MovieChat Forums > Zeitgeist (2007) Discussion > It is no surprise to me

It is no surprise to me

I seldom go to the forum part of this site as I have learned a long time ago that the people on here are less than savory people for the most part. I used to joke about how only 1 out of 10 posts didn't annoy me, and that yet only 1 out of 10 of those posts would contain something of value.

I still get a kind of sad feeling that there are so many debunkers out there with such a furious attitude, as I imagine it might deter some people from seeing such an important movie, if they were to visit these forums to determine its value before seeing it that is.

But the most obvious thing to me is probably the weak psyche of the majority of the haters of this movie, it becomes so obvious in their overzealous attempts at debunking every aspect of the movie that they just absolutely cannot accept these facts. It hurts way too much on an emotional level.

I understand this because, I too, took some emotional damage at the viewing and intake of this movie, and it is far, far from being a happy tale.

The level of importance of this movie far outweighs some small factual errors, if there even are any. But yet still that is all that is discussed on the entire board.

Personally I think the music in the movie was unnecessary and creates a mind-altering tone which goes against the movies primary message, and I also thought the sequel was a lot better. But I don't see why there is such an abundance of hatred of the movie really. Is it just eristic arguments, brought on by insecure people trying to prove superior intellect over others?


Actually I dotn think the Debunkrs have the emotional investment you think hey do. EVen Aheists who hate CHristainity have debunked part one for example, and people who dont even live in the US dont buy the 9-11 CLaims.

The reason its debunked is because peopel find it absurd and compleltye erroneous, not because we ar einsecure and refuse to accept the truth.


Well f-cking said OP. Exactly the same feeling I get. I just took a venture over to the Politics board (why on earth imdb has all these alternative boards in the first place boggles my mind). It just seems an excuse to get into stupid debates and arguments that go round and round endlessly. You couldn't state your opinion of something down there without getting flamed, hard.
Very difficult to discuss these sorts of issues over a message board.

"it becomes so obvious in their overzealous attempts at debunking every aspect of the movie that they just absolutely cannot accept these facts" - I applaud you sir. I couldn't find a way to say this myself.





well said.




I don't know what you said here, because (or should I say "cos" to sound more cool to you?) I don't read what's written in Caps Locks.


So you are what? fifteen now?, still you sound like you are 10.

By the way how should I read what you wrote? Since English isn't my mother tongue.

When you write "DIS" you mean this right? Should I pronounce it [This] or [DIS]. I'm confused.

Also should I shout out loud when reading caps?

Anyway thanks for your constructive criticism on Christians (or as you like to call them "SCARED SHEEP ROBOT JESUS-NERDS") and "JEEBUS".


the factual errors are not small idiot


Small factual errors? Are you really serious with that? There's extremely little in this movie with a factual basis. Much of it is quite demonstrably false, in every single part. If you like this movie and buy its claims, you're just very susceptible to misinformation presented in a sensationalist format. Nothing more. You aren't enlightened. This is an important movie, in demonstrating that people can be convinced of virtually anything, regardless of how demonstrably false it may be.


This is an important movie, in demonstrating that people can be convinced of virtually anything, regardless of how demonstrably false it may be.

Like.... walking on water, talking snake, raising the dead or may be like reincarnation, a stone bridge floating on water, cities made entirely of gold by a demon king with 10 heads, or a god child lifting an entire mountain by his little finger or dancing on a 5 headed snake, a god with a third eye with the power of destroying everything....

my voting history


Maybe you need to go ack on yoru meds. Whenever osmene says "Talking snake" i know they arent taking the subject matter they are claimign to use reasn to disprove seriously. And your committing a Genetic Fallacy. Even if we agreed that Religion ( somehow athists arent religious despite fittign the actual definition of religion) that still woudln't make Zeitgeist True.


Just forget what the Zeitgeist says!! I think you are not looking at the big picture. If you consider it as a work of fiction, aren't you amazed at the reception it has received on internet?

What amazes me is if one 'movie' could create such a divide in the way the people think and that too when when every fact put forth is so verifiable (according to you), just imagine this happening over a course of thousands of years, add all the influence of the world around you, add all the buy-able media/advertising glare.....and you still expect the world to be as you perceive it to be.

this 'movie' does one good thing for the community, and that is to make people realize that there are always (at least) two sides to every truth ever told. Nothing more and Nothing less...

P.S.- You should seriously consider slowing down on your thinking or increasing your typing speed. Though doing the former will be in the best interest of the community as all you do with that mind of yours is jibber jabber.

my voting history


Why do people not get that I'm dyslexic? its not to do ith typing speed or inadequate thinking about the errors in my posts.

Also, I dont think this fil has created thta much division. Most poepel generally have no idea it exists and only a handful of its followers decide to discuss it, followed by a handful of debunkers. This is the Internet, its always filled with arguents. The same is even true on other Boards, like the Star Wars board. heck, tThe Last Airbender is beign discussed as if it caused Famines and destoryed whole Civilisations, and it was intended to be a Fictional Movie.


Why do Christians state that Jesus was real and everything in the bible is true? I thought Christianity was based on the idea of Believing it to be true despite all the conjecture. Believing something to be true is completely different from regarding something as fact, isn't that why it's called faith and not certainty.

Religion does do something for the world, it halts scientific advances and restricts progressive new age ways of thinking. Doing something negative is still doing something.

Our capitalist economies of the western world have hardly resulted in competition leading to innovation or incentive for increased productivity. Those with wealth wish to keep it and will exercise the absolute extent of whatever power they possess to ensure they do so. Rags to riches stories are few and far between, most people are stuck in the class they were born into, the uniformly mundane middle class, which for those below this remains the limitations of their burgeoning ambition. Yay!


Jimmy, you must not get out much.

Why do Christians state that Jesus was real and everything in the bible is true?

Even Atheists say he was real. Only really really hard-line Anti-Christians buy into the Christ Myth Theory, because there is way too much evidence that he lived.

As to why Christians say everything in the Bible is true, the actual fact is that very few say everything in the Bible is True. IE, the Parables of Jesus are clearly not “True” in the Historical sense. Jesus likely told them yes, but they aren’t “True”. Likewise, many Christians, even the most ardently Conservative, would argue that the Book of Job is a Dialectic Narrative and not a True Account.

Just as examples…

I thought Christianity was based on the idea of Believing it to be true despite all the conjecture. Believing something to be true is completely different from regarding something as fact, isn't that why it's called faith and not certainty.

Actually Faith is not defined as belief without evidence, and the idea that Faith is something you believe in when there is no evidence is more or less an Atheistic definition of Faith created in the 19th Century, much like the Christ Myth Theory itself.

Faith is actually defined as Confidence in a given proposition, person, or object and/or Loyalty to the same, not belief without evidence.

And as I said thee is evidence that Jesus existed, and not all people who debunk Zeitgeist part 1 are Christians.

Religion does do something for the world, it halts scientific advances and restricts progressive new age ways of thinking. Doing something negative is still doing something.

The whole “Religion VS Science’ conflict is make believe nonsense. Religion is something everyone has, as Religion is simply a set of beliefs about the Fundamental nature of our existence.

That said, Christianity doesn’t halt Science and progress, as many Christian Universities, and even Churches, actually run Science Labs. IE, the most powerful observatory in the world is run by the Catholic Church, and the same Catholic Church also has numerous Universities that are listed as top rate, such as Georgetown, Notre Dam, and William and Mary’s University. Many Catholic Universities also put fourth modern, viable Research in a range of Scientific Fields, and Catholic Hospitals perform a great deal of Research that advances the Cause of Medical Science. And that’s just the Catholics. Methodists have Universities and Laboratories too, and o do Presbyterians, and so do Baptists. So your argument really seems rather Shallow.

The Truth is, people who think Christianity holds back Science and Progress are relying on an old Stereotypical claim that was made against Christianity, and aren’t looking at evidence, preferring to believe a Popular Culture Myth.

Our capitalist economies of the western world have hardly resulted in competition leading to innovation or incentive for increased productivity. Those with wealth wish to keep it and will exercise the absolute extent of whatever power they possess to ensure they do so. Rags to riches stories are few and far between, most people are stuck in the class they were born into, the uniformly mundane middle class, which for those below this remains the limitations of their burgeoning ambition. Yay!

But the current system brought us a lot more Innovation than Communism, and we have thigns like the Internet, Cell Phones, and advancements in Space and Medical Tech that out to shame anything in any other system in the Contemporary world. Really only the Much maligned Feudalism has allowed this much Growth. (Feudalism is seen as oppressive and restricting too but, it wasn’t historically as bad as many seem to think.)

So, your claim is not really demonstrated.



"The whole “Religion VS Science’ conflict is make believe nonsense. Religion is something everyone has, as Religion is simply a set of beliefs about the Fundamental nature of our existence.

That said, Christianity doesn’t halt Science and progress, as many Christian Universities, and even Churches, actually run Science Labs. IE, the most powerful observatory in the world is run by the Catholic Church"

lets see examples people
ie IMO if religion had its way stem cell research would be halted
btw i dont believe using a telescope to look into space really chalks one up for religion on the advancement of science
lastly, its funny reading through this forum reading comments about its true, or stating not true. can anyone back up their opinions already
anyone debunking this movie must love the state the world is in, because the message here seams to be loud and clear, something needs to change

(i cant believe i typed this with the on-screen keyboard )


yaa thangs are bad for the world man.

zitegeist catches that one and runs with it. fundamentalist thought is very much against science, which is based out of objective observation and measured outcomes. exactness. cristiuns dont even pelive in evilution... if u doubt such a cornerstone of science then you are calling doubt on vaccines efficacy and geology (fossils. the gratist proof of evolution is the flu, wich keep getting stronger and they make a new shot for it evry year.also, bug pesticide, which have to get stronger every year

rich people love religion because it pacifies the majority of people's disdain for their quality of life. "opiate of the people" kearl marks

and for regular people, it is every much is like a drug. makes you "feel better" or "comforted" about the unknown or the things you don't understand. "its all gods plan". all are foolish rationalizations while we get milked and fleeced by the super rich, and to a lesser extent the rich.

stupidity and class immobility are also "drugs" in that snes... nobody know about math then cant undestand about things; cant make sense, look for easy answetrs, go to religious... have more kids, stupid cycle continue

wethere jesus ws real or not doesnt matter (he WASNT) but 4 many the brainwash has taken such grasp that the "bible" is viewed as a LITERALLY TRUE document and they must be shaken severely to even consider the very real (100% real) "possibility" (truth) that it is pure phantasy.

how about the dates that the books ("ghospel") of the bible were written? how about that part of the movie? and the letters? sounds kinda fish-ey (pun intended). yay cristeen odonnell! theres no separating church-state... they must be won

is it long enough yet?



yaa thangs are bad for the world man.

Will they be made better by believing things that are not false that cause unnecessary distress and resentment?

zitegeist catches that one and runs with it. fundamentalist thought is very much against science, which is based out of objective observation and measured outcomes. exactness. cristiuns dont even pelive in evilution...

Where to begin…

1: Not all Christians are Fundamentalists. You act as if they are.

2: Fundamentalism has been given a bad name, but actual Fundamentalists are not frothing at the mouth villains who are intolerant of all who disagree. In fact, the Irony is people who favour this films claims tend to be mo intolerant than they are, as do Militant Atheists like Richard Dawkins. The endless need to ridicule and disparage all Christians and label them all as Fundamentalists and stupid proves this.

3: Actually some Christians do accept Evolution, and many Major Churches have no problems with it. The Orthodox, Catholic, and Anglican Churches represent the Three Largest Churches in the world, and all three have accepted Evolution. Most Mainline Methodist Denominations do too. So do most Mainline Lutherans, or Presbyterians. Just look at the Church of Scotland’s website.

if u doubt such a cornerstone of science then you are calling doubt on vaccines efficacy and geology (fossils. the gratist proof of evolution is the flu, wich keep getting stronger and they make a new shot for it evry year.also, bug pesticide, which have to get stronger every year

This is why I hate the internet sometimes. This is a hand me down argument you clearly don’t understand, that’s base don specious reasoning to begin with.

For Starters, the Flu doesn’t actually get Stronger, that’s not why we need new Vaccines. We need new Vaccines because it Breed into new Strains yes, but that doesn’t necessarily make it Stronger. Its not that the old Flu is too weak and succumbs to the Vaccine of the previous year, its that the Flu that attacks us this year is different and our immune system don’t recognise it. Its much like a Computer Virus. But on average the Lu Virus is the same strength year after year and yields the same basic symptoms. In fact, some past strains have been much more powerful than the average strain.

That said, the idea that denying Evolution means calling into question Vaccines and Geology is not true either. Most Creationists would argue that Life has the innate ability to adapt to its Surroundings, but that this adoption will still be limited, and will not produce over time entirely new Species. They have a fixed Genetic Code that is flexible, rather than one that can add new information.

As to Geology, the Fossil record is incomplete and no where near as absolute, nor is it the Strongest evidence used in modern Science ot argue for Evolution. Genetics is now.

rich people love religion because it pacifies the majority of people's disdain for their quality of life. "opiate of the people" kearl marks

Actually the Rich people today are usually the ones against “Religion” and wish to supplant it with a form of Humanism. (Which is still Religion but not usually called as much.)

The Ruling elite in Academia and the Media tend to be overtly Hostile to Christianity, for example.

Also, “Religion” (By which it seems people only mean Christianity) is often NOT a pacifier, and very often motivates Social uprisings and change. IE, the example most Atheist use about why Religion is bad would be modern day Terrorism. The Terrorists aren’t exactly lead by the movers and shakers in society, but by a man, Ben laden, who lives in a cave in Aphganistan. Yes he’s rich but, no where near as powerful an elite as Donald Trump, or even President Obama.

Likewise, Christianity has lead to people like Desmond Tutu who stood against Apartheid in South Africa, which is a good thing, and it lead William Wilberforce to stand against the Slave Trade which w outlawed in the British Empire in 1807.

Or look at Mother Teresa, or any number of Missionaries who improve lives in war torn and impoverished areas.

So, this old cobbler is not really True.

Heck, you don’t even get what Marx meant.

and for regular people, it is every much is like a drug. makes you "feel better" or "comforted" about the unknown or the things you don't understand. "its all gods plan". all are foolish rationalizations while we get milked and fleeced by the super rich, and to a lesser extent the rich.

Opiates in the middle of he 19th Century were not always Drugs used recreationally to keep you in a Stupor, they were also used as an anaesthetic, or pain killers, and its in this capacity that Marx meant his Famous and now often overused and misunderstood quote.

When Marx said it was the Opiate of the Masses, he didn’t mean the Rich and powerful feed it to the poor to keep the m in a stupor, rather he believed it was “The Heart of a Heartless World.” Marx believed that Religion kept people going, and gave them a promise of a better life, and was used as an escape mechanism to defend against the cruelty and injustice in the world. His belief that Religion would die out when a True Social Democracy came along was rooted in his belief that, when peoples needs are met, and when they have all they need, when society abolishes the class distinctions between people and all things are share din common so that none are living in poverty and all have what they need or would want, then Religion would die because it would no longer be needed.

