scene in the woods with the weapon
I'm not American & just don't get the fascination with handgun ownership and availability like this. However, I'm not intending to prompt debate on that via this post...
I just wanted to remark that the kind of tom-foolery this pair display as a supposed 'adult' role-model and kid with the handgun & flakjacket target-'play' seems ripe for just the kind of unfortunate /fatal outcome all those news-stories that regularly re-occur point to. Also, if there's not manslaughter/horrid accidental outcome, then it's a needless accident waiting to happen which ties up hospital emergency rooms more than necessary surely? It just seems the height of social and cultural complacency. Guns for sport and hunting I 'get', but this type of gun use & fooling around puzzles me?
[i'm not trolling or getting into a debate/judgement - it's just intended a passing remark of my thoughts in response to that scene :) ]
good movie - refreshing pacing & quirkiness for a studio flick from the States which is appreciated.