how did the cgi look worse

Than the original LOTR trilogy, isn't technology supposed to advance?


Completely agree. I think it's overuse is part of the reason.


Overuse is exactly the reason.


I think that time was a factor as well. PJ and crew took ages and ages to prepare for LOTR and had plenty of time for doing great post production. I get the sense that everything about production for the Hobbit trilogy was just plain rushed. Not much time in pre-production to flesh out full concepts, filming was rushed with not much clue as to what was really going on, and post production was so rushed that they nearly didn't finish on time.


kelchic, your instincts are spot on

Watch this video and be amazed:


Also I guess the 3d compability was a factor, at least it seemed to me that way in the green screen scenes where they tried to keep their key as clean as possible and every depth of the screen as focussed as possible. This removes the cineastic look and makes it appear more videoish.

One should leave the innovations to James Cameron, he is will use the material perfectly without running into such compromises...