Have you even read Marx? I doubt it.

stupidity and class immobility are also "drugs" in that snes... nobody know about math then cant undestand about things; cant make sense, look for easy answetrs, go to religious... have more kids, stupid cycle continue

But wouldn’t’ your own ignorance and fixed view on thigns also be ignorance that endures?

wethere jesus ws real or not doesnt matter (he WASNT)

Yes he was. Its pretty silly to think the man didn’t exist by the way. There’s way too much evidence for it.

but 4 many the brainwash has taken such grasp that the "bible" is viewed as a LITERALLY TRUE document and they must be shaken severely to even consider the very real (100% real) "possibility" (truth) that it is pure phantasy.

How about I shake you will you come to the very real and true realisation that the Bible is not a Single Document? Of course you also claim that its entirely Fantasy, which makes no sense as large parts of it are obviously at lets base don real events. Lets not forget that each of the separate books (Plural) in the Bible are written in divergent styles, and some are in differing Genres. Why not treat it as separate Documents, rather than as a unified whole? Why not read what actual Scholars say about it? Why buy into the easy answers movies like Zeitgeist and other obviously biased sources give you?

how about the dates that the books ("ghospel") of the bible were written? how about that part of the movie? and the letters? sounds kinda fish-ey (pun intended).

The dates in the film, and in Acharya S, are wrong though.

Most Scholars think Paul’s writings are the oldest extant Christian Literature, and that Paul began to write them about Ten Years after the time of Jesus.

The Gospel of Mark is generally, though not indisputably, considered the First Gospel written, and it is usually thought of as the basis of the other Two Synoptic Gospels. Its thought to have been written around 70 AD, and the other two around 80 AD or thereabouts. Johns Gospel was the Last and was written about 90-100 AD None where written after the close of the First Century.

All of this is also consistent, and in fact more impressive than, the majority of Ancient material we have on anyone else. Most of the time primary documents we have for individuals are from over 100 years after their time, not a mere 10 years, as with Paul’s Letters, or 30 years, as with Marks Gospel. To cast them aside as unreliable base don the Dating is ludicrous, as that’d mean, if we followed that Rule consistently, that we’d have virtually nothing from the Ancient World.

Of course Zeitgeist and Acharya S claim that the Gospels were written 200 years or so afterward, but that’s our hogwash so…

yay cristeen odonnell! theres no separating church-state... they must be won

is it long enough yet?

Christine O’Donnel? That’s not a real argument, Lad. By the way, nothing wrong with a State Church.



"The whole “Religion VS Science’ conflict is make believe nonsense. Religion is something everyone has, as Religion is simply a set of beliefs about the Fundamental nature of our existence.

That said, Christianity doesn’t halt Science and progress, as many Christian Universities, and even Churches, actually run Science Labs. IE, the most powerful observatory in the world is run by the Catholic Church"

lets see examples people


Saint Jude’s Hospital does research that is dedicated to helping cure Children of Cancer, and if on the cutting edge. Likewise, Georgetown University has a top notch science and engineering building, and both are affiliated with the Catholic Church. There is also Notre Dame, which is an explicitly Catholic University and that nevertheless hosts some of the better Science Facilities on the Planet.

Let snot forget the Vatican’s Observatories and how the Vatican has one of the worlds most expensive commissions on Scientific research and advancement, the Papal Scientific Commission is also the Third best funded on the planet.

That’s Catholicism.

Evangelical Christianity has also been no obstacle to Scientific Advancement. Look at Francis Collins, who was the head of the Human Genome Project, and is an Evangelical Christian.

There are many more examples I could list, if you want, but you did want only examples, not a comprehensive list.

ie IMO if religion had its way stem cell research would be halted

One thing that always bothers me is how this sor of debate always breaks down into “Atheists VS Religious people” as if there is a singular set of beliefs all of either hold to. Religion is not a singular force that always lesds to the same conclusions. There are Religions that have no actual problem with same sex marriage, abortion, or anything else you could list that is usually considered to be something Religion opposes, and plenty of Atheists oppose either of the above or other things they are expected to support. EG, there are Pro-Life Atheists. As I’ve stated before, no one really lacks Religion. Religion is not one absolute set or force in the world.

Also, I’m pretty sure you haven’t read my above posting. No one that I know of has any actual problem with Stem Cell Research. The Problem is with Embryonic Stem Cell Research. The reason it is opposed is because in order to acquire the Stem Cells, you have to abort a Foetus. Its not really a matter of opposition to Stem Cell Research, but opposition to Abortion. That’s what the actual debate is about.

btw i dont believe using a telescope to look into space really chalks one up for religion on the advancement of science

So Astronomy is not Science to you? Worse, Astronomy also supplies a lot of Data to other Branches of Science, like Physics.

You also ignore the innumerable Hospitals run by various Churches or other Religions, pr the Universities. Every Branch of Science is being promoted by various Churches and other Faiths, not just by the Secular institutions, and even in the Secular Institutions (Used here classically, not as an Atheistic Ideology) you find Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, and all other Faiths. I’m afraid your comments are simply not concordant with Reality.

lastly, its funny reading through this forum reading comments about its true, or stating not true. can anyone back up their opinions already

We’ve written several posts in numerous threads debunking it. I myself wrote an essay that debunks the whole Astrotheology claim as nonsense. All of Part One has been thoroughly disproven. Part 2 and 3 have also been destroyed elsewhere. Just read the older threads.

anyone debunking this movie must love the state the world is in, because the message here seams to be loud and clear, something needs to change

This is a False Dichotomy. You present us with a Scenario in which only two options exist, when in reality there are more options. it’s not a choice between Loving the State our world is in now, or else loving this movie, it’s a choice between accepting this movies claims as Fact, or pointing out the obvious Falsity in the claims of the movie.

I personally don’t like the State the world is in, but that doesn’t change the fact that this movies claims are utterly false, and what it presented in Addendum is not a real Solution.

Its not either-or.



"We’ve written several posts in numerous threads debunking it. I myself wrote an essay that debunks the whole Astrotheology claim as nonsense. All of Part One has been thoroughly disproven. Part 2 and 3 have also been destroyed elsewhere. Just read the older threads. "

Ive been through many posts, never finding one real point to prove either truth or lies. cleary ur on the false side of the fence. so answer me this: can u make me a non-believer by showing me one point for each of the 3 parts, that would say, show me false evidence

please try not to pick at everything ive said, just show me one point for each chapter that that disproves their claims



"We’ve written several posts in numerous threads debunking it. I myself wrote an essay that debunks the whole Astrotheology claim as nonsense. All of Part One has been thoroughly disproven. Part 2 and 3 have also been destroyed elsewhere. Just read the older threads. "

Ive been through many posts, never finding one real point to prove either truth or lies.

Then you either haven't read the posts here, or else you are attemptign to avoid the obvious.

cleary ur on the false side of the fence.

No, I',m on the side of the fence hat beleives in assertainign facts and comign to rational conclusins, the Fairy Tale side is buyign intot he conspiracy Theory version fo reality presented it the Film.

so answer me this: can u make me a non-believer by showing me one point for each of the 3 parts, that would say, show me false evidence


Part One hinges on the idea that the life of Jesus is Identical to literally thousand of earlier pagan godmen, and all of them had the same basic life events, such as Bein Born of a Vrgin on December 25th, teaching at age 12 in the Temple, being Baptised at 30, having 12 Disiples, preahign a sermon on the Mound, being Crucified, and hten Ressurected. This is further explaiend as an Allegory for the Sun.

Jesus thus never existed, but is just the latest retelling of the Solar Myth, for the Age of Piscese.

That can be debunkd on both sides of its claim.

Look at all of the gods that are claimed to have lead lives that are Identical to Jesus, such as Horus, and then read about htose gods from outside soruces. The sories aren't similar at all. Horus was not Born of a Vurgin for example, nor washe crucified. Noen of the alledge similarities really pan out wht him. They dont pan ur wiht Mithas either, or Appollo, or Buddha. Its easy to discredit.

ALso, try charting Jesus's life withthe course of te Sun in a yea rindependantly, using th emodelthey present, an dyou run into too many anomolies, it cant be done.

Likewise, much of the Astrological facts te movie hinges on either aren't True, or are but irrelevant. IE, the Star s int eh belt of Orion point to Cirius on December 25th, this is True but irrelevant becuse they also point there on May 27th. Or July 14th. or October 31st. In fact they point there year round as hye are fixed Stars. So they dont align on Decmeber 25th, they have always been there.

Further, we know Jesus ha to exist Historiclaly becsause the documents abotu his life are too cnsistant and emerge too fast in a community. We may see 40 yars between the lie of jesus beign recorded int he Gospels and the acual events as larfe un the informqaiton age, but that was rapid in the ancient world, and Paul was writtign way earlier. Even then no oen ever challenged his existance. Liekwise,t he text contaisn too many thigns that a mythmaker woudl not have included, or would be unliklu to include.

That and we have external referneces, such as Two references in Josephus. And rhe one hats "An obvious dorgery" has been determiend to not be a forgery by mosts cholars, simply akltered, but most say it wa sstill origionally there and about Jesus.The Aramic Text seems ot reflect the True origional.

Part Two Hinges on us thinkgnt hat a building doenst collaps eby implosion, but according tot he Laws of Physics a large buildign liek that does, by designe, implode. Popular Mechanics goes into detail about it.

Part Two also asks us to beelive the Government had to have some sort of attack to provide a reasonf or sweepign Law iek the Patriot Act, btu that Law coudl hav been passed int 4he deasd of niht wihtout anyone bein aware of it, so why the attack?

And now that Bush is gone, we know he didnt do this for personal gain or to maitain power.

Part Three Relies on you not undertsnaifn bankign and how cresit works. It also depends on you not udnerstanign the US COnstitution.

Banks operate by lending your money out wiht interest in order to grow their own investments, and if they didnt impose interes they'd have no way to make money.

please try not to pick at everything ive said, just show me one point for each chapter that that disproves their claims

Doen and one, do you need more detail?


I figured what the Hell, here ar elinks to longer artiles.

Part 1.

Part 2

Part 3

Read, and thenyou'll see, if you ar ehienst wiht yourself anyway.



the problem with your debate is u make claims to debunk, say chapter 1, and im supposed to take ur word for it over theres. you say details about comparisons are false, ie Horus not being born a virgin.

Was Horus born of a virgin?:
Acharya S. quotes priest and author Joseph McCabe:

"Whatever we make of the original myth, Isis seems to have been originally a virgin (or, perhaps, sexless) goddess, and in the later period of Egyptian religion she was again considered a virgin goddess, demanding very strict abstinence from her devotees. It is at this period, apparently, that the birthday of Horus was annually celebrated, about December 25th, in the temples. As both Macrobius and the Christian writer [of the "Paschal Chronicle"] say, a figure of Horus as a baby was laid in a manger, in a scenic reconstruction of a stable, and a statue of Isis was placed beside it. Horus was, in a sense, the Savior of mankind. He was their avenger against the powers of darkness; he was the light of the world. His birth-festival was a real Christmas before Christ. 1,2

now to side with u, i could not believe something like this just because i read it online, however why would i validate ur opinion when u say the exact opposite from another source? the odd thing is though, when religion is involved especially, the pro side tends to debate by saying what u said, Horus didnt this and that, but to truly debunk u must offer proof, ie he was born this day and by this person instead
btw there are many sites out there comparing jesus to others, including horus
part 1's main point is this, religion is a form of control, anyone who would deny that then believe in heaven and God, and would follow the rules that control. u seam very adamant that part 1 is false but theres no denying its all about control, i take it u are a religious person or else u wouldnt be so defensive of part 1, and would just accept the facts that jesus wasnt exactly all u read about. historical texts and what not are out there, but lets not forget who wrote them, people who thought u can walk on water

i do believe jesus existed as well, just not the claims and the legend behind it, much like many historical people

"Part Two Hinges on us thinkgnt hat a building doenst collaps eby implosion, but according tot he Laws of Physics a large buildign liek that does, by designe, implode"

however, like u said, popular mechanics also suggest that a "controlled" explosion would fall in that fashion. the structures in the pillars appeared to be cut instead of melted. and like u said it was designed to implode, however it was also designed to withstand plains and earthquakes. being an inside job is pretty far fetched, however it isnt impossible and it gave us a great reason to go to war. ironically going to war has cost us more lives than 9/11

"Part Three Relies on you not undertsnaifn bankign and how cresit works. It also depends on you not udnerstanign the US COnstitution.

Banks operate by lending your money out wiht interest in order to grow their own investments, and if they didnt impose interes they'd have no way to make money. "

i dont know if [art 3 went over ur head, but ur point doesnt debunk or "destroy" anything, ur just stating how a bank operates
the point of part 3 is that we are using an old system of currency from an independant source from the states, and it would be impossible to pay it back, hence always leaving the country in debt. it would be easy to borrow 10 bucks from u and pay u back 11, i could get an extra dollar somewhere. but if u had the only 10 bucks that exist, how could i get that other dollar on top to pay u back?



the problem with your debate is u make claims to debunk, say chapter 1, and im supposed to take ur word for it over theres.

Actually, I’ve said you can look this information up yourself. I give cursory comments on why Its false, but also said that to verify this all you need is to buy a few books on Mythology, or visit your local Library. You can also fid the Myth of Horus online, including the complete Book Of The Dead, on Sacred Simply put, no original source you can find online or ion a library, or that you can purchase, and no subsequent book on Egyptian Mythology, records the life of Horus as is presented in Zeitgeist or by Acharya S, and Acharya S is the Source for Zeitgeist. Her own sources were never primary either.

you say details about comparisons are false, ie Horus not being born a virgin.

He wasn’t.

Was Horus born of a virgin?:
Acharya S. quotes priest and author Joseph McCabe:

Joseph McCabe was not an Ancient Egyptian priest, he was actually a 19th Century writer and lecturer. Acharya S is also disingenuous by referring to him as a Priest but forgetting the important fact that he left e Priesthood to be part of the 19th Century Freethought movement. She instead acts as if he was a Cleric when he wrote the quote she issued from him, which is not in fact the case.

At the time McCabe wrote what he wrote, Egyptology was in its infancy, and, like many former preachers tuned Militant Atheists today, McCabe simply promoted any argument that helped to undermine his former Faith. In that regard he was not really any different from the Freedom From Religion Foundations Dan Barker. Barker also insists that the Story of Jesus was based on older Pagan Myths, by the way. Both men tend to use as their sources for this other writers, such as Joseph Wheelis and Kersey graves, and the inimitable Gerald Massey. None f whom were actual academics, and none f them produced anything remotely treated as authorities in the field of Egyptology.

So I’m afraid a quote from McCabe is useless.

Can you find any Primary Sources that reveal that, before the time of Christianity, Horus’s story featured a Virgin birth? How about nay of the other Similarities? Anything at all? How abut just from Reputable sources? Something from a Proper Mythology book, perhaps? If not, then I ask you to reconsider the use of such fringe figures.

