MovieChat Forums > Zeitgeist (2007) Discussion > this movie isnt about religion

this movie isnt about religion

everyone keeps harping on about religion but this movie is mainly about the banks! what has religion got to do with money?! he says religion was nurtured politically to control the people and i dont see how or what religion has to do with control.
nobody controls me not even god, i either choose or choose not to be a beleiver just like the rest of you. the only reason they put this in the movie is because it fits with their venus project and there has to be no religion for it to work.



That said, the Religion part is not relaly harped on. We've actually discussed all three parts in detail. However, Zeitgeist defenders come in and discuss the reliion part more often, and then use the fact that its most discussed overall to prove its only Christians (Or religisu people) who are offended, and the rest of the info is great. its not Great. Even skipping Part One you end up with erroneous information abotu Banks and 9-11 asnd the US Income Tax Laws.

Wich is another reason it may recieve less attention... not everyone is in America.


everyone keeps harping on about religion but this movie is mainly about the banks!

This movie spends as much time talking about the banks as it does "religion." So it's a perfectly valid critique. You might as well argue "it's not about banks, it's about 9/11 and homeland security!" by that logic, if you're going to just take a piece of it and say that's all it's about.

The fact is that "Peter Joseph" chose to make the first third of the movie a conspiracy theory hit piece on Christianity, so naturally he can expect Christians and anyone who knows something about Christian history, to harp on those issues.

The other point that has been made before is that the END of the film clearly puts forth its own "religious" agenda.

what has religion got to do with money?!

According to people like "Peter Joseph" apparently, everything. Religions are out to take your money, they would say, for themselves.

he says religion was nurtured politically to control the people and i dont see how or what religion has to do with control.

"Neutered"? I'm not sure what you mean there, as that would imply religion was weakened. "Nurtured"?

Anyway, yes, he argues that religion is just another form of control, linked to his worldwide conspiracy theory. Of course his reasons for stating this and the evidence he provides to support this claim is hopelessly mired in falsehoods and logical fallacies.

Christianity might still have its bad points, but not for the reasons he puts forth.

nobody controls me not even god,

Do you know for a fact that your destiny is completely in your control? There are religious people who believe God controls everything, and those who believe God gives us complete free will. Others don't fall into either of these two extremes.

The movie is arguing that you are already being controlled, and they're seeking to "free" you, by getting you to think for yourself. In reality, they're just making a sales pitch for the Zeitgeist Movement and the Venus Project, essentially trying to control you via your emotions (fear, anger, etc at the "bad men behind the curtain" that are trying to keep you down, the desire to belong to a group, etc).

i either choose or choose not to be a beleiver just like the rest of you.

Yes, but you've also got to admit that "choosing to be a believer" doesn't tell the whole story. If you think there is OVERWHELMING evidence to support something, chances are, you may not feel like you have a "choice" not to believe it. Likewise, something may "FEEL" so right (or wrong) to you, that you don't feel you have a choice.

So it's not as if everything is perfectly equal, black and white, cut and dried, and you just choose X or Y like flipping a coin. At least, most people don't see issues that way.

A lot of people believe in the Zeitgeist nonsense, because they don't know any better. It FEELS like its right to them, so they go along with it, to varying degrees. Those who have studied the actual evidence will come to the realization that the evidence is firmly stacked AGAINST the Zeitgeist theories. So then they are either going to reject them, or modify them and say something like "well it's a good starting point to get you to think, but the real truth is out there somewhere..." or something along those lines.

I think it would be an extremely rare minority that would "choose" to believe the precise opposite of what the evidence they'd looked at indicated (based on "feelings" alone, which I would think would be subject to experience, but maybe not).

the only reason they put this in the movie is because it fits with their venus project and there has to be no religion for it to work.

They could have left it out and saved time and money. So why didn't they? So you admit that it's only because they felt that Christianity was a worldview that might interfere with their plans. That and perhaps "Peter Joseph" genuinely believes this garbage about Christianity to be true. But I think he wants "Zeitgeist" (the Venus Project) to be your new religion, so to speak (and he can't have competition).

Are you admitting they were dishonest here? Why is that okay? Or are saying they were right? The fact is that religion will never "Go away" as long as their are human beings. All "Peter Joseph" is doing is trying to replace the current major religions with his own.

The conspiracy theories presented in Zeitgeist are not new. "Peter Joseph" didn't invent them, he simply recycled them. The claims that Christianity is derived from paganism originated with some kooks in the 19th century (originally from some Protestants who wanted to argue that the Roman Catholic Church had corrupted Christianity with paganism, and then it was modified by secularists who wanted to apply the same logic to ALL of Christianity, and finally to those who wanted to say that all Western religions and then all religions in general came from one source... usually with some cynical enlightenment-esque theory that it was created by the elites to control the common people).

I'm sure there are plenty of people who SUSPECT that Peter Joseph isn't telling them the whole truth, but it's the ones who have weighed the evidence and found it wanting that doubt it, and do so, I think, to their own betterment.

I don't give the guy a free pass just because some people will watch his movie and do their own research. A large number come to his movie and either don't know any better so just assume he's telling them the truth or they come with their own prejudices to have them confirmed and walk away feeling vindicated.
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