
Ep1 was slow going and it was quite dark and not easy to see what was going on a lot of the time, but it was pretty mysterious with an atmosphere of strangeness all the same, and that's got me hooked.

Let's see how Ep2 goes, and how the rest of the season pans out.

I'm Deckard B26354, I'm filed and monitored.


As I read someone say on a user review on imdb" "It's Not dark, it's your TV!"


I watch it on my monitor with super duper things that change colours and everything.. idk, it is dark. But I can still see what is going on.

PS: Ep 2 was even worse than the first. Ep 1 made me interested in Ep 2... Now I can't wait for Ep 3. Damn telly shows...


Well I've just watched Ep5, and I'm still no further forward as to knowing what the fuck is going on!


It's one of those shows where they shoot it in such a way to take a simple story and make it into some hard to follow bullshit. Instead of giving viewers the backstory on a character in fell swoop they throw out little tidbits in hopes you will be hooked and care about it enough to keep watching... fuck that. If a story is good enough on its own you don't need to resort to tricks to try and hook people.


I couldn't agree more. I'd just add they included unnecessarily quirky characters to give it a false sense of mystery.