For space I deleted the actual quote. It doesn’t contain anything but McCabes assertion anyway.

now to side with u, i could not believe something like this just because i read it online, however why would i validate ur opinion when u say the exact opposite from another source?

Because what I’m saying is also found in the Primary Sources we have and literally any book on Egyptian Mythology. McCabes assertions are found only in “Freethought” literature or other material whose sole purpose is to destroy Christianity.

the odd thing is though, when religion is involved especially, the pro side tends to debate by saying what u said, Horus didnt this and that, but to truly debunk u must offer proof, ie he was born this day and by this person instead

But, I did provide proof. I in this thread supplied links to a SKEPTIC website. In the past I’ve shown links to actual Egyptian Documents, like the Book or the Dead. I sat down and chopped to pieces the Astrotheology. So have others.

Its not like I’ve not provided anything to back up my claims.

btw there are many sites out there comparing jesus to others, including horus

This is true but meaningless. Those sites are generally quoting each other, or else quoting the same handful of courses like Acharya S, or Gerald Massey. Simply because they exist doesn’t mean they independently arrived at this conclusion.

I can find a Plethora of websites that say Obama was Born in Kenya, and they will all owe this ultimately to WorldNetDaily, but those sires aren’t WND. I can find an equal number of Sites that Deny the Holocaust. I can find dozens upon dozens of sites within a few seconds that discuss the fact that the Royal Family are really shape shifting Lizard people from another planet. I can find Dozens of Websites that say all this and more, but it doesn’t make the claims True just because several websites make the same claim.

part 1's main point is this, religion is a form of control, anyone who would deny that then believe in heaven and God, and would follow the rules that control.

This is another False Dichotomy. There are Atheists who reject the idea that “Religion” is all about Control. Its not like you either acknowledge Religion is all about control, or else you must believe in God and Heaven. By the way, not all Religions believe in Heaven, or even God.

Also, everyone is actually Religious. Religion is not about belief in gods and supernatural powers, its about the fundamental beliefs we hold to. Its not about Control, its about understanding our existence.

u seam very adamant that part 1 is false but theres no denying its all about control,

Yes there is. Because its not. Religion is not just Christianity, by the way. Religion is simply Humanity trying to understand itself and the world it lives in. Religion is just a set of beliefs that we have that informs us of the ultimate meaning and purpose of the Universe, that explains to us why we are what we are. Its function is to inform us and help us to understand. That’s why I say everyone is actually Religious.

Christianity itself got started a an offshoot of Judaism, and also in a weak position. So no, it didn’t get started to control the masses, for the first 300 years it existed it had no political power and was persecuted.

i take it u are a religious person or else u wouldnt be so defensive of part 1,

I;’m not defensive of Part 1. UI am critical of Part 1. That said, I’m Critical of Part 2 and 3 as well.

And as I Said, your Religious too.

And here are plenty of people who aren’t Christian who rip Part 1 apart, including Atheists.

and would just accept the facts that jesus wasnt exactly all u read about. historical texts and what not are out there, but lets not forget who wrote them, people who thought u can walk on water

I’ve read people who say Jesus is everything from an Apocalyptic Prophet to gay. I think I‘, pretty well read on this subject.

i do believe jesus existed as well, just not the claims and the legend behind it, much like many historical people

That’s nice, but it still doesn’t really help here. Specifically we’re discussing the claims that he Story of Jesus was taken from earlier pagan gods like Horus, and that its ultimately rooted in the Sun.

"Part Two Hinges on us thinkgnt hat a building doenst collaps eby implosion, but according tot he Laws of Physics a large buildign liek that does, by designe, implode"

however, like u said, popular mechanics also suggest that a "controlled" explosion would fall in that fashion. the structures in the pillars appeared to be cut instead of melted. and like u said it was designed to implode, however it was also designed to withstand plains and earthquakes. being an inside job is pretty far fetched, however it isnt impossible and it gave us a great reason to go to war. ironically going to war has cost us more lives than 9/11

BUT… the Iraqi War was not over 9-11, it was over Saddam and his refusal to allow weapons inspections and other violations of the Terms of Surrender from the First Gulf War.

Plus the “Cut” beams aren’t Cut… read up on it.

"Part Three Relies on you not undertsnaifn bankign and how cresit works. It also depends on you not udnerstanign the US COnstitution.

Banks operate by lending your money out wiht interest in order to grow their own investments, and if they didnt impose interes they'd have no way to make money. "

i dont know if [art 3 went over ur head, but ur point doesnt debunk or "destroy" anything, ur just stating how a bank operates
the point of part 3 is that we are using an old system of currency from an independant source from the states, and it would be impossible to pay it back, hence always leaving the country in debt. it would be easy to borrow 10 bucks from u and pay u back 11, i could get an extra dollar somewhere. but if u had the only 10 bucks that exist, how could i get that other dollar on top to pay u back?

But that’s not how Banks work either. Please read the links I supplied.


I'll add that its really easy to see the other parts of the film are bogus.

On the banking side, just look up the acual History of Banking from a historical eebsite, and then look up how bsnks work. You'll see that hey don't, in fact, create mney out of thin air and the "Impossble to pay Debt" claim is nto really enurely Valid. WHile I don't like the Modern Banking System, which is Keynsean in that it operates on a Fiat Currency, and while I prefer real commodity currency, EG The Gold Standard, I dont think the Zeitgiet films depiction of the flaws to todays ecnomic and banking system shoudl be seen as Valid. It describes a conspiracy that simply doens't exist.

9-11 makes no snse as a conspiracy either as we coudl easilyhave gone to war without killing 3000 American Civilians.

Part One is simply easy to disprove by reading any text on the subject f Mythology or tryign to chart Jesus's life agisnt the suns path per year.

The parts of the conspiracy don't add up.

Just read the links I supplied.



For one, religion can be a form of control. I'm starting to believe more and more you are very religious, and Part 1 has insulted you. You are showing much ignorance to the claims that other people in history, have shown the same characteristics as jesus.

As for the control aspect. Religion certainly can be a form of control, which i think has instilled in you. To issue rules and a way of life through fear is a form of control. To tell people to start a war because their God intended it that way is a form of control. To tell me lustful thoughts, masturbation, premarital sex is a sin and I will be punished for that, is a form of control. I understand your going to tell me religion isn't just Christianity, but let's not forget Christianity has touched every corner of the earth and is a major one. If I have a son, and at a very young thwart my religion and beliefs into him so hard, that is instills the "fear of the lord", to do as I see fit, that is control. Keep in mind in Zeitgeist they tap on religion, but mostly Christianity. We don't need to mention the Monks in Tibet or the Atheist, that is not the case here and shouldn't be valid as debunking a valid point.

Are you affriad to admit you are a God fearing man, because people will dismay your claims by thinking your just "brainwashed"??

To label me as religious is redundant. I'm sure your looking at a bigger picture when you state this and by definition yes it good be following a faith, or trying to understanding the meanings of our origins. But that doesn't include everyone, no matter how you try to justify it. It is still something that needs to be a choice, and not everyone may choose a certain way of thinking, no matter how big or small. Like a 5 year child, living his day to day life not thinking 5 minutes ahead, so can others.

Simply put, the movie is stating this:

Part 1: Religion - a form of control
Part 2: Fear - a form on control
Part 3: Money - a form of control

Very few people in this world can say they live without one of these aspects in their life having some form on control over them. Let's not mention the people in the hills because lets face it, the movie was never intended to be viewed by them.

As for the patriot ACT and the reason we went to war, not being 9/11. You say it was to find Suddom, and to locate weapons of mass destruction. Well they found him, and the search for the weapons is over. So why are they still there?? It is costing more money and lives then it is worth to keep the troops landed there, instead of them just coming home.

Why do you think someone can risks their life, to fight a war over seas?
Part 1: Maybe it's in their beliefs to to do so
Part 2: Maybe their scared of them and want to fight
Part 3: Maybe to earn a salary

Ultimately after reading this your going to want to disprove everything i've said which is fine. But why are you so adamant on ignoring the big picture here? The state of the world needs to change. Why are you hanging on bits and pieces of information and debating its accuracy? If they got dates and facts wrong so what, that doesn't disprove religion is being used as a form of control for some. To deny it, leads me to think you are very religious, don't like what they had to say about it, and in turn (maybe to make urself feel better about your beliefs) want to pick apart the entire movie and claim everythign as false. Your focus here is mostly the religion aspect I see, and maybe the movie insulted you because of that.

I'll end my side of the debate with this, because I feel it is much appropriate.
"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." Stuart Chase

Maybe it wasn't stuart chase who said that, don't look it up. I fear if i'm wrong, expressing my opinion here will be ignored and the focus will really be on who said that. ;) Take care



For one, religion can be a form of control. I'm starting to believe more and more you are very religious, and Part 1 has insulted you. You are showing much ignorance to the claims that other people in history, have shown the same characteristics as jesus.

Anythign can be a form of Social Control. Politics most certainly is a form fo Social control by defintion, as it sets the Laws. But that doens't mean Religion exists mainly as a mean of social confrol or thats why it was created. In fact, Religion wasn't created, its simplly the result of Humanity's need to understand itself and the world men find themselves in. Religion is simply beleifs about our existance, which is why I'e said everyone has Religion, as everyone has a set of beleifs about the Fundamental Nature of our existance.

Also, I've been told by peopel before of my great ignorance about the people who have the same Characteristics of Jesus, such as Horus or Doynosus, but the problem wis, I've sat down and read the Mythologices of those two and all the others. I've at leats read cursory articls n them, and for most signifigantly more. I've read the Book fo the Dead for example, and I've read the Library of Appolonius and other Translated Greek texts. The Similarities really arne't there, and no oen discusses them before the 19th Century. They were Fabricated. Its not hat I am ignorant, tis that the Parrallels are invalid. The Irony is, you tlak of my Ignorance when the opposire is True; you only know of the Parrallels bcaueyou've read Acharya S or watched Zeitfeist or some similar soruce, not because you've done nay real Study.

As for the control aspect. Religion certainly can be a form of control, which i think has instilled in you. To issue rules and a way of life through fear is a form of control.

But not all Rules are given through fear, and in this way your really missing out on the actual emergence of Moral Philosophy, which is mainly developed out of observation fo Human Nature. We know what works and what des not work, for example.

Worse still, the same shuld apply to Laws shudnt it? If I break a Lw I must pay a fine or go to zJail, coud;nt one argue that this is imposing rules onto people through fear? Yet, no one ever says htis is invalid. Religiosu Rules are though, becaus its wrong to issue Rules through fear.

its just pedantic and oversimplifies the topic in order to cast it in a bad light. Religion teaches morality because people need some guidanc ein how to lead their lives, and even your "Nonreligious" beleifs do exaclty the same hting, which is why I said there is no difference.

Your not even allowing yourslef to see this though. You simply want to present Religion as a force of evil that rpevent su sfrom thinkign for ourselves or leadign truly indvidual and fulfilling lives, so you talk about it creatign rules that ar epuched on us through fear wihtout even discussing why people have Rules, other htigns that make rules for us such as Ls, or even your supposely nonreligious beleifs, and how those Rules may benefit society. You instead justa ct liek this is self evidently wrong.

To tell people to start a war because their God intended it that way is a form of control.

But, no war has ever been Started simply because some guy stood up and said God wante it. Even the Crusades had more Justification than Pope Urban sayifn "God wants you to go off to War now".

Do you not understand the conplexities of Hisotry? What am I asking, of coruse you don't.

To tell me lustful thoughts, masturbation, premarital sex is a sin and I will be punished for that, is a form of control.

But, so is tellign you to not drive over 35 Miles Per Hour, tellign you not to Rape, tellign you not to Steal, ect... the question is, though, hy are those Rules even imposed?

Society operates on Rules, no matter how you derive them, and people need some sort of Guidance in life in order for them to structure it. Thats why popel in the militarey go through trainign for example, so they have procedures to help them get through difficult situations and to help them run a life concordant to what they need to do. Thats why Societies pass laws, so that it can run efficiently. Religious Rukes exist for the same reason, onky they reflect the Idividual as well as the culture at large. They arent imposed just to control people and make them slaves, btu to explain how best to order yoru life so you can lead one thta is productive, happy, and fulfilling.

Its gouign to be needed, no matter what Religion you follow.

And again, you do follow a Religion yourself.

I understand your going to tell me religion isn't just Christianity, but let's not forget Christianity has touched every corner of the earth and is a major one. If I have a son, and at a very young thwart my religion and beliefs into him so hard, that is instills the "fear of the lord", to do as I see fit, that is control. Keep in mind in Zeitgeist they tap on religion, but mostly Christianity. We don't need to mention the Monks in Tibet or the Atheist, that is not the case here and shouldn't be valid as debunking a valid point.

But its not a Valid point. Thats sort of where I'm going. Whiole there have been religious Groups that have excersised undue conrol over others, its ismply not True that Religion in general exists as a means to enslave our minds and make us oneient to an authority figure who then uses us for their own Ourposes.

And again, ALL Socieites and social grups create Rules ot help maximise both Social Hamony and individual prodictivity and happiness, so the point is really Shallow.

Are you affriad to admit you are a God fearing man, because people will dismay your claims by thinking your just "brainwashed"??

No. But what I'm saying is that it wundl't matter. I've critiidsed parts 2 and 3 as well as part 1, and I do so because its bunk, not sim;ly becsuse Part One offended me as Im deeply religiosu and refuse to examine my programming. That sort of htinking is rally just an attemot to dismiss anythign I say as if what I say is only the rsult of my inability to think for myself.

But what Im sayign is, it doenst matter ehat I beelive, but what I can demonstrate. I can demonstrar that Part One, as well as Part Two and Part Three, are bogus.

To label me as religious is redundant. I'm sure your looking at a bigger picture when you state this and by definition yes it good be following a faith, or trying to understanding the meanings of our origins. But that doesn't include everyone, no matter how you try to justify it. It is still something that needs to be a choice, and not everyone may choose a certain way of thinking, no matter how big or small. Like a 5 year child, living his day to day life not thinking 5 minutes ahead, so can others.

But my poitn is that you can't choose to not be Religious. Religion is somehtign that was not created by Humanity to explain Answrs, it shardwired. It sinnate.

Religion is simply a Set of Beleifs that explain to us how our world works, and thats why I say everyone has a Religion. It snot lke you have a Set of Beleifs about hwo our worldd works, but your si not Rdligious. Any set of beelfis about the way our world wirks is by deifnition Relgion.

Thats thre point. Thats what Religion is.

I don't see why you don't get this, other than you are too caught up in the Rhetoric on why Rligion is bad to really let go and see what I mean.

Simply put, the movie is stating this:

Part 1: Religion - a form of control
Part 2: Fear - a form on control
Part 3: Money - a form of control

But, all three of those ocnclusions are off.

1: Religion is not a form fo COntrol, it is a Set f Beleifs about the FUndamental Nature of our Eixtsance. Zeitgiets itself is tryign to promote a Religious Outlook.

