) and her breaking out of the circle takes them out of it.
If you start sitting around the campfire, telling scary stories -- change our names!
Why does she want to move out of the dorm and how does she expect to pay the rent without a job??
They agree that if 'things look weird' the friend will stay with her. Er, they don't have a baby, that's not weird enough??
The whole impregnation ritual hinges on her ordering pizza and eating enough for the drugs to take effect??
They would have known about the eclipse for years in advance and they can't get any virgins lined up until that very evening??
Why does every single horror film these days have to profess to be based on a true story?
I give credit to the director for creating a reasonable facsimile of a late 70s/early 80s horror flick which maintained my interest to the end, but about 20 minutes in I realised she was either going to be a virgin sacrifice or impregnated by Satan. Aside from a moderately surprising ending, the whole plot played out exactly as I thought it would, but with zero tension until the last 15 minutes or so.
The main problem as I see it is that the main character is unaware of the unsettling things happening around her (friend getting shot, the bodies of the homeowners) so she herself never feels in danger. We as viewers therefore don't feel too anxious about her either.
Why does she want to move out of the dorm and how does she expect to pay the rent without a job??
i think her first priority was to get out there as soon as possible. she didn't like the dorm, she didn't like her roommate and just needed to get out of there as quickly as possible. that's why she needed a quick job to pay for the downpayment and first rent before looking for something a little more steady.
They agree that if 'things look weird' the friend will stay with her. Er, they don't have a baby, that's not weird enough??
they still thought that it was weird, but sam didn't listen to megan because she wanted the easy money. i have been in similar situations (without satanists of course) where i made dumb decisions to support myself through college. so this was relatable to me. also, we wouldn't have had much of a movie if she listened to megan.
The whole hinges on her ordering pizza and eating enough for the drugs to take effect??
i'm sure they had another plan lined up if she didn't order pizza, but mr. ulman's repetition stuck with her.
They would have known about the eclipse for years in advance and they can't get lined up until that very evening??
seems like it. or they just needed someone who comes and stays there willingly and nobody else would. the whole ritual seems like she's not to know about it until it's already too late, and that she is not to be harmed beforehand (like, bat over the head to knock her unconscious). they lucked out when she called them back.
Why does every single horror film these days have to profess to be based on a true story?
oh well.
i honestly thought that her knowing something was up, but yet not knowing exactly gave it a bit of a higher creep-factor because we as viewers knew that she was in danger and she was getting more and more clues throughout that she was, too. i was looking into every corner extra hard, thinking something would jump out at her. and i think when a movie is called "the house of the devil" and the first seconds of the movie fade in a text that says that this movie is about abusive satanic cults, it's not difficult to deduct that this movie will be about, well, cult hijinks.
i personally enjoyed the movie very much, the actors did all great, i loved the aesthetics and atmosphere, and it had a great creepy scene that had me on the edge of my seat.
different strokes for different folks.
If you start sitting around the campfire, telling scary stories -- change our names!
i honestly thought that her knowing something was up, but yet not knowing exactly gave it a bit of a higher creep-factor because we as viewers knew that she was in danger and she was getting more and more clues throughout that she was, too.
Yes, me too! And there were even times when I wanted to tell her to get a grip. Like, "Hey, Samantha, I know there's probably something terrifying behind that door, but that's because I'm watching a movie. You're really going to take a huge knife to go meet an old lady?!?"
But by that point it was also kind of understandable that she might do something like that... something that would only be completely insane if this really were, as Sam kept trying to tell herself, an ordinary job where the people were merely a little odd. But she knew in her heart, no matter what she did to try to comfort herself, it wasn't really like that, and the truth was that she was in danger. So there she was with the knife.
I liked this movie a LOT. Beautiful build-up of suspense and tension, and a great heroine.
"We gotta get outta here." "I know, I can't stand this music!" reply share