Yes, the Presidunce should love this movie, except the Tommy Lee Jones character isn't paying enough in taxes. How could he possibly start a new company? ONLY if he wasn't paying his FAIR SHARE! Yes, Obama could use this movie for his re-election campaign. He could demonstrate how through higher taxes on all these white guys with too much money, they could all be made penniless, impoverished, and dependent on the government.
I was surprised by this film. I expected it to show no way out for the evil people earning over $200K a year. I expected it to show how bad they were for having money. I expected it to show only the demonic face of capitalist enterprise. I did NOT expect to see a free-thinking man who had some dollars to invest in a new business to create jobs. We can't allow that, can we? Good Lord, only Nancy Pelosi is allowed to create jobs!!! Why the hell wasn't Tommy Lee Jones taken to prison or something? How DARE he have money to invest in a business when pregnant single mothers in Chicago can't afford their crack?! Outrageous!
Kudos to the producers for showing that people who work are entitled to succeed, even if the presidunce thinks they don't pay their "Fair Share".
Yeah, lump me in with Steve Wynn, that brain-damaged Las Vegas CEO who "saved and created" 7000 jobs. He called Obama "the greatest wet blanket to business and job creation in my lifetime." He said "the business community in this country is frightened to death of the weird political philosophy of the President of the United States.... The guy keeps making speeches about redistribution, and maybe we ought to do something to businesses that don’t invest or are holding too much money. We haven’t heard that kind of talk except from pure socialists..."
And THAT guy is a DEMOCRAT.
Please, get out of your "I'm Not A Racist" love fog and think. Obama's policies have rutted us deeply in a recession. Socialism is not the answer. He must be removed in the next election.
You throw the word socialist a lot, but don't seem to understand what it means. Obama's far from a socialist. He's a centrist that actually leans a little bit to the right (at the moment). *beep* use your brain instead of letting other people do it for you.
Obama openly expresses his desire to "redistribute wealth." That certainly isn't a tenet of capitalism. Perhaps Obama is just an out-and-out centrist Marxist. Wait until he puts all the unemployed men in the ghetto on "Public Safety Patrols." Maybe you'll understand then...
It's interesting that you say socialism doesn't work. Just look to Canada. Their more social views got them out of the recession a lot faster than the states. They also didn't get hit as hard. Good for them!
It's also interesting that the above link is blocked to a socialist Canadian IP address hmmm??
And Fox has high ratings because to the majority of Fox's viewers it's their exclusive news source. Someone who watches CNN, ABC, NBC watches other channels too.
The viewers of the other channels don't overwhelmingly believe ALL the other channels are biased. But Fox viewers do.
Look at your own quote:
They 'Parrot' the competing liberal news channels (NBC, CNN, etc) . . .
"But Americans who relied on Fox News were “significantly more likely than those who never watched it to believe”:
*Most economists estimate the stimulus caused job losses (12 points more likely)
*Most economists have estimated the health care law will worsen the deficit (31 points)
*The economy is getting worse (26 points)
*Most scientists do not agree that climate change is occurring (30 points)
*The stimulus legislation did not include any tax cuts (14 points)
*Their own income taxes have gone up (14 points)
*The auto bailout only occurred under Obama (13 points)
*When TARP came up for a vote most Republicans opposed it (12 points)
*And that it is not clear that Obama was born in the United States (31 points)"
Fox viewers watch Fox because to them every other network is not reliable. So to the viewers of Fox it is trusted because pretty much all they get is the Fox version of the story.
I watch MSNBC for the Rachel Maddow show. But, when a disaster or similar occurrence happens I watch CNN. For the evening news, when at home to catch it I watch the News Hour on PBS.
And if you're honest, it is obvious that Fox has an agenda. It's conservative propaganda. And that's fine, but it is not a legitimate news channel.
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Fox lied in it's own June press release about still being the most trust. And you were here to "Parrot" their misinformation.
"FNC has been the most watched news channel in the country for nearly ten years and according to Public Policy Polling"
"On August 18, 2000, journalist Jane Akre won $425,000 in a court ruling where she charged she was pressured by Fox News management and lawyers to air what she knew and documented to be false information . . .
In February 2003, Fox appealed the decision and an appellate court and had it overturned. Fox lawyers argued it was their first amendment right to report false information. In a six-page written decision, the Court of Appeals decided the FCC’s position against news distortion is only a “policy,” not a “law, rule, or regulation.”
