MovieChat Forums > Zeitgeist (2007) Discussion > Why do guys here dont even think about w...

Why do guys here dont even think about what their doing?

People get so hung up on specific petty issues, like who was responsible for 9/11, or they attribute some dubious ideology to Fresco or Peter Joseph. The blame game has accomplished nothing in the long term, but many people seem determined to continue it.

But all they need to do is listen to the basic principles the VP proposes. It's purely common sense and the scientific method. It has nothing to do with ANY ideology

hey, this is not about the dream of jacque fresco only, is about the dream of martin luther king, the dream of abraham lincon, the dream of Ghandi and the dream of millions of people that suffer the injustice,misery,cruelty etc. we are not whining, maybe you are ok with the situation of division,crime,thief etc. but as you life go at some point in your life you will think and maybe not now but in the future you will think, why there is so much hatred? why we didnt anything to change that?

~JaZZy SaRaVaNa~


I'm back early due to an unexpected death. I was not suppose to be back till Monday. This post is what I found.

Let me explain our motives here.

People get so hung up on specific petty issues, like who was responsible for 9/11, or they attribute some dubious ideology to Fresco or Peter Joseph. The blame game has accomplished nothing in the long term, but many people seem determined to continue it.

Jaques Fresno is not in Zeitgiest Part One. Only adherants of the Zeitgeist Moement brign him up on these boards.

That said, no one is really playign the Blame Game aside form Zeitgiest Fans. What those of us who reject this film are sayign is that its informaiton is wrong, it is spreading outright falsehoods.

When you can verify its claims about 9-11 are bogus, then the conclusions it draws form th informaiton about hte Government and its intentions also prove to be groundless. The same applies to the segment on Money and how Banking works. The conclusions are not valid because the informaiton thye are based on is fraudulent. The same is even true of Part One. Its conclusions are false because the Data the conclusiosn are based upon are False.

I don't see hwo this is playing the Blame Game, or why this shoudn't be addressed in a forum about this movie.

But all they need to do is listen to the basic principles the VP proposes. It's purely common sense and the scientific method. It has nothing to do with ANY ideology

The Scientific Method s not actually what the Venus Porject is about, and it is about an Ideology.

Let me start with the "Common sense" part. It is not common sense to beleive in th sort of Egalitarian Society inwhich all goods are free and we are no longer required to work and can just improve ourselves. That flies int he face of how the Human Expeunce for the last 6000 years of Recorded History has shown Human Nature to be.

It also is not common sense to expect a Resoruce Based Economy to work.

As for this beign pure Scientific Method, thats absurd. The Scientific Method is about tryign to investigate observed Phoenomenon, not about Governign Human Society. You can't use the Scientific Method to build a Society, becuase the oly thing its capable of doign is establihsign parameters for investigation fo observed phoenomenon. EG, why it rains.

As to the Venus Project not contianign any Ideology, this is disprven by lookign at its core concepts, such as a True Democracy. Democracy is an Ideology. If you do not beleiv ein Democracy, the Venus Project will not appeal to you. Furthermore, it contains an Egalitarian Principle, which is an ideology too. It also rests on the idea of a Communitarian approach to society, based aroudn Human Needs beign met fits and oremost, and about the need to Fre Humanity from Labour. That is an Ideological perspective. Even sayign all of our major social problems are Techhical is an Ideological perspective.

The whole Venus Porject forms a conprehensive Governign Ideology in and of itself, so saygn its not about any Ideology is just daft.

hey, this is not about the dream of jacque fresco only, is about the dream of martin luther king,

King's dream wa sonly to create Racial Equality under the Law, not to build a Respurce Based Economy.

the dream of abraham lincon,

Abraham Lincoln? I think you just pulled random revered Heroes from History now just to give this Gravatas.

But, Abraham Lincoln was actually only intereste din Saving the Union, and preservign the United States of America. He was not all about creatign a Utopian Society where peopel are free from all Labour and yet have all their goods given to them for Free.

That said, I don't really care for Lincoln, he wa a Tyrant who oppressed the OSuth and even the North. WHy shoudl I care what his Dream was? Other than for History of coruse.

the dream of Ghandi

Ghandi fought for Independance from the British Empire and preservation of Indian and Hindu culture. How is that he same as the Venus Project?

and the dream of millions of people that suffer the injustice,misery,cruelty etc.

I've suffered form all of those htings and the Venus Project is not my Dream.