Sets of beelfis can be used to control us, yes, but Religion in and of itself is nto ablut COntrol, and can never really be escaped from.

2: Fear is liek Religion, an innate wuality in the Mind. It exist in order to enable us to enter a Fight or FLight state, and to thus keep us Safe. Fear generates Aversion to Danger, and thus provides Security for Animal Life. While Fear can be used to conrol us, its still a nessisary internal instinct, not a Product of a need to control us from without.

3: Money was created as a Standardised medium of exchange and repalced the Barter System, ebcause this way everyone has a STandard thing they can use to get other thigns off people.

Very few people in this world can say they live without one of these aspects in their life having some form on control over them. Let's not mention the people in the hills because lets face it, the movie was never intended to be viewed by them.

But the movie does't realy solv ehtis. For one thing, it lies to its audience. Part one is Boguds, Jeuss was not a retellign of an old SOlar mythologyand noen o the gods they present elad lives similar to Jesus.

Part 2 is Bogus, Washignton and he Bsh Administration did not set up 9-11, it was a Terorrist Attack.

Part 3 is Bogus, the 16th Amendment was Ratified, and the Banks, whel certianly not Ideal, do not sit baout desotrying or reshapign economics to create globalk COntrol.

Each segment was clealry debunked by the Links U've supplied or onother Threads.

That said, Zeitgiest is tryign to control you by instillign a fea rof "Religion" (Christianity really) into you so you no longer Trust that and, becuase Zeitgiets is telligny uo "The Triuth" will implicitly Trust the worldview it gives you, is tryign to get you to fear and distrust the Govenrment, and is tryign to get you to fear and distrust thr Banks, its tyrign to get you to adopt its set of Beleif and Oactires by gettign you to be afraid and angry at someone elses or another system.

It does what it wamrs you the others are doing.

As for the patriot ACT and the reason we went to war, not being 9/11. You say it was to find Suddom, and to locate weapons of mass destruction. Well they found him, and the search for the weapons is over. So why are they still there?? It is costing more money and lives then it is worth to keep the troops landed there, instead of them just coming home.

America did not go over to FInd Saddam, we knew where he was, iN Bajhgdad.

That said, the reason Americans stayed so ling(With Allies) wa sbecuase t pull out after Rgeme CHange woudl have caused Iraq to plummet into CIvil War and CHaos. You cant just go in, Remove Saddam, and leave, as the Power Vaccume along would ensure the Nationas Disintegration.

Do you NOT follow the News at all?

Why do you think someone can risks their life, to fight a war over seas?
Part 1: Maybe it's in their beliefs to to do so
Part 2: Maybe their scared of them and want to fight
Part 3: Maybe to earn a salary

There are about 2-3 million personell in the service of the United States Military, and they all entered it for variosu Reasons.

So yiru quesiton will be impossible to answer simply.

IE, I know a Marine. She nteed because it was Family Tradition and becuase its the life she knew.

I know a man who went to Iraq. He Joined thre Military to learn disipline and serve his COuntry.

Both of them served for different reasons, but neither went in jjst for a Salary or Fear.

Others may have though.

So what?

There are some 500'000 Active Military Personell, I dotn know how many Reserves, and several Support positions in the American Military. They take Orders as givdn by the President and Cognress.

Ask why they do what they do, not the Personell.

Ultimately after reading this your going to want to disprove everything i've said which is fine. But why are you so adamant on ignoring the big picture here?

I'm not ignorign the Big Picture, you are.

Again, Zeitgietss information is uttelry false. Its cnclusiosn are Calse. What it warms you of as the method fo Relgiion and Govenrment and the Banks its what it doesn, it tries to instil hatred, fear, and anger into its audience so as to incleucnethem into its own beleifs.

The state of the world needs to change.

Its Always CHanging.

Why are you hanging on bits and pieces of information and debating its accuracy?

Because Innaccurate Informatin leads to Bad COnclusions.

If they got dates and facts wrong so what, that doesn't disprove religion is being used as a form of control for some.

But, if the Facts they used to prove this were wrong, why shoudl we Trust the COnclusion?

To deny it, leads me to think you are very religious, don't like what they had to say about it, and in turn (maybe to make urself feel better about your beliefs) want to pick apart the entire movie and claim everythign as false. Your focus here is mostly the religion aspect I see, and maybe the movie insulted you because of that.

Actually I debunk the Religion part most because its what I know the most, Im a student of Psycology and Theology and Love History. I am not an Economist nor am I an Archetect or Engineer.

That said, I've read a lot of books by Shcolard who were Atheists, like Bart Ehrman, and never felt offended when they describe thigns diffeenty than Christian Orthodoxy. IE, Bart Ehrman see's Jeuss as a Run of the Mill Apocaluypse Prophet, which was all too common in the Firts Cdntury AD, who managed to get killed as a cmmon Criminal by the ROmans, and whose followers needed to make sense of that Death by ascribign it a deeper spiritual meaning.

TO Ehrman, Jeuss's Death signifies nothing, but became important because his followrs did not disperse and gave it a meaning.

THe Ressurectin was an emergend legend later.

I wans';t offende dby this, and his Research eas terrific.


He has facts to back up his clims, and hwoile not all of his claism can be proven, they at least coreelate with known events and evidence.

Zetiguest on the other hand simpy repeats dispriven nonsense.

Thats why I debunk it.

I'll end my side of the debate with this, because I feel it is much appropriate.
"For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible." Stuart Chase

Maybe it wasn't stuart chase who said that, don't look it up. I fear if i'm wrong, expressing my opinion here will be ignored and the focus will really be on who said that. ;) Take care

The FOcus shoudl be on the Truth, which is what Zeitgiest ignroes.


Your missing the big picture, people are born into a society where fear is instilled, the focus is on money and religion. I said the state of the world needs to change and all u have to say is "Its Always CHanging"

Your ignoring the fact that its for the worse. Pointless comment.

"America did not go over to FInd Saddam, we knew where he was, iN Bajhgdad.

That said, the reason Americans stayed so ling(With Allies) wa sbecuase t pull out after Rgeme CHange woudl have caused Iraq to plummet into CIvil War and CHaos. You cant just go in, Remove Saddam, and leave, as the Power Vaccume along would ensure the Nationas Disintegration.

Do you NOT follow the News at all? "

I was quoting you, you said in your previous post to find him. I had a feeling u'd mention they cannot just leave. This is a political response that they would brainwash into you, to justify the face that they still shouldnt be there, which millions of your fellow Americans agree. 8-10 years is an awful amount of time to repair the country over one dictator. It's costing billions of dollars and thousands of your American lives. The scales are not currently in favor for your country by staying there. "Recession" is another key word they will drill into ur mind, to ignore the cause of the bad economy. It's the billions and billions of dollars to fund a war that, let's face it, most people don't really know what it is for. It's hard for me to believe that when the war is over, there will all of a sudden be some utopia over there.

"What it warms you of as the method fo Relgiion and Govenrment and the Banks its what it doesn, it tries to instil hatred, fear, and anger into its audience so as to incleucnethem into its own beleifs. "

No, that's what the news is for.

Again, your sheer use of the definition of religion is ridiculous. If someone states they are religious, it's assumed they believe in God, not that they meant they are pondering the far reaches of the galaxy. If someone tells you they are dying, it's intended as they do not have much time left. But if someone wanted to use your way of thinking, then we could say we are all dying, because at some point we will inevitably expire. Sure you'll say but dying is really from having an illness brought on or disease etc. But if I use your logic in comparison with religion, then you cannot deny we are all dying. Heck you may of even said that urself, but in this instance you would rather disagree because you want to debate everything and would rather sit on the other side of the fence. I know i know, you don't simply disagree with everything, only what is inaccurate.

It's kind of ironic you do not you will not say your religious, yet we're all religious right?? Lemme guess "I never said I wasn't"

It's funny, you want to dismay Zeitgeist because facts and dates are wrong, so we should ignore the message it's trying to send, that life doesn't have to be the way it is. There could be something better if our focus was shifted. God could u imagine how much faster we would of technologically advanced if for all those years are focus was on that, rather than hanging onto a God, and living the way he intended it. Yes I know religion can be understanding our existence and improving science, but thats not how it initially started right. BTW, why aren't you on a forum telling people that there is no God because you picked apart the Bible and much of it never happened and is wrong?

Do you believe in God??



Your missing the big picture, people are born into a society where fear is instilled, the focus is on money and religion. I said the state of the world needs to change and all u have to say is "Its Always CHanging"

You cannot actually demonstrate that we are born into a society in which Fear is instilled, and the Big Picture your missing out on is that there’s a whole lot more to our present society than fear, money, and what your narrowly defining as Religion.

The idea that we are enslaved by money and religion and kept in a constant state of fear so we can be controlled is really just a conspiracy theorists nonsense without a shred of credible evidence.

So no, I’M not missing the big picture.

Your ignoring the fact that its for the worse. Pointless comment.

I’m not ignoring the fact. I’m simply saying I don’t think that Religion and money are just tools used by some shadowy elite to control us because the evidence speaks against such an assertion.

"America did not go over to FInd Saddam, we knew where he was, iN Bajhgdad.

That said, the reason Americans stayed so ling(With Allies) wa sbecuase t pull out after Rgeme CHange woudl have caused Iraq to plummet into CIvil War and CHaos. You cant just go in, Remove Saddam, and leave, as the Power Vaccume along would ensure the Nationas Disintegration.

Do you NOT follow the News at all? "

I was quoting you, you said in your previous post to find him.

Please reread what I said and try to get what I meant form it.

I had a feeling u'd mention they cannot just leave. This is a political response that they would brainwash into you, to justify the face that they still shouldnt be there, which millions of your fellow Americans agree.

Maybe you should ask what I thought of the Iraqi War before making idiot assumptions. I opposed it. SO did most Churches, which supposedly exist to further enslave and control us. (Yet I bet you thought they all supported it).

I didn’t think the Iraqi War was necessary. I agreed with Pat Buchannan on it. However, once it was an accomplished Fact there was no way to just pull out without casing Iraq to disintegrate. That was one of the reasons to oppose the war in the first place.

8-10 years is an awful amount of time to repair the country over one dictator. It's costing billions of dollars and thousands of your American lives.

You should really read up on the Middle East. They aren’t just repairing the Country from one dictator, they are trying to settle disputes between differing ethnic and religious and political factions, who incidentally want to dominate Iraq now that there is a convenient power vaccume.

The Shi'ite controlled majority in Eastern Iraq and the Sunni Controlled south Western Iraq, and Kurds in the North, and certain Christian groups who are a distinct minority, as well as Ba’athists, socialists, and United Democrats all vie for power, Iran tries to assist the *beep* so as to create a new *beep* Allie, and Al Queida uses the whole mess as a recruitment base. The mess is caused by the fact that all of this was kept in check by Saddam Hussein.

Are you THAT vapid as to not realise just how volatile Iraq was to being with? DO you really think its all just a ploy? Because of you do you really need to pick up a book on Iraq, and the Middle East in general, as most conflicts in the region drag on for decades.

The scales are not currently in favor for your country by staying there.

Which might explain why the Bush Timetable has been kept by Obama and Troop withdrawal has begun…

"Recession" is another key word they will drill into ur mind, to ignore the cause of the bad economy. It's the billions and billions of dollars to fund a war that, let's face it, most people don't really know what it is for. It's hard for me to believe that when the war is over, there will all of a sudden be some utopia over there.

Its called Democratic peace Theory, and I don’t buy it either, but then, I opposed the war in the first place.

Also, the Recession was not caused by the Iraqi War. While it is true that the Iraqi War, and Afghanistan, and total Military spending combined is MASSIVELY expensive, this actually NOT the major force in the Global or American Economy. Obama’s Stimulus was actually more than is spent on the War.

The Recession was caused by the collapse of the Housing Market and the mismanagement of various Banking interests, especially mortgage loans which were made to people who had no actual means to pay off said mortgage, or other assorted loans made to people who would later default. Massive amounts of default Payments combined to create toxic assets, and the banks became insolvent.

That was all started 30 or so years ago with the Community Reinvestment Act in the Presidency of Jimmy Carter, NOT the Iraqi War, whose cost is small in contrast.

"What it warms you of as the method fo Relgiion and Govenrment and the Banks its what it doesn, it tries to instil hatred, fear, and anger into its audience so as to incleucnethem into its own beleifs. "

No, that's what the news is for.

No, the News INFORMS you. While news networks may be Biased, their purpose is to give you information.

Again, your sheer use of the definition of religion is ridiculous. If someone states they are religious, it's assumed they believe in God, not that they meant they are pondering the far reaches of the galaxy.

Just because people misuse words doesn’t mean there actual meaning has changed. That said, there are Buddhists who are Atheists and say they are Religious, so your wrong.

Also, mere belief in God can’t be religion for your own Thesis to work. Belief in God doesn’t automatically rest on fear of punishment or hope for reward after this life is over, it doesn’t provide us with any rules with which we are enslaved to an authority, and it doesn’t prevent us from coming to our own conclusions. One can believe in God and assume God created everything and then just left it alone, or doesn’t care what we do. Belief in God, in Isolation, certainly doesn’t provide anything beyond merely believing God exists. Why complain about Religion if being Religious simply means you believe in God? What your complaining about is not limited to just belief in God.

If someone tells you they are dying, it's intended as they do not have much time left. But if someone wanted to use your way of thinking, then we could say we are all dying, because at some point we will inevitably expire. Sure you'll say but dying is really from having an illness brought on or disease etc. But if I use your logic in comparison with religion, then you cannot deny we are all dying.

I don’t deny we are all dying, and I don’t think it is a viable comparative.

When you say “Religion” but mean “Belief in God” and then complain about Religion being used to control the masses, your thesis makes even less sense as merely believing that God exists doesn’t automatically come with all of the supposedly invented rules designed to control us.

Functionally, you don’t even define Religion as believe in God. You claim Religion exists in order to enslave us by setting up authority over us like a Church and giving us rules and threatening us with Damnation in Hell. However, while God may be a central tenet of Christianity, and several other Religions, the “Rules that control us and authority over us” aspect is not in and of itself the result of believing that God exists, and can even exist apart from belief in God.

Your own complaints about Religion prove it can’t be just belief in God.

It's kind of ironic you do not you will not say your religious, yet we're all religious right?? Lemme guess "I never said I wasn't"

Right. I never said I wasn’t. because Religion is simply our understanding of existence, and certainly I have never said that I lack this.

It's funny, you want to dismay Zeitgeist because facts and dates are wrong, so we should ignore the message it's trying to send, that life doesn't have to be the way it is.

But if the facts that Zeitgeist use to make its point are wrong, and I don’t mean just a little, I mean virtually all of its claims are false, then the conclusions it wants you to arrive at based upon said information would be specious, and the alternative vision it offers is simply promoted to counter the evils in you know aren’t Truly there. It has us Tilting at Windmills, like Don Quixote, only less Nobly.

There could be something better if our focus was shifted. God could u imagine how much faster we would of technologically advanced if for all those years are focus was on that, rather than hanging onto a God, and living the way he intended it.