April Dick Morris' dubious claim that in 1997, President Clinton told Morris that Clinton had reappointed then-Attorney General Janet Reno because she threatened to "tell the truth about Waco." Fox News reporters falsely claimed that while she was dean of Harvard Law School, Kagan "barred" military recruiters from campus: "CLAIM: Kagan supported a "controversial wartime ban on campus military recruitment." FACT: Harvard students had access to military recruiters during Kagan's entire tenure as dean. FACT: Military recruitment continued throughout Kagan's tenure at Harvard. "
July "more than 100 instances between June 30 and July 17, Fox News hyped the manufactured scandal that President Obama's Justice Department engaged in racially charged "corruption" 27140.html?slidenumber=0#slide_image Bill Hemmer reported that Department of Education official Kevin Jennings knew of a "statutory rape" case involving a 15-year-old student but "never reported it." In fact, the student was above the age of consent. 27140.html?slidenumber=1 In March, Fox News's Martha MacCallum presented a clip of Vice President Joe Biden saying "the fundamentals of the economy are strong" -- and presented it as from an interview that weekend. In fact, the clip came from a 2008 campaign event at which Biden was quoting Sen. John McCain. 27140.html?slidenumber=2 In April, Fox News's Wendell Goler reported on an Obama question-and-answer session that was cut short to make it seem as if the president wanted a health care system "like the European countries." In fact, he was just restating a question -- he went on to say that he opposed such a system. 27140.html?slidenumber=7 On the news show "America's Pulse," E.D. Hill described Barack and Michelle Obama's fist bump at a campaign event last summer as a "terrorist fist jab." She later apologized and claimed that was how it had been "characterize
It's really scary how blind you are. You refuse to look at evidence that contradicts your views and then post links to sites that basically just throw ad hominem attacks at liberals. How intellectually dishonest can you be.
Dude, what ever he 'says' he supports, he's doing the direct opposite. Stop concerning yourself with the man's personal views and start looking at what he's doing.
I followed the debate between you and Verdoux (apparently a "typical Obama supporter"), and I noticed the difference between your arguments, which were substantive, and Verdoux's which had all the depth of a 15-year-old Bill Maher fan.
As of September 28, 2011, it appears that Americans are beginning to wake up from the spell a top-notch marketing machine (the Democrat Party and MSM) had put on them.
The only way that a statement like yours and Wynn makes any sense is when you conflate huge corporations and small businesses. In today's world they are two totally different things. The biggest corporations are making record profits and sitting on huge piles of cash right now while small businesses struggle in every sector while our government seeks to prop big businesses up in every possible way and let the small business hold everything up. Statistically the big businesses have NEVER provided the jobs in the U.S. It's even more true today and it's only going to get worse. The only jobs the multi-nationals think it is worth paying for are the CEO and executive jobs.
It's amazing how many knee jerk reactions there are when any criticism of America's corporate system comes along in any medium. It's the same type of reaction when you question the true believer's religious concepts. That's what we have in the U.S. right now... we are living the religion of the corptocracy. When we question it we get called heretics. If we question one bit of it all of a sudden we don't believe in either democracy or capitalism. Neither are absolute ideas. No one would really want to live in a purely capitalistic or socialist society and we have always lived somewhere in between, but for some reason EVERYONE believes in that false duality right now.
We severely need to take our heads out of the ground and see what is really going on.
I've noticed, on message boards, that imagination-challenged rightwingers (redundant) manage to find political axes to grind even when no axes are present. Sort of like Fox News.
The original poster refers to Obama as the Presidunce, yet he voted for George W. Bush twice, a guy too dumb to string more than two words together! Now he's undoubtedly supporting the next Republican moron. So which is it? Rick Perry? Rick Santorum? Michele Bachmann? Too bad we no longer have the geniuses of Herman Cain and Sarah Palin to lead the election news cycle. Only a true conservative would label Obama a dunce, and then not blink while supporting George W. Bush and his gang of drooling dolts.
Much to your surprise, Little W isn't as nearly as dumb as the popular narrative goes - given to us by the media and less than brilliant liberals.
>>Now he's undoubtedly supporting the next Republican moron. So which is it? Rick Perry? Rick Santorum? Michele Bachmann? Too bad we no longer have the geniuses of Herman Cain and Sarah Palin to lead the election news
You never mention why you consider listed politicians as morons, yet you put Herman McCain and Sarah Palin in the "genius" category (not saying I agree or disagree). It's an interesting grouping. Then again nowhere did the OP say he voted for Little W twice (let alone if he voted for him at all the first time) -- you're just assuming, and fair enough. But what I find more interesting is that you say no "true conservative would label Obama a dunce." I guess you were implying that a "true conservative" would either support him or think he's the better of the two candidates.
After some thought, if you're speaking from a conservative, or even libertarian, stand point you definitely have your politics messed. I assume that you are a confused liberal/progressive who thinks he knows the thought process of an actual conservative. If you are, you have failed mightily.
>>Only a true conservative would label Obama a dunce
A true conservative may not call Obama a dunce, but he sure would call him something no so flattering. Then again, you come across as someone (at the time in 2011) who thought Obama was much better than Little W. Even though there is no evidence of Obama's overall superiority.
2014: Whiplash, Cold in July, that Terrence Malick project set in Austin
Your post is no nonsensical that I'm tempted to think it's a joke. However, given it's length, it appears that you're not joking, which is a little frightening.
You missed all hints of sarcasm in my post, and the one part that was actually serious you misread so badly that you thought I meant the opposite of what I really said. No wonder you're confused by my post. You didn't understand it on any level.
George W. Bush is not mentally retarded, but he's not an intelligent man. Case closed.
Anytime someone mentions the words "Sarah Palin" and "genius" in the same sentence, you can assume the writer is contrasting the two extremes of human cognition.
If I have to explain why people like Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann are morons, you haven't been paying attention to the national news. Google it.
And if you think I was speaking from a conservative/libertarian standpoint, you need medical care ASAP.
I'm not trying to be rude. I'm just baffled that someone's perception skills could be so far off.