I only found out after watching the film that it was supposed to be set in the 1980s. I didn't get that feel while watching it. I thought it was contemporary. The lead's hair was more 70s than 80s though. Her clothes were more 70s too.
As far as the film itself, it was rather odd. It started out like a cheesy B movie with boring dialogue and a lengthy opening before the first big scare. As far as the plot goes, I don't want to state it openly as to not spoil it so I will have to use the spoiler function below....
It's a very cheap knock-off of Rosemary's babe, except the demon/antichrist baby is born minus sex with the Devil. Instead, it's conceived via ritual blood drinking. How very boring! It's a long while before you get to the first scare (it occurs in a car). Then after the first scare there is a long pause of the lead just dancing and flitting through the house, very boring. The end, as in the purpose, is rather swift when it appears and everything is really concluded without much of a build up. The actual ending is quite boring and stupid. She shoots herself in the head to avoid giving birth to the antichrist baby but there is no build up. There is no struggle we see of her trying to figure out what she needs to do or even trying to muster the courage. Instead, she is told that she was "chosen" and then she just puts the gun to her head and pulls the trigger. It was a let down for sure. The ending credits is her in the hospital, in a coma, with the nurse revealing she is pregnant. The end credits are very retro-70s.
All in all, it's an okay film. It would be good for someone new to the horror genre, like a younger person. However, adults will probably not enjoy it.