Why do you assume that belief in God automatically Hinders Technological advancement? Its not like the Soviet Union, which was officially Atheistic, furthered Humanity’s Scientific Accomplishments far beyond what was expected with normal Technical growth seen previously, and instead of being the most sophisticated nation on Earth because of its emphasis on Reason and Science America was far in excess of the Former Soviet Union in terms of Scientific progress, and America was and still remains a highly Pious and Devour place dominated by Open and Avowed Christians, as well as other Religions such as Judaism and even Hinduism.

The idea that Science is somehow Halted by Religion, and that Religion is just belief in God, really is just a shallow Popular Cultural accepted Truism, not a reality.

Yes I know religion can be understanding our existence and improving science, but thats not how it initially started right.

Yes it is.

Again, it’s not like there was a time in Human History before Religion existed and someone came along and invented it. Religion is innate. Religion is simply humanity trying to make sense of his world.

Science is not the Opposite of Religion, its an offshoot of Religion. In fact, Modern Science was created by Christians in the Middle Ages, based on their belief that God created a Uniform Universe, that operates on fixed Laws. It was their understanding that they could thus predict Natural Occurrences and learn Phenomenon worked by observing Nature, which they believed would be consistent.

It was their belief in God and assumption that he created a constant Universe that gave rise of our Modern Science in the First Place. The Idea that Religion held back Science or always fought it is a 19th Century myth. Then again, so is the idea that Horus lead a life that was Identical to Jesus, and so did many other Saviour gods.

BTW, why aren't you on a forum telling people that there is no God because you picked apart the Bible and much of it never happened and is wrong?

Because that would be a lie.

And even Atheistic Scholars don’t say that its all wrong or large chunks never happened as a Rule.

Do you believe in God??

Does it matter?

If I say no, you will assume I am lying or else assume I am part of some sort of Elite. If I say yes you will claim I am just upset with Zeitgeist part one because it attacks my beliefs. I just can’t get over my brainwashing, and refuse to accept the Truth.

Of course, you would also assume that I am a Christian if I said I believe in God. For all you know I’m Jewish, or Muslim, or Hindu, or Buddhist. None of that would enter your head though, you’d hear me say “Yes I believe in God” and interpret this as “I am a Fundamentalist Christian who hates Zeitgeist because it contradicts my beliefs, and I just don't want it to be true so try to debunk it”.

But who cares about that?

Why not focus on what’s truly important, the facts we can show in evidence. Do you have any evidence for any of the assertions you have made or any of the claims in any of the parts in this film?


Oh and I just checked. I can't find where I said we went over to Find Saddam Hussein. Maybe you can quote me directly and include the Date Stamp?

Otherwise I suggest that you misremembered.


"Are you THAT vapid as to not realise just how volatile Iraq was to being with? DO you really think its all just a ploy? Because of you do you really need to pick up a book on Iraq, and the Middle East in general, as most conflicts in the region drag on for decades."

Conflicts yes, war no. Africa deals with similiar issues but we don't choose to involve ourselves so thoroughly like the middle east.

"Also, the Recession was not caused by the Iraqi War. While it is true that the Iraqi War, and Afghanistan, and total Military spending combined is MASSIVELY expensive, this actually NOT the major force in the Global or American Economy. Obama’s Stimulus was actually more than is spent on the War."

Yes, but the stimulus was designed to directly benefit the citizens and the economy. What financial or economic benefit does the war entail? Salaries for soldiers yes, but that's government funded money which the American people pay for, which is billions.

And again, to tell me I'm wrong to assume that if someone tells me they are religious, that it means something otherwise than the belief in God is preposterous. Muslims, Hindu, and Christians make up 5 billion of the population, so to assume is not being ignorant, it is a logical conclusion unless otherwise stated.

"Does it matter? "

No, I was just curious. I was raised a Catholic and do believe in God, and will raise my children the same way, going through confirmation, communion, etc. I will be married in the catholic church as well. I would of never once came to the conclusion that "oh see you believe in God your just being biased and crazy". But i can assume your a white male, around the age of 25 and are Christian. I'm not making crazy assumptions here, just drawing conclusions through the vibe of this conversation.

Why not focus on what’s truly important, the facts we can show in evidence."

That's what im saying regarding the movie. Focus on the message. Much like the bible and the stories religion tells us, I would not stear someones focus from the message of a good set of morals, beliefs and values simply because things like noah and the ark never happened.

BTW, I never said once that religions only purpose was to control, I simply said it can be used that way and there's no denying it. You jumped to the conclusion that I meant every religion and felt the need to drill the fact that religion can be not just about God but other things as well. This is a fact that you just wanted to point out, but really has no bearing on the subject I was getting at. There's no 100% in a subject like this, however like I said it is not wrong to assume that most peoples religion is a belief in God, which the statistics will show. So to not assume millions upon millions of people do not see some form of control, due to religion is just arrogant and ignorant. If you can press the fact that not all religions is just about God, even though thats the minority statistic, then I can stress the fact that it can as has been a form of control on people, obviously not everyone.


Matt, you ask us to focus on the Message of Zeitgeist, but the Message of Zeitgeist is supported by obviously fraudulent information. None of the claims it makes are real, in any of its three parts. Jesus existed, and did not have similarities with earlier pagan godmen, nor is he an allegory for the Sun. This can be proven, and demonstrated with ease to anyone willing to examine the matter for themselves. 9-11 was not an inside job, Bush did not orchestrate it to gain control of the masses or to help pass laws that will enslave us. Likewise, the Building did not collapse because of bombs placed on the inside of it. The 16th Amendment to the American Constitution was Ratified lawful and is part of the Constitution, further, there are Laws on the books about paying Income Tax, so the claim that there are no such Law is bogus. Further, the Banks do not simply create currency out of no where and are not financing wars an setting up dictatorships.

The above can, and has, been easily discredited. None of the claims central to the Movie Zeitgeist are valid.

So, this leaves us with the message you want us t take form it, which is , apparently, that Religion or Government or money can be used to control us. Well, so what? Anything can be used to control us. Sex can be used to control us, but people who follow this movie are not against Sex. In fact, those who create such movies like this tend to favour a liberal sexual ethic, and one of the recurring criticisms of “Religion” is that it represses our natural sexuality to our determent. This is one reason Religion is called “Evil”. Food can be used to control us, but no one suggests food is evil. Ideals like the Venus Project can be used to Control us too. All it would take would be someone who wants to horde the centralised goods and service and sets themselves up as their regulator who rewards “Proper: behaviour and punishes “Improper” behaviour. This actually happened before, such as in the Soviet Union, in which the Communist Ideal of a workers paradise was used to impose heavily Dictatorial control in the name of Peoples liberation. To think it can’t happen again is simply to ignore the reality of Human Nature and Historical experience, such as someone else did in this thread when they believed that it would be difficult to create a Dictatorship since that’s what we set out to avoid. Well, so did the Communists.

All of this talk of Liberating us, or how we are being controlled through fear and deception isn’t some great Truth that’s being given to us in Zeitgeist, that we should accept despite minor flaws in some information, it’s a Propagandistic claim designed to work on your emotions to cause you to reject certain aspects of modern Society which are blamed with holding us all back, that gets nearly all of its information wrong, and slants its heavily selective information to such a way as to facilitate the ends of the films producers.

The movie relies on you accepting the current Cultures general beliefs about Religion and History and taking it a step further. We have developed a general Archetype for our Culture that says Religion is about Shadows and deceit and control, and filled with Corruption. This Stereotypical view of Governments not without its Truth, but like any Stereotype its easily manipulated into creating a false picture. However, because we are primed to distrust Big Government, we open ourselves up to the possibility of massive Conspiracies against us by said Government. Its what we expect, and what fits our Paradigm, the way we view the world. It fulfils the expectations we have been instilled with.

This distrust of Government can be Traced back quiet some way, to the very beginning of the Modern Era, in which the Inviolability of Kings was first Questioned in the 1500’s. It grew from there through the Enlightenment, which saw the Kings of France and Britain as the central focus of the Rage of “The People”, and sparked Revolutions, and later in the new thinking, socialism and Communism, which see the present Governmental System as the Bourgeoisie dominating via Capitalism and exploitation the Proletariat. Today, even those who have not read formal Theory have been influenced by these thoughts because they have been discussed and rediscussed until they are simply taken at face value in their simplest form: That Government is always corrupt and always capable of anything against us. Our books and Movies reinforce this by often featuring the Theme of a Corrupt Government involved in a Conspiracy against we, the people. This idea is roote din our collectivre cultural consiousness, and simply taken as a matter-of-fact.

Because of this, we are open to claims about 9-11 being a Conspiracy, or the Banks being involved in manipulating the Government for its own ends. After all, a part of the above Scenario is about the Bourgeoisie, the wealthy elites, who dominate our society and can buy said corrupt Government thus subverting Democracy, and Democracy itself has become the other great accepted Truth, that it is the only Valid and Truly Just form of Government. But Democracy is undermined by Big Business interests or elites trying to control us.

Its just taken for Granted that this is how our world works and that’s just how people generally accept, albeit often on an unconscious level, as the way things are.

The same is true of Religion. The idea that Religion is about power or control, that it opposes Independent thinking and rational thought, and that it’s the enemy of Science, exists as a Ghost in the collective consciousness of society, a commonly recurring theme in our everyday beliefs about how the world works and how our society developed, the basic idea of how our History was. The idea that Religion is responsible for Wars that have killed countless millions, that Conversion, especially to Christianity, was often forced onto civilisations, that Inquisitions were brutal and carried out often, and that Religious leaders plot to keep us ignorant and under there control is another recurring theme in our fiction, and one that people tend to buy into even who are, ahem, “Religious”, as some great evil that happened in our History in the name of their Faith (Again usually Christian) that was a great shame.

The Inquisition and Crusades are known to be evil events that occurred in the name of Christianity and a time when the Christian Church was obviously and indefensibly wrong, even though few can tell you exactly what those events were actually about. Many know Galileo was persecuted for going against the Church by saying the Earth is not the Centre o the Universe, though few know the details other than the Church opposed Science, and this story highlights how the Church opposes Science, as does Evolution. These two are the only real examples (Other than nowadays Stem Cells) that people use, but the general feeling is, all Science is opposed by the Christian Church.

Paedophile Priests, the Hypocritical Baptist Minister who condemns Drinking, Dancing, and premarital sex whose an alcoholic and screwing his secretary, the Televangelist whose wealthy and in it for the money, the Fabulous wealth of the Church whilst others Starve, all of these are common, recurrent themes in our everyday modern Narratives. Added can be the Homophobic Minister who condemns, even hates gay people who ends up being gay himself.

All these stereotypes and more are bandied about, and people generally accept them, with a cumulative effect of an innate, though not really Rational, fear or distrust of “The Christian Church”. Many in our society seem also incapable of realising that there are more Churches than just one and they aren’t all interrelated. IE, the Presbyterian Church is not the Methodist Church, and neither of them are Catholic. Others divide Catholic and Protestant but still see the two as generally two different Churches, rather than the Protestants as many Churches. Few in the West, especially in America, really even know about or consider the Orthodox Church, it simply doesn’t register.

What does Register is the Corrupt Church run by Hypocrites who are only interested in keeping people in the pews paying them money in he form of Tax Free Donations, or trying to destroy the Separation of Church and State to create a Theocracy and thus remove our rights. Or at least to politically meddle with our Secular Laws.

Its instilled in us to instinctively fear and distrust the Church. We just automatically assume they are lying or keeping the Truth form us. That’s part of our Culture, too.

In fact, fear and distrust of the Traditional Institutions of our Society as a whole, be they Religious or Secular, is part of the common Narrative of “The Man” trying to keep us down.

Zeitgeist simply plays off that common cultural narrative, that “They” aren’t telling us the Truth, and through lies and fear control us.

It’s the same narrative that makes a lot of movies work, and who doesn’t love to see the Government officials trying to silence the lone voice who knows the truth? Or the Powerful executive who want sot silence a former employee who learned the Truth and now wants to make it public? Who doesn’t root for the stoic reformer who stands against the centuries of corruption within the Church?

It makes great Theatre, and certainly enthrals us as a Story, as a weaker opponent brings down a massive authority with Truth, for it has abused its powers and cruelly oppressed others.

Also, it is based on some True events. There really are Paedophile Priests, there really are televangelist who are fabulously wealthy and who fleece the poor for their own gain, or Baptist Ministers who are having affairs with their secretaries. There really are Governmental projects launched to dominate us. But, not all Priests are Paedophiles, not all Ministers are hypocrites, and not all Government agencies are plotting out social control of the masses. We need to use reason and look at reality as it is, not as our collective cultural narrative goes.

But, the Narrative is powerful, and does influence us, and Zeitgeist simply capitalises on this fact to promote its own agenda on the backs of pre-existing fear and distrust, which is exaggerated by telling us its all a Big Lie, designed to control us. The success of the Movie therefore rests entirely on the accuracy of its information. If the information is not True, then Zeitgeist is propaganda, not reality.

Zeitgeist us about a message: Its message is simply a repetition of an old refrain, now shaped to its own ends, in order to promote the Venus Project y getting you to hate Christianity sand the American Government for the centuries of lies and manipulation and social control they have inflicted on us. But, the information Zeitgeist presents to show us this, to get us to finally break form the control given to us by the Elites, is simply bogus. That’s the problem. It needs to be accepted as true for the message to really work, an its not True.
Why shudl I trust Zeitgeist in its message about how we are being controlled by Religion when the shocking Truth about the Origins of Christianity are not True? Why should I challenge the Traditional Authority of Christianity on the basis that the life of Jesus is a retelling of earlier Myths and that Jesus lead a near Identical life to Horus or Mithras, when the Truth is he didn’t? Why should I accept that Christianity is being used to control me when one of the pieces of evidence is that Jesus is a retelling of the Solar Myth, the suns course throughout the year, when I know this is not True? Why should I accept that Religion is being used in our modern society to dull our minds and make us easy to control, and thus set up against each other by fighting wars or performing menial labour that is unfulfilling, all because it promises us a better life, based on this information that’s discredited? when the information given to shake peoples Faith and trust in Christianity is itself a lie, why should I then distrust the Christian Faith? And even if the information on Christianity were True, how does that discredit Religion as a whole?

Why should I believe the Government of the United States of America is out to control us through fear, and pass legislation that destroys our Freedom, on the basis that Bush was behind 9-11, the Two Towers collapsed as the result of a Controlled demolition, and that this was an inside Job? I mean, I know that the Twin Towers fell due to a Terror Attack, that was carried out by Al Quieda Operatives, orchestrated by Osama Ben laden, not by Bush. Bush had been in office for a little under 9 months. He didn’t have time for such an orchestration, unless you believe in the Shadowy “Elites” that set it up and he just executed it, but why should I believe they even exist?

Why should I believe the Banks regulate economic boom times and collapses into recession in order to create social engineering when the economic discussions in the Film are Fraudulent? Why should I buy what they say about the Federal Reserve and how we need not pay income Taxes as there is no Law that says we must when I can go online and easily find Law Codes that say we have to pay Taxes?

