MovieChat Forums > The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug (2013) Discussion > Someone has already recut the trilogy in...

Someone has already recut the trilogy into a 4-hour movie

This was posted on the BotFA board, but I thought I might post it here as well.

There's some info on what's been cut out, etc. As well as where to watch the movie. From what I've seen, its pretty good.

Definitely more fastpaced. They reach Rivendell like 40 minutes in!


Cool, thanks a lot man!


Sorry but I'm not watching something that's in 720 by 576 pixels. Especially middle earth.

HD or nothing. I'll stick to the originals for now.

Waiting for a better quality cut.


Sorry but I'm not watching something that's in 720 by 576 pixels. Especially middle earth.

HD or nothing. I'll stick to the originals for now.

Waiting for a better quality cut.

Allow me to rephrase.

"I am picky about my video quality so I turn my nose up like a douchey snob at the free edit someone did with their own time and energy, then shared it with us, and on top of that felt it necessary to bash it".

God, I hate you and your kin SO PHVKING MUCH.

Seriously consider self-euthanasia as a philanthropic career choice; For the good of the planet.


Sorry but we don't live in a world where people spending their free time on something automatically means they should get recognition for it.

To be honest, this guy cut these movies as early as possible, without even waiting for the Battle of the Five Armies extended edition, just so he could be among the first to do it and gain publicity for it.

Do you honestly think he did that just for the world? Completely selfless? No he didn't, he did that to have his moment of fame on the Internet because of the circlejerk against the original Hobbit movies on the Internet right now (which is entirely justifiable but that's a whole another story).

A REAL fan would wait until all the filmed footage is available, and would make it a good picture quality to really do justice to the material and not butcher it like he did.

>"I am picky about my video quality so I turn my nose up like a douchey snob at the free edit someone did with their own time and energy, then shared it with us, and on top of that felt it necessary to bash it".

As I said before, with the rise of the Internet, pretty much everyone do amazing things with their free time. So much that we have to choose now what's worth OUR time and not, and his cut isn't, sorry.

I applaud your effort (silently and briefly) but will not waste my time on this cut.

>Seriously consider self-euthanasia as a philanthropic career choice; For the good of the planet.

And asking someone to kill himself over a cut of a movie is even more pathetic than any attempt at an argument you've made in this thread.


Sorry but you sound like an idiot and you should stop talking.

To be honest, this guy cut these movies as early as possible, without even waiting for the Battle of the Five Armies extended edition, just so he could be among the first to do it and gain publicity for it.

publicity? so he can join the all powerful fanedit elite making millions? one of the best is ranger613, and msot of them are anonymous so they don't get legal repruccissions. what fame and publicity are they trying to get? stop talking

No he didn't, he did that to have his moment of fame on the Internet because of the circlejerk against the original Hobbit movies on the Internet right now

Again all the ones ive seen are by nameless people. you don't know what you are saying. be quiet.

nah you are pretty pathetic making blanket statements about people you don't know and subjects you know nothing about.


What's with all the necro'ing of dead threads lately? People are on a roll!

On a more serious note, I don't care what you think and it won't change my view on the matter. If you cut a movie and release it, expect to receive criticism for it.

OP received my criticism, and as far as I'm concerned, you're not him. Why are you here again? You intend for me to stop talking and that's exactly what I'm gonna do because

1. I've already said what I had to say and

2. Who are you anyway? The discussion here is over, has been over for around a month, and will remain over.

Feel free to maintain it with other people I don't care about for as long as you please though! 'Tis a free country!


On a more serious note, I don't care what you think and it won't change my view on the matter

How do you change the opinion of an idiot? my comments were here to inform others your comments were baseless and completely void of any facts.

If you cut a movie and release it, expect to receive criticism for it.

You haven't seen the Spence edit, if you want to criticize something, maybe you should now what you are talking about and actually see it.

OP received my criticism, and as far as I'm concerned, you're not him. Why are you here again? You intend for me to stop talking and that's exactly what I'm gonna do because

your criticism and logic was garbage. you made it seem like people uncaringly roll out these edits to get fame.... when you clearly have NO CLUE what you are talking about. FInding and downloading the edits were difficult compared to normal downloading, and as i said the makers go by anonymous names, they aren't seeking any fame, glory, massive recognition. and they certainly aren't about to make any money or gain infamy doing it, in other words your entire premise is BS.

You ahve said what you came to say and it is still stupid and baseless :( But now anyone who sees this know your a joke and an idiot who talks about things he has no clue about.


Such an intelligent, adult post. Why all the hatred toward somebody you don't know. Their view only has an impact on you if you let it. Your view is your view and their view is their view and neither view has any physical impact on the other person. I wish a lot of the people who post on here would have a mature posting attitude. You don't give a good impression of yourself with the response that you posted.


It shows the selfish narcissism prevalent today. If he didn't like the quality he can move along. Instead he states and obvious fact anyone with eyes can see, then bashes the hard work someone did for free and uploaded for us to see.

A person with that type of reaction deserves contempt. That is the only way people can grow and change. Being a selfish dickhead is frowned upon for good reason. No one likes to be around them and they do not offer anything to society. People rightfully either avoid them, or tell them they are being a dick. I choose the latter because it provides the opportunity for self examination and potential character growth.

The fact you think that opinion is worthy of comment and undeserving of condemnation makes me wonder if you were cut from the same cloth.


I am not sure what point you are trying to make. You seem to condemn me for not returning the hostility expressed in the post I was responding to in my post. This makes you as hostile as that poster if I follow your logic. I was raised to carry on a conversation with respect and intelligence. Not crawl down in the gutter to meet them on their level.


Anyone who tries to shorten the sleep inducing, bum numbing 9 hours of film made from a 300 page book, deserves credit. 4 hours+ is still too much, but it's probably the best that could be done using Jackson's films.

I know this was never going to happen, but I would love to have seen this trilogy tank at the box office. Then somebody else could come along and make a concise, decently edited, single 150 minute movie out of the book. This would then serve as a lesson to all directors of the dangers of ripping of the public by making multiple movies out of single books padded out with boring filler.


I've started watching it. Wonderful!!! Well, vastly improved anyway. There's still lots of stuff that doesn't need to be there, but would have been impossible to edit out.

I first watch the full movie just a week ago. And I liked it, better than LOTR anyway. But the dwarves visit to Bilbo eventually had me wondering if this was a slapstick comedy.

Bravo to the editor! 

Now please add closed captions.
Lol -- actually I do need them for TV, but on the computer with good headphones I get most of this.

Oh, and do LOTR. I think about five hours total might be good, if possible. Or maybe four.

Timmie, if you don't bring that rocketship back this instant, you'll get the spanking of your life!
