Season 3 is wandering aimlessly

I enjoyed the first two seasons, though mainly for Martin and Short, but the third season is just drifting aimlessly and episodes have gotten repetitive.

Characters wander about spouting limp dialogue with the rare flash of humor, and then someone finds a “clue” in the last scene that points to another character possibly being the murderer, but that character will have an alibi in the next episode so they start all over again.

Even Martin and Short look bored this season. And Gomez has never added anything to the show. She’s completely out of her depth as a character and “actress.”

She stumbles about with her dead eyes droning out words in an irritating nasally voice that makes you stop listening as soon as she appears.

Even the occasional flash of cleavage and lesbian kiss from last season doesn’t make her interesting.

As for guest stars, Streep is always a joy, even with little to do, but Rudd is completely wasted.

I’ll keep watching but unless this thing kicks it up several notches (and maybe Gomez flashes more than cleavage) I suspect they won’t have a fourth season.

Then again, based on Martin and Short’s attitude, I doubt they’d care.


I agree about Gomez. Her monotone nasally voice makes it hard for me to watch.


Ditto but I found a solution.

Pretend she's a millennial with ADHD who is hopped up on drugs and her flat delivery makes sense.


Yeah, they don't usually give the answer until the end. It's not often you find someone who has never seen a mystery. But, please, dazzle us with more pointless explanations.


Hey look, everyone. Daisy completely missed the point of my post. Round of applause for her/him/they/it.



Yeah enjoyed the first two seasons, but season 3 is just deadly dull.


It did get better towards the end but hope 4 is more entertaining.


I guess the ones who don't like this season are not fans of musicals. The musical content this season is top notch! "Which of the Pickwick triplets did it?" has even become an earworm for me. And we have the incredible acting, and singing, of Meryl Streep.


It got better once they started producing the play.