None of this is any more Credible than the Conspiracy Theories against Obama, that he is a secret Communist Agent or a Muslim trying to impose Shariah Law. It all rest son pre-existing prejudices and a willingness to believe in these things because it its a desired reality.

Zeitgeist mainly caters to Militant Anti-Theists who hated Bush and his Administration, which was in power when the film came out, and those who buy into the idea that the reason they aren’t’ personally successful is because the System is corrupt and unfair.

Its message is tailored to give them a Rationalisation for their own Failures and to embody them in such a way that external powers are at work to keep the Truth and prosperity they deserve away from them, or to explain in easy answers why there is suffering in our world.

It legitimises their own beliefs whilst taking them into a paradigm they can then use to help explain the Why’s of the world, such as why there is suffering or why we are at war or why some people jut can’t make it.

The problem is, those answers are too easy, and wrong.


All that out of the way, I think most of your argument rests on misdefining terms. For instance, your now saying that, while not all Religions believe in God, most peoples Religion is belief in God. That’s not True. Most peoples Religion is not Belief in God. Most peoples Religion includes, or is based around, belief in God, but there is more to any Religion than just belief in God, and Belief in God, Theism, is not in and of itself a Religion, any more than Atheism is in and of itself a Religion. Religion must include more than just “Belief in God” to be a Religion, and this is true of anyone’s statements. Some people say “I am not Religious but do believe in God” or “I’m spiritual, not Religious”, and if they meant belief in God was Religion, then surly their Religion would also be belief in God wouldn’t it? Further, Christianity is not a Religion because it’s a belief in God, but because it includes details as to how we relate to God, and that explains the world we live in. Islam is the same way. So is Hinduism. The adherents of these faiths do not claim to be Religious solely based on the belief in God they hold to, they include loads of other beliefs as well, that must work in concert together to form a unified picture.

So no, most peoples Religion is not belief in God.

Then there is the Stimulus VS the War. You say that the Stimulus was directly designed to help the Citizens, and asked what Economic benefit he War was suppose to achieve. This is disingenuous because it ignores that Wars aren’t usually fought for Economic benefit of the Citizens, and in this case it was fought over US National Security concerns. Specifically the US and UK Governments feared that Saddam Hussein had weapons of Mass Destruction, and Knew he had Violated the UN Terms of peace by flying in the no fly zones and adding troops to the demilitarised zones. While I was opposed to the War, I was not opposed to it because I didn’t see thee Economic benefit that was proposed. No one claimed there would be an Economic Benefit to it. Your contrasting two completely different things. Speaking of which, the Stimulus failed, utterly, to provide any benefit at all. It was designed to help prevent unemployment, to keep it form exceeding 8.5, yet Unemployment now stands at 9.4%, and rose to a high of 9.6%.

The Stimulus did not actually Stimulate the Economy and only rewarded Democrat Party Faithful and groups that are Traditionally Democrat Leaning. It was as much Political as Economic in its distribution, and the Keynesian Economic Model they used was not successful in providing Relief from the collapsed economy. It was simply a Waste of Taxpayer money, given on the basis of a Failed Political Ideology of a Governmental Centrally planned Economic model supported by people who actually want the Government to supply our needs and regulate matters for our own good. This is much, MUCH closer to what Zeitgeist claims is bad for us, and yet you don’t complain about the Stimulus, you complain about the Iraqi War which as fought half a world away and n which we had no obvious loss of Liberty over. While I do not think the Stimulus was part of a Conspiracy to control us, it was part of a belief in Centrlisisation of Government powers to help regulate society so we can all be winners, which in turn is closer to the Zeitgeist proposed Totalitarianism than is the Iraqi War.


You are constantly pulling out sentences out of an entire paragraph, and mashing them together to draw your own conclusions and then creating an irrelevant rebuttal.

ÈThen there is the Stimulus VS the WarÈ

I never once made a comparisson of the two, only an observation of money being spent. Billions of dollars and lives lost

ÈNo one claimed there would be an Economic Benefit to it. Your contrasting two completely different thingsÈ

Again, I simply asked the question what financial benefit is America going to receive from the war, not because there should be one. But because of the money being spent over seas while leaving the people at home in disarray. When you pull out one sentence out of an entire statement you donèt comprehend the point, and make it very hard to debate.

ÈSpeaking of which, the Stimulus failed, utterly, to provide any benefit at allÈ

It did not entirely fail, people are still unemployed however, less in debt and still with their homes. Time is still to tell the benefits of this seeing as it has only been a short amount of time.

ÈSo no, most peoples Religion is not belief in God. È

Again, just being you want to point out a small number of people who do not people in God but are religious does not change what the word ÈreligiousÈ represents. So when you say most religions isnèt believeing in God is just asinine. 5 billion people follow a religion that is a belief in God, and pointing out a minority does not justify your opinion. This is a statistic.



You are constantly pulling out sentences out of an entire paragraph, and mashing them together to draw your own conclusions and then creating an irrelevant rebuttal.

But its not Ireelevant, and you should read the previous post. I saved the Religion and Stimulus Talk for a secondary post I put in later...

ÈThen there is the Stimulus VS the WarÈ

I never once made a comparisson of the two, only an observation of money being spent. Billions of dollars and lives lost

But I brought up the Stimulus first,nd your initial comment was on the cost of the War. The US Government is in general wasteful and while the Iraqi War is itself a hugely expensive project, it is far from the most expensive thing America is throwing its money away on.

That was my point.

It doens't matter if the Iraqi War ended tomorrow, it'd nor save much money and you cnabet yoru bottom dollar that a new cause will be foudn for all that money we saved.

After teusday it will likly be a republican rather than Democrat Congrss though, so the Money will be wsted on different things than it is wasted on when the Democrats are in Power.

But it will still be Wasted.

ÈNo one claimed there would be an Economic Benefit to it. Your contrasting two completely different thingsÈ

Again, I simply asked the question what financial benefit is America going to receive from the war, not because there should be one. But because of the money being spent over seas while leaving the people at home in disarray. When you pull out one sentence out of an entire statement you donèt comprehend the point, and make it very hard to debate.

But what makes you think they woudl spend the Money at Home if the War was not ongoing? its not like the US Government is renown for that sort of thing.

ÈSpeaking of which, the Stimulus failed, utterly, to provide any benefit at allÈ

It did not entirely fail, people are still unemployed however, less in debt and still with their homes. Time is still to tell the benefits of this seeing as it has only been a short amount of time.

Two Years, and the rate of foreclosures and unemployment have increased in that time and continue to rise rather than Fall. yes it has been a Failure, and it is a Failure simply because its economically unviable as a Solution.

ÈSo no, most peoples Religion is not belief in God. È

Again, just being you want to point out a small number of people who do not people in God but are religious does not change what the word ÈreligiousÈ represents.

But my poitn is thast everyone is Religious, remmebmber? Its also ironic that you critisise me for takign only one senence in Isolation and thus miss the point, while you now do exaclty that.

My comment here was that the way everyone uses the word "Religion" means it can't be simply "Beleif in God". No one defines Rekligion as simply beleif in God, and no one says that beelif in God is their Religion.

See, Christianity is not called a religion simply becuse its adherants beelivein God. it is a Religion because it is a comprehensive view on the basic things we se in Human expeirnce.

Likewie, peopel who are not Christian or nay other mroe Traditional Religion, but beleiv ein God, never say that their Religion is Beleif in God.

Religion is not Theism.

So when you say most religions isnèt believeing in God is just asinine. 5 billion people follow a religion that is a belief in God, and pointing out a minority does not justify your opinion. This is a statistic.

Two flaws to this are as follows.

1: The Religions those five billion follow is not "Bel4eif in God". Thats not what the word Religion means to them, eithewr. Muslims do not define their Religion as just "Beleif in God", Jews donot define their Religion as just "Beleif in God", Christians do not define their Religion as just "Beleif in God". Theres a whole lot mroe to them than just "Beleif in God".

2: The existance of Religious peopel who do not beleive in God undrmines the idea that Religion is beleif in God.

All of that still ignores that my actual arguent is that there is no such thing as a Nonreligious person.


" So when you say most religions isnèt believeing in God is just asinine. 5 billion people follow a religion that is a belief in God, and pointing out a minority does not justify your opinion. This is a statistic.

Two flaws to this are as follows.

1: The Religions those five billion follow is not "Bel4eif in God". Thats not what the word Religion means to them, eithewr. Muslims do not define their Religion as just "Beleif in God", Jews donot define their Religion as just "Beleif in God", Christians do not define their Religion as just "Beleif in God". Theres a whole lot mroe to them than just "Beleif in God".

2: The existance of Religious peopel who do not beleive in God undrmines the idea that Religion is beleif in God.

All of that still ignores that my actual arguent is that there is no such thing as a Nonreligious person.

I think your heads going too far up your ass. Many words in the English language have more than one meaning, by definition. Your simply stating one definition of the word and ignoring others. Pull up religion in any dictionary, and what is the first meaning say?? I know you will ignore this.

And again, I never said religion is just this or just that, I simply said that if someone tells me they are religious I can make a fair assumption that they believe in God, I never said that is all they believe in but just one aspect and it would be the first logical assumption that EVERYONE would make except for you. If someone came up to you and said hey my names so and so and I'm a Christian, would you honestly ask them if they believe in God?? Or would it be safe to say they do


Now follow me closely here....

5 billion people are religous (using the word loosely ok??)
The majortity being Chirstians, Muslims, and Hindu
SO, when someone SAYS they are RELIGIOUS, it is assumed they believe in GOD

Now yes when you say it isn't just GOD, agreed, it is other things as well. However the key component here is that they believe in God. Take God out, and you have someone who is just religious, and does not fall under the 5 billion statistic. So again it is safe to assume they believe in God (amongst other things yes we know) when they say they are religious. Are you honestly so stubborn as to think people walk around who have no belief in God, tell themselves or other people for that matter they are religious?? VERY RARELY. 27 years and i've met one. sURE, they could, and by definition they would not be wrong. And yes someone could live as a muslim or hindu or whatever, and not believe in a God, but then that's more following a tradition and a set of morals and values, which in turn could follow under another religion, which is not under the 5 billion statistic. Don't forget this is a statistic. if they wanted to be arrogant and stubborn, then the statistic would read:

# of people (input the etire population here) are religious. That isn't the case is it??

I'm assuming you'll want to hinder on the fact that I said being Muslim Hindu etc. and not believe in God. Please don't even go there, because again, we are talking numbers here not the needle who should represent the whole hay stack


Mat, for a guy who asks we all look at the big Picture, you keep missing mine. So here goes again.

Zeitgeist, and several other sources, say that Religion is a form of Social Control, and you agree that, at least it can be. Religion is usually limited to Theism so that Atheists and Agnostics are not counted as Religious, and often they become angry if you call them such, But everything they complain about in Religion exists nonetheless in any alternative they cook up, and worse, none of it really directly stems from mere Belief in God. By defining Religion as belief in God, and then discussing how Religion has been use to control the masses and get them to submit to those in Authority without question and to live under harsh conditions on the illusion that thee is some sort of reward for it, they overlook how their own beliefs are just as easily used to manipulate the masses and to control people, and how belief in God in and of itself never does lead to control. Even if I accepted the Premise, I’d have to wonder how believing that God exists and that he created the Universe would automatically lead me to blindly follow a dictator who has absolute power over my life.

Simply put, the idea that Religion is used to control the Masses makes less sense when you limit it to Theism because Theism is not in and of itself used to control the masses. Certainly you can argue that people can claim something is Gods will and that this claim can be used to control the masses, but not mere belief in God in and of itself.

Also, given that Zeitgeist, and others, claim that Religion achieves its control over us by instilling us with fear, and promising us a reward for our obedience to its dictates, one has to wonder how that’s all that different from the Zeitgeist movement itself. Zeitgeist wants us to fear the (American) Government, and to fear Christianity. It wants to instill in us contempt and outrage at how those things have lied to us, and how they control our lives and deny us True Freedom. Is that any different from the oversimplified version of Christianity that Zeitgeist presented in showing us Satan and his minions, or noting how Adam and Eve caused us all to be Born with a Sinful nature?

Or look at the reward aspect. The same oversimplified version of Christianity presented in these sorts of works operates by saying that if your really good and obey those nice men in authority, you will go to Heaven. Zeitgeist says this tactic is wrong, as all it does is give a false hope to the people to get them to put up with hardships and dictatorial control over their lives by the Church or the Government using Religious sounding words. But then Zeitgeist promises us all a Utopian paradise at the end of a long struggle, a new global Revolution which will overthrow the evil in this world and establish a perfect society, Via the Venus Project, to create a resource based economy in which we will not have to toil and labour ceaselessly and all our needs will be met. it’s the light at the end of the Tunnel that we are to look at as we fight our evil oppressors who control the Money, Government, and our Spiritual Lives. Is this any different from Adam and Eve causing us to Sin, and how Satan and his Demons want to keep us trapped in Sin? Is the End Goal of the Resource based Economy as envisioned by the Venus Project really any different from Salvation brought to the world by the efforts of the Church and, in the end, by the Return of Jesus Christ, who will establish his Kingdom finally and forever? Some Christians even hold that this Kingdom will be an Earthly one capitaled in Jerusalem.

Zeitgeist presents us with a dark world filled with misery, in which powerful elites conspire to keep us all in the dark so we will toil to make hem richer and more powerful, and in which we are used as mere cattle. Zeitgeist promises us to overcome this great evil, which holds Humanity back, by freeing first our Minds then our social order and creating a paradise on Earth. So, what you have in the end is Zeitgeist using fear of those in power, who are blamed for causing all of our worlds woes and sorrows, and a promise of a future reward if you just stand with them in some great struggle.

This is used to manipulate people into accepting the beliefs of the Movement, regarding how we should understand our world, what our morals should be, and how society should work. Zeitgeist effectively performs the same functions of Religion it most speaks against as great evils, and uses exactly the same tactics.


You disregard everything i said in my previous point but fine.

Let me make this brief and simple, im sure you'll get my point:

"Is the End Goal of the Resource based Economy as envisioned by the Venus Project really any different from Salvation brought to the world by the efforts of the Church and, in the end, by the Return of Jesus Christ, who will establish his Kingdom finally and forever?"

This is a sticky question and would require a harsh answer. One could easily state the difference is the life we know and could have would experience the salvation, whereas the Salvation of God is just a fairy tale for a what if scenario. Mind you, this isn't necessarily my opinion.

"Zeitgeist presents us with a dark world filled with misery, in which powerful elites conspire to keep us all in the dark so we will toil to make hem richer and more powerful, and in which we are used as mere cattle"

McDonalds anyone??
This comment here is where humanity differs. Some see the world as fine and have "faith" it will get better. Others, live in sorrow, maybe sick, homeless or suffering.

I agree with the hypocrisy that they are using here, it is in a way ironic. However, do I really need to compare the difference between heaven and the Venus project?? I think you know where I'm going with this.

