It's all about making choices. $300k for a home is not cheap, but if he had already been working in a job making $80k a year and she was working full-time in a job making even as little as $40k a year, they would have had a household income of $120k just as a base salary. Assuming a 20% down on a job, they could have afforded a $300k home and saved money.
I have a friend who owns a landscaping business. He told me he has some customers who live in multi-million dollar homes and have been downsized. I thought he was going to tell me, they canceled their service with him. Nope, they still have the service, but they called him up and begged for him to reduce services for their lawns and cut the prices the best he could until they got another job.
You'd think, if you lost your job, the first thing you should be able to handle if you are able-bodied is mowing your own lawn at least temporarily. After all, you have the time now to do the lawn. Nope, these guys won't do that, because they don't want to be seen by their neighbors mowing their own lawn because it would send a real signal that they are in some kind of financial trouble.