I've known loads of peopel who have had a much harde rlife than I have who don't dream of somethign like the Venus Project, either.

I've met defectors form the Soviet Union who think this project osund sliek what COmmunism promised, even while the Venus Porjet defenders insist it snot COmmunism. (Yes I know...Communism has Money and this dpens't... excpet Communism doens't have Money.we've discussed this before.)

Is the visionary Dream of only a small number of people, really, not all that Suffer want this to be thir Future.

we are not whining,

Ranting is also a good term to use.

maybe you are ok with the situation of division,crime,thief etc. but as you life go at some point in your life you will think and maybe not now but in the future you will think, why there is so much hatred? why we didnt anything to change that?

This is a clasical exa,ple of a False Dichotomy.

Either you want the Future as envisione dby the Venus Project, or else you are happy with a world of crime, division, poverty, and hatred.

I hate to break it yto you but, these are not th eonly towo options. Its not liek tryign tio improve the world means we must try to build the Venus Project. In fact, may peopel who ar eunhappy with todays world think attempting the Venus Project woudl make hings worse, not better.

So don't you think its a bit silly to claim that all who do not agree withht Venus Projecxt are happy with how things are now?

Why act as if there ar eonly Two Options.



I have to wonder why this even came up given that its not really part of the film or the earlier discussion.



Why? It’d not really address any of the points raised, ad would veer the topic off course. If you don’t tell me why then I should, I won’t because it serves no purpose.



I’m coming from this perspective. Demonstrateable Facts.

I can demonstrate that the Factual basis of the claims in Zeitgeist are disproven. Its really that simple.

Issues like Creation and Evolution I don't debate at all, because I don't care.

My only interest is the film, and the Collection of Claims it makes.




I see. Dishonesty it is, then.

How am I being dishonest by not discussing an off topic and irrelevant point?

You don't present any demonstrable facts, just terrifying walls of text with abominable spelling, consisting entirely of your opinions and beliefs. No facts.

My spelling is due to Dyslexia.

As tot he rest, I have given facts, as have others. EG, The Income Tax Laws that Zeitgeist claims do not exist in fact do exist, and has been posted (I forgot by who) .

Or, the Claims that 9-11 looked like a controlled demolition was contradicted by professionals in the business of wrecking Buildings.

Or, Horus was not Born of a Virgin in any extant Egyptian Texts, nor was he Crucified, nor were any of the Similarities between Jesus actually present in Ancient Egyptian Mythology.

Those are facts that have been shown time and again, amongst others.

Considering that you apparently believe that atheism is a religion,

Actually my argument is that Atheism doesn't make one lack Religion because Religion is not defined as Theism. Not all Religions believe in a god. Atheism is not a Religion, but neither is Theism. However, Atheism can be an integral part of a Religious system.

Everyone has a Religion, because all Religion is is a set of beliefs regarding the Fundamental Nature of our existence. it is an operational Philosophical model designed to explain our world and our place in it. The Narrative we tell ourselves about how things should be or are.

Atheist have this, no matter what sort of Atheistic Beliefs they hold to.

This is not the same as saying "Atheism is a Religion".

Nor is it even relevant here.

one can probably characterize you as a Creationist as well.

That’s spurious reasoning even if I did say Atheism was a Religion.

The two polemicisms go hand in hand, as well as the dishonesty you're exhibiting.

My dishonesty is that I will not address something that is off topic. That’s not actually dishonest.

That said, its not Polemic to say that Atheists have a Religion, because they do. Everyone does. However, it is Polemic to say that I clime Atheism is a Religion just like a Creationist therefore I am a Creationist and thus must be wrong.

Since you're exclusively coming from Wackyland, that pretty much discredits you and anything you have to say about Peter Joseph, Acharya S, Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy, Earl Doherty, or anyone else.

But, what I've said about them is True and demonstrateable. Basically your proving me right in my point that this is really an extended Ad Hominem attack on me, that’s designed to discredit my argents based on a belief system you presume I have.

It doesn’t really show how any of my arguments are wrong.

In fact, the only thing I've been wrong on in these forums in the last few months thusfar is that Sanders wrote of the Old Testament. I told someone else that, and told her I'd get back with the reference. I was mistaken, he had written an article on something else in a Magazine I'd read that detailed what I was discussing. But even that wasn’t a Lie, though I do wish I could find the User who I said that to.

And even that wasn’t on this board.