People go to war because they want to serve their country and risk their lives. Do we judge? No. So how can you judge someone on the premise that they want to take a risk themselves and strive for a "different" world? So who are you to judge someone for their beliefs? Would it be fair for me to go and tell every God believing man that their crazy and wasting there time? So why can you condemn the idea this movie has bestowed upon others? 9/11 wasn't an inside job so do not strive for what the movie says we can be. Noah and the ark never happened so do not follow that said religion. Follow me? You wanna talk hypocrites, look at yourself. You are judging and criticizing something people would like to see, based on incorrect information. Is that fair? Should we ignore the entire message because Horus wasn't born of a virgin? Should we not follow God's message and the Bible because Jesus did not walk on water? What's the difference here?

Zeitgeist creates an argument that really, and I'll agree, shouldn't have a real bearing against someones religion and display it as wrong. They could stick with the cold hard facts and promote their idea in a non-fearful way. But then again, would I even of known the movie was out there if they didn't? Society today loves controversy. Look at the news. It knows what to use to grab our attentions.

"This is used to manipulate people into accepting the beliefs of the Movement, regarding how we should understand our world, what our morals should be, and how society should work. Zeitgeist effectively performs the same functions of Religion it most speaks against as great evils, and uses exactly the same tactics. "

So what's wrong with that? You see the irony here? In a way, you've shown an admission of my own point about how religion can be. You condemn their tactics, but at the same time acknowledge the control tactic that religion also used. Yes I know, "the way Zeitgeist" sees religion. But let's face it. Your entire rebuttal was a comparison of the similarities of the two.

On a side note, I was watching a commercial the other day and it made me laugh, in a pathetic kind of way. Keeping in mind the 3rd installment of Zeitgeist is going to tap on the medial world (which I really have no strong opinion about). A lady's telling us a story of how she was going through treatment at a medical clinic for cancer, and the doctor comes in and says she will die in 3 months. So what does she do? Go to this other clinic that they are advertising and completely cure her of all her ailments. Kind of despicable what people will tell you for money and how medicine has turned into such a huge monopoly. Mind you the fine print said "dramatization, these results are not typical". Another commercial you may have seen is for a sleeping aid, with the glowing green butterfly. First off, I find it absolutely ridiculous that medicine is being advertised to us like candy, and feel this is something only a doctor should recommend, instead of planting the idea in our heads. Secondly, I cannot fathom how an FDA approved drug can go on the market, and the fine print reads "we do not know how this drug actually works" literally. I think back to a time in my life, when I was suffering from chronic panic attacks (a terrible thing to go through on a daily basis I might add). It was the same time the prescription paxil was on TV for the exact same symptoms. Now I'm not saying I feel they implanted this idea into my head, I really paid no attention to them. But looking back, I can't believe how quick the doctor would prescribe it to me, like candy. Just from going to a walk in clinic and relaying my symptoms, the boxes and boxes of samples were thrown at me. "Samples", what a world. Ultimately, I read much about the side affects and it scared me, and all it really took to "cure" me was speaking to someone who had the same experience and assured me it won't kill me and will go away. Copy and paste this into the Zeitgeist 3 forum, that's really all I have to say about that theory. I can predict some of the wildness they will get at, that conspiracy theory has been around for some time, the idea of keeping you sick. I'm sure they'll have an interesting interpretation, with many wild conclusions.

(on another side note, in my city there is a crying virgin Mary statue and has been all over our news and papers and stirring all this controversy. It's really the site to see though. I found quite the irony when I saw that thinking of our debate the past couple weeks. Go to and check it out. Should be easy to find theres been countless articles. Or just google: Windsor Ontario weeping Mary or whatnot)


Mat, my point is that Religion is not all about fear and Control. Whole some people who promote various Religions (Religion is not a singular force) do, in fact, use these tactics, Religion is not all about these tactics in and of itself, which was my central point. All Religion is is a set f beliefs regarding our existence, and ultimately we are all going to have a Religion, because we will all have some sort of underlying belief system that tells us how our world works, which is all Religion is at the end of the Day. Religion shouldn’t be seen solely as Christianity, or solely as Abrahamic Faiths, or solely as Theism.

That said, its not the belief in the Venus Project, it’s the criticism of Religion as using fear and promise of reward that I condemned. Zeitgeist basically claims that Religion (Read Christianity) uses Fear and prevents us from learning and thinking for ourselves in order to ensure “they” keep power over us, only to basically use the same tactics they condemn as Evil.

Zeitgeist is trying to cause its viewer to distrust Religion, and the American Government, and the Monetary System and Banks, by blaming them with the worlds major problems, only to then present its own solution as the only alternative. This lets Zeitgeist Viewers act as if there are only two cams, and there is no nuance. Yu either think everything in eh world is fine as is and want to continue to live your life as a pathetic Slave (Unless your a master in the know) or else you join the Zeitgeist Movement and promote the only viable solution to all of our problems, and renounce Religion, the Banks, and the American Government as it stands today as great Evils. It presents this as a matter-of-fact either your with us or against us choice when its really not.

One need not be a Christian to have problems with the premise of Zeitgeist part one or its message, and one need not be Christian to find it ludicrous they promote this “Message” by lying to you.

One need not be American, much less a Super Patriot blinded by idyllic love of Country, to find Fault with Parts 2 and 3.

While Religion can be used to control people, and believe me I have had my share of arguments with “Religious” types for bad logic and employing poor reasoning skills, its not True that this is all Religion is.

That said, there is a difference between belief in Noah’s Ark or Jesus walking on Water and belief in the Venus Project. For starters, those are specific events, not Governmental systems. Jesus could have been a Hippie advocating Free Love and still be said to have walked on Water, and it would not have effected much. (Well, other than the legitimate criticism that maybe his Apostles were stoned when they saw him)

Jesus Walking on Water was suppose to Illustrate him as someone who had remarkable powers, as a sign of who he was, but was not his message and in the end doesn’t really effect society.

Lets assume Noah’s Ark is not a Myth and did happen. So what? That does’ tell me that banks are evil, nor does it tell me to implicitly Trust tem. It doesn’t mean Bush was responsible for 9-11, nor does it Exonerate him. Its no more relevant to “The Men Behind the Curtail” than the fact that Napoleon Bonaparte became Emperor of France in 1801, or that the Holy Roman Empire was created in 800 AD with the Coronation of Otto the First. Meanwhile, if a Myth, its no more damaging to believe in it as True than those who believe that Aliens Built the Pyramids, or that Zeus impregnated Danae and she gave Birth to Perseus, who went on the Slay Medusa.

The Venus Project is a Social and Political Theory. Implementing it would have far reaching ramifications beyond mere belief that someone once walked on water a long time ago, it would require the complete reshaping of society. While you may want to contrast this with how some Christians want to create a Christian Society base don’t he Moral and Ethical teachings of Jesus Christ, you can’t really compare it to belief in Jesus Walking on Water.

All that said, if a Christian Movement wanted to create fear and distrust and then present itself as the only alternative, then I’d oppose it to. In fact, I have opposed it. Whenever I see an idiot Christian claiming all Mosques in the US, or some ridiculously high number of them like 98%, are funded by the Muslim Brotherhood out of Saudi Arabia, and that Islam should not be seen as a Religion but rather as a Hostile Political Ideology, and then wishes to use this to restrict the construction of Mosques and limit the Religious Freedom of all Muslims, whilst claiming that Muslims do not worship the same god as Christians and Jess but their god named Allah, who was a Pagan moon god, and when they use snippets from the Koran to prove how Evil all Muslims are and how the Book promotes Violence, in exactly he same way Atheists use Bible Quotes out of Context, I complain. When Pat Robertson suggests we assassinate Presidents of Nations who do not play ball with America, I balk. Whenever someone suggests that Group X is not a Real Christian because of heur ir political beliefs, I counter it even if I do not share group X’s politics. Whenever I am told that we need to brign society back to God by the likes of Joseph Farah or Glenn Beck, I realise that their idea of a Christian Society is nothing at all like what I’d want. ( I want to keep a State Church and a general Christian Culture, but allow Freedom of conscience, whilst they’d pretty well dictate things alone Evangelical Christian lines.) But, all that doesn’t mean that Religion in and of itself is all about Control, its all about understanding our world. The fact that Religion can be used for Control doesn’t really make the message of Zeitgeist valid since anything can be. Politicise is used for control, look at the Soviet Union, or NAZI Germany as Famous examples. Culture is used as a form of Control. Honour is used as a form of Control. Loyalty is used as a form of Control. Morality is used as a form of control. Patriotism is too. But none of these thing exist solely to enslave us. They can be used to manipulates, but that’s not what they are all about, and suggesting it is would be a great error.

In the same way, Love can manipulate us into doing things we shouldn’t and enslaving us to another, but that’s a perversion of Love, not Love itself, and the idea that Love Is Evil because of this would be seen as absolutely absurd, and yet that’s the argument Zeitgeist makes, and using Zeitgeist’s methods I can condemn Love.

So no, it’s not Hypocrisy on my end. I never suggested Religion cant be used to control others, I simply asserted that Religion is not all about controlling others. Rather, I oppose Zeitgeist for its flagrant Hypocrisy in that it condemns the Methods of Religion, defined as creating fear and distrust in those who are different whilst promising some form of Salvation, presented by an Authority figure who can’t be questioned, whilst doing exactly the same thing itself.

I also condemn Zeitgeist for outright lying to its audience, another thing it criticises Religion for.

Zeitgeist is what it warns you against, and that’s the point.


That said, there is a difference between belief in Noah’s Ark or Jesus walking on Water and belief in the Venus Project. For starters, those are specific events, not Governmental systems."

This is why it is very hard to debate with you. I think your coming up with a specific point or conclusion in advanced, and then finding something I said to tie it to. YOU brought up the idea of following Christianity and Zeitgeist, and contrasted the "salvation" aspect of it. The heaven and Venus project salvation aspect. I merely, and fairly obviously, compared the two (heaven and venus) as which had a more logical conclusion. Hence, the chance it is there, and the it can be there.

`Zeitgeist is trying to cause its viewer to distrust Religion, and the American Government, and the Monetary System and Banks, by blaming them with the worlds major problems, only to then present its own solution as the only alternative.``

This statement is entirely WRONG. Every aspect of it. Zeitgeist never once implied that the Venus project was our only choice or we`re doomed. It`s more an observation of our current way of life. An idea. How ignorant can you be as to think the creators of this movie truly believe the Venus project it our only chance of survival. It`s not survival. It`s quality of life. Speaking of which I`m sure yours is just fine or you`d be sitting on the other side of the fence. It`s safe for me to assume you were raised by a middle class family. Drive a car. Have a job or in school. And still young, under 30. It`s things like this that will warp your opinion on needing something to desperately change.

Also, your forgetting one important aspect of any documentary. To portray a point or message, and not stray away at all from that idea. How ridiculous would it be for them to say religion can control you (which it can) however keep in mind not all religions are this way. It`s a redundant point and a point you keep hanging on. Yes everyone has a religion so what. We are not talking about the guy at home wondering how life began. We are talking about the 5 billion people who follow an organized religion. Keep in mind the power of religion here. No one man is going to watch this movie, and then throw out his Bible.

For someone who can use terms so loosely like religion and control, you don`t show much of the same respect for someone who does the same. This is a loose idea and much of the thoughts and ideas presented in the film are loose and not spot on. That`s not the point of the movie. There is nothing wrong with fearing the government. Much like the promises of salvation Zeitgeist and religion speak of, so do politicians when they tell you they can simply fix everything when we elect them. They are not going to throw in maybes and possibilities. That`s not what people want to hear. Zeitgeist does the same I agree. But to be taken seriously you cannot show doubt.

So when you ``condemn`` the idea that Zeitgeist brings, keep in mind you condemn the very same thing that organized religion has done. Outright ``lied`` to people. The difference being is, religion is introduced at a very young age where we will believe anything we are told, before we get a chance to think for ourselves. We as the human race understand as a society not to kill, cheat and steal. We don`t need a religion to tell us that. Nor, do we need to be told we will be rewarded for that. Religion can only hold us back. And to side with you in a minor way this would include an Atheist religion, as they would spend a lot of time and energy in the same fashion for something for us not to believe in. In no way does an organized religion advance us as a society, or the entire human race for that matter. So will you say that doesn`t mean it holds us back. Sure it does, and your smart enough for me not to explain why.



That said, there is a difference between belief in Noah's Ark or Jesus walking on Water and belief in the Venus Project. For starters, those are specific events, not Governmental systems."

This is why it is very hard to debate with you. I think your coming up with a specific point or conclusion in advanced, and then finding something I said to tie it to.

No I’m not. I’m simply saying your analogy suffers.

YOU brought up the idea of following Christianity and Zeitgeist, and contrasted the "salvation" aspect of it.

But our Salvation in Christianity doesn’t rest on Noah’s Ark. In fact, it doesn’t even rest on Jesus Walking on Water. Had those been left out of the Hebraic Tradition Christianity could have still emerged with all of its core Doctrines.

Also, neither of those events tell us how we should live.

The heaven and Venus project salvation aspect. I merely, and fairly obviously, compared the two (heaven and venus) as which had a more logical conclusion. Hence, the chance it is there, and the it can be there.

But you also contrasted Noah’s Ark and Jesus Walking on Water. It is possible to believe Heaven exists and to reject either, or even both, f those. You are comparing events with specific cultural, social, and political theories, which is not entirely the same thing.

`Zeitgeist is trying to cause its viewer to distrust Religion, and the American Government, and the Monetary System and Banks, by blaming them with the worlds major problems, only to then present its own solution as the only alternative.``

This statement is entirely WRONG. Every aspect of it. Zeitgeist never once implied that the Venus project was our only choice or we`re doomed.

I was addressing Zeitgeist: The Movie, not Zeitgeist: Addendum.

That said, Zeitgeist does explicitly state that the ideas it presents are our only alternative to the above.

You either believe the Truth as exposed by Zeitgeist, or else you reject the whole movie and go back to being Brainwashed. That is also how its fans tend to react.

It`s more an observation of our current way of life. An idea. How ignorant can you be as to think the creators of this movie truly believe the Venus project it our only chance of survival. It`s not survival. It`s quality of life.

In an untenable and unsustainable pipe dream… that said Zeitgeist Addendum calls our system untenable and impossible to last and does pretty well present the Venus Project as the hop of Humanity, and this has been discussed at length as well as the Flaws to the Venus Project on the board dedicated to that Film.

Speaking of which I`m sure yours is just fine or you`d be sitting on the other side of the fence.

Never make assumptions.

It`s safe for me to assume you were raised by a middle class family.

You’d be Wrong.

Drive a car.

I can’t drive.

Have a job or in school.

This you got right.

And still young, under 30. It`s things like this that will warp your opinion on needing something to desperately change.

Your doing it again… this is what I mean by the adherents o the Venus Project thinking it’s the only alternative. You either think things need to desperately change, and thus agree with the Venus Project, or else your content with things as they are.

This is a False Dichotomy.

Also, your forgetting one important aspect of any documentary. To portray a point or message, and not stray away at all from that idea. How ridiculous would it be for them to say religion can control you (which it can) however keep in mind not all religions are this way. It`s a redundant point and a point you keep hanging on.

But they make this point by lying to you about the origins of Christianity, and don’t really say Religion can be used to control you, they say Theistic Religion is the bane of Humankind and leads us to be separated form our world around us, nature and other people. They then say Christianity was a big sham designed to dupe you into surrendering your will to powerful elites.

This is just patent nonsense.

Yes everyone has a religion so what. We are not talking about the guy at home wondering how life began. We are talking about the 5 billion people who follow an organized religion. Keep in mind the power of religion here. No one man is going to watch this movie, and then throw out his Bible.

But what the movie says about the origin of Christianity, how it started by retelling earlier pagan mythology and how its rooted in Astrology, and how it was Historised to control the masses is demonstrateably based on erroneous information. The information in the film is simply not True. That’s why people complain.

For someone who can use terms so loosely like religion and control, you don`t show much of the same respect for someone who does the same.

I’m not using the terms loosely.

And none of his really tells me I should lighten up on the film, because the film is still lying to its audience.

If I made a movie about how the Holocaust never happened and WW2 was a Jewish Plot to make sure Jewish people got to seize hr banking interests of the world, reclaim Israel, and create new laws that prevent them from being demeaned or questioned, would it be out of order for someone to criticise it? Because I can find dozens of Sources for my claims amongst various White Supremacist and Neo NAZI Groups.

This is a loose idea and much of the thoughts and ideas presented in the film are loose and not spot on. That`s not the point of the movie.

So I can make a Movie about the need to learn History and hw too many people don’t know it, but state that the American Civil War was fought in the 1870’s, and the issue was Labour rights VS Capitalism, that Abraham Lincoln was the President of the Confederacy, and that George Washington was the Commanding General for the Union Army, and that’s OK. I mean, my message is good, tat we need to learn History and the way our world came to be, so its OK that all my facts are wrong.

There is nothing wrong with fearing the government. Much like the promises of salvation Zeitgeist and religion speak of, so do politicians when they tell you they can simply fix everything when we elect them. They are not going to throw in maybes and possibilities. That`s not what people want to hear. Zeitgeist does the same I agree. But to be taken seriously you cannot show doubt.

But you should probably show something akin to real facts, and present your case with reason and good, sound foundation. To instead opt to present conspiracy theories based on unjustified free association and completely fabricated information is simply conning people.

So when you ``condemn`` the idea that Zeitgeist brings, keep in mind you condemn the very same thing that organized religion has done.

No, I don’t. I condemn what its accused of doing.

Outright ``lied`` to people. The difference being is, religion is introduced at a very young age where we will believe anything we are told, before we get a chance to think for ourselves.

Not always. Some people convert when adults, and the idea that the only people who are Religious are those who were indoctrinated as Children is just a routine little argument used to further demonise Religious Belief as some sort of Brainwashing. Worse still, it ignores that Religion is simply our beliefs about our world, and obviously people are going to teach their Children their beliefs.

Even so, may come to their Religion later in life, and not all are instilled with these beliefs from the time they were infants.

And following the Zeitgeist Movement is no more about Free Thinking than would be any Organised Religion you can name. In a way Zeitgeist IS Organised Religion.

We as the human race understand as a society not to kill, cheat and steal. We don`t need a religion to tell us that. Nor, do we need to be told we will be rewarded for that.

Your spouting the standard Atheist Drivel again. But you just got through agreeing with me on what Religion is, so no, we really can’t know killing and cheating are bad without Religion.

Religion is simply what we call our beliefs, and part of those beliefs will be our Morals. Religion is not, nor was it ever, invented by Humanity. There was never a time when it didn’t exist. Religion is simply our beliefs regarding our world and if we believe Killing is wrong then that’s part of our Religion.

Religion can only hold us back.

This is the tired old “Religion an do no good, but can do us ill” argument that fails. No, its not True that Religion can only hold us back.

Why should I believe it is?

And to side with you in a minor way this would include an Atheist religion, as they would spend a lot of time and energy in the same fashion for something for us not to believe in. In no way does an organized religion advance us as a society, or the entire human race for that matter. So will you say that doesn`t mean it holds us back. Sure it does, and your smart enough for me not to explain why.

The Abolition of Slavery was largely accomplished die to Evangelical Christianity. In the late 28th and early 19th Century they lead the Abolition movement. Did the Abolition of Slavery not advance Society? What about the Missionary work in Africa today? What bout the numerous medical facilities run by Churches?

I’m sorry but, its fairly obvious that Organised Religion does advance us as a Society, and I’m not going to buy into the claptrap that it doesn’t.


I'm not sure if their is a disability that affects your reading and if so, I'm sorry to hear that. But your constantly mixing examples from 2 completely different points.

"But our Salvation in Christianity doesn’t rest on Noah’s Ark. In fact, it doesn’t even rest on Jesus Walking on Water. Had those been left out of the Hebraic Tradition Christianity could have still emerged with all of its core Doctrines.

Also, neither of those events tell us how we should live. "

Again, you misinterpret exactly what comparison I made. If the bible entails said specific events, which never happened, a lie, ie what I stated about Noah and walking on water, then why follow said religion and the message it tells? IT is exactly what you are saying about Zeitgeist. So when you gloriously debunk something it criticizes, think about what you are condemning. You said:
"So I can make a Movie about the need to learn History and hw too many people don’t know it, but state that the American Civil War was fought in the 1870’s, and the issue was Labour rights VS Capitalism, that Abraham Lincoln was the President of the Confederacy, and that George Washington was the Commanding General for the Union Army, and that’s OK. I mean, my message is good, tat we need to learn History and the way our world came to be, so its OK that all my facts are wrong. "

Do you see my point? Consider the Bible.

"Your doing it again… this is what I mean by the adherents o the Venus Project thinking it’s the only alternative. You either think things need to desperately change, and thus agree with the Venus Project, or else your content with things as they are. "

Things do need to change. Never said the the Venus project is the only solution. I agree that it is a solution that should be focused on for the time being. There is nothing wrong with focusing technology and it's ability to grow without the need of our natural resources.

"we really can’t know killing and cheating are bad without Religion. "

WRONG. An animal is incapable of thinking in a religious way. However an animal will not kill unless it is for survival. I can see where your gonna go with this one so keep in mind, what makes a human want to lie, cheat, steal and murder before you answer that.

"Religion is simply what we call our beliefs, and part of those beliefs will be our Morals. Religion is not, nor was it ever, invented by Humanity."

We think, therefore we are right? It's not that we invented religion, it comes with the territory. So in turn, does thoughts of happiness and love, which we do not need an organized religion for. Nor, do we need one to tell us what not to do.

"The Abolition of Slavery was largely accomplished die to Evangelical Christianity. In the late 28th and early 19th Century they lead the Abolition movement. Did the Abolition of Slavery not advance Society? What about the Missionary work in Africa today? What bout the numerous medical facilities run by Churches?"

Technically no the abolition did not advance society. It only brought on a set of morals which we should follow. It doesn't take an organized religion to want the suffering of people to end. But the power behind that religion can make it possible. If anything, religion is what ended slavery, not an organized one. John Newton was only a small part in the role of ridding slavery, and to think that the realization that slavery is bad only stemmed from an organized religion is preposterous. Keep in mind as well during that time, when the slaves were freed, the majority of people followed an organized religion, more so than now. So why give credit to a said group, when ultimately, it was going to be from group A or group B either way. To want to help in Africa does not require an organized religion. To run a medical facility does not require an organized religion. If a hospital is needed somewhere, it's going to be there, whether or not it's from an organized religion or not. Human tragedy is everywhere, and at this point in society, we would not need an organized religion to want to help. Keep in mind, what kind of organized religion would you be if you turned your back on human suffering.

"I’m sorry but, its fairly obvious that Organised Religion does advance us as a Society, and I’m not going to buy into the claptrap that it doesn’t. "

Technology is what advances us. It brings the means to help human suffering and tragedy across the globe. And it is what an organized religion would need to use for said advancement. Any example you can think of will have technology entailed into it. And any example can be done, and would be done from someone of a non-organized religion. If organized religion fell of the face of the earth, and we woke up tomorrow none the wiser, would we as a society not face these issues, and would these issues not be overcome regardless?



I'm not sure if their is a disability that affects your reading and if so, I'm sorry to hear that. But your constantly mixing examples from 2 completely different points.

"But our Salvation in Christianity doesn’t rest on Noah’s Ark. In fact, it doesn’t even rest on Jesus Walking on Water. Had those been left out of the Hebraic Tradition Christianity could have still emerged with all of its core Doctrines.

Also, neither of those events tell us how we should live. "

Again, you misinterpret exactly what comparison I made.

No, but you missed mine.

If the bible entails said specific events, which never happened, a lie, ie what I stated about Noah and walking on water, then why follow said religion and the message it tells?

This begs several questions.

1: Is it true that these events never happened? Why should I Think they didn't? What if Jesus really did Walk on Water? We have no firm evidence that he didn't.

2: Could one be True and not the other? EG, could Jesus have walked on Water but Noah's Ark be a Myth? Or Vice Versa?

3: Is myth really the same as a Lie? Recall, I critisise Zeitgeost but not The Oddessey, which I would actually ask people to read and learn from. The diference is Genre though, as the Oddessey by Homer is not really a Documentary but an Epic Poem that is designed ot tell of events long before the time of the uthor as interpreted by the prevailign beelifs of the time and based upon stories passed along.

Lets assume Noah's Ark didn't happen. It would still be more akin to Greek Mythology, in which it is a Traditional Story that was told by our Ancestors, and passed onto us, and isnot a Documentary.

4: Zeitgeist as a Genre is all about exposing an obkective Truth, not telling a Nrrative, and while it may have a message it wishes to convey, said message is still integral tothe acuracy of the inormation as Zeitgeist is a Treatis on Facts, not a Narrative.

Thus if the Facts are wrong, Zeitgeist is uselss, unlike Greek Mythology or the Biblical events. Which still asumes th Biblical events did not happen. (Or for that matter the Greek Myths.)

5: The last time I checked, neither the Stpry of Noah nor the Story of Jesus Walking on Water are based on discrediting someone elses beleif system, nor are they tryign to expose some other beleif or governmental system as based on Fraud and deciet.

They are not attacks on anyone or anythign else.

Zeitgeist is.

IT is exactly what you are saying about Zeitgeist. So when you gloriously debunk something it criticizes, think about what you are condemning. You said:
"So I can make a Movie about the need to learn History and hw too many people don’t know it, but state that the American Civil War was fought in the 1870’s, and the issue was Labour rights VS Capitalism, that Abraham Lincoln was the President of the Confederacy, and that George Washington was the Commanding General for the Union Army, and that’s OK. I mean, my message is good, tat we need to learn History and the way our world came to be, so its OK that all my facts are wrong. "

Do you see my point? Consider the Bible.

The Bibl is not a single book. It cannot be considered a s a whle as it contaisn differing genres.

Also, the gwo examples you listed are still not nessisairly mythical or legendary, and may in fact be True, and even if not, they are no different form myths and legends from elsewhere. They are not part of a Documentary that is attempting to expose the Truth about somethign else and then lying about said somethign else to make its point.

"Your doing it again… this is what I mean by the adherents o the Venus Project thinking it’s the only alternative. You either think things need to desperately change, and thus agree with the Venus Project, or else your content with things as they are. "

Things do need to change. Never said the the Venus project is the only solution. I agree that it is a solution that should be focused on for the time being. There is nothing wrong with focusing technology and it's ability to grow without the need of our natural resources.

Except the Venus Project is utterly untenable and woudl lead to an oppressive dictatorship if ever tried.

"we really can’t know killing and cheating are bad without Religion. "


No, right.

An animal is incapable of thinking in a religious way.

And you know this how?

That said, many also argue they ar eincapable of thinkign of right or wrong. Even when you train a Dpg not to do somehtign he obeys less because he understands that behaviour is intrinsically wrong, but rather because he knows it leads to an adverse reaction which effects him. If this is so then they don't understand right and wrong in the same sense. If they could they would be able to think in a Religius Fashion.

However an animal will not kill unless it is for survival.

This is not always True. I've seen Animals kill for no real reason at all.

Have you ever seen a Cat play wiht a Mouse? I have, and it wasn't or sirvival. I've sen gangs of dogs kill cats when said dogs wee not really in any sort of threat either.

I can list other exampls. The point is, Animals do kill for reasons other than Survival.

I can see where your gonna go with this one so keep in mind, what makes a human want to lie, cheat, steal and murder before you answer that.

I will except, golly, the above was wrong objectively, so it woudln't matter.

Still, ultimatley Religion is not some sopecial different thing from our regular thinking, it is our regulatr thinking. Thats the point you miss.

"Religion is simply what we call our beliefs, and part of those beliefs will be our Morals. Religion is not, nor was it ever, invented by Humanity."

We think, therefore we are right? It's not that we invented religion, it comes with the territory. So in turn, does thoughts of happiness and love, which we do not need an organized religion for. Nor, do we need one to tell us what not to do.

But we do need Religion for it since those thoughts ae by definition Religious...

Its interestign that you shifted the focus from Religion to Prginised Religion specifically though.

"The Abolition of Slavery was largely accomplished die to Evangelical Christianity. In the late 28th and early 19th Century they lead the Abolition movement. Did the Abolition of Slavery not advance Society? What about the Missionary work in Africa today? What bout the numerous medical facilities run by Churches?"

Technically no the abolition did not advance society. It only brought on a set of morals which we should follow.

Which is an advancement to society. Not all Advancement is Technological.

It doesn't take an organized religion to want the suffering of people to end. But the power behind that religion can make it possible. If anything, religion is what ended slavery, not an organized one.

But, all Orginised Religion is is Religion that has an infrastructure and regular support base. IE, the only reason Catholisism is an Orginised Religion is because they have an authority via he CLergy that maintains the integrety of the teachings and ensures it remains uniform.

Any Religion with a Mechanism to keep itself cohenrat and that allows a group of pepel to be partf it and have a shared beleif sstem will be Orginised. So the distinction between "Religion" and "Orginised Religion" is a thin one.

John Newton was only a small part in the role of ridding slavery, and to think that the realization that slavery is bad only stemmed from an organized religion is preposterous.

Would youy think it was preposterous if I had instead agreed wiht you up till now and said Orginised Religion caused the Slave Trade to flourish?

Keep in mind as well during that time, when the slaves were freed, the majority of people followed an organized religion, more so than now. So why give credit to a said group, when ultimately, it was going to be from group A or group B either way.

Because the Orginised Religions where the principle units of education that shaped peopels thinkign on social issues,and as a result influenced allof oaicety in that direction.

To want to help in Africa does not require an organized religion.

But it would.

You must have soem form of Orginisation in order to facilitate any major operation. If I wantesd ot open a Mission that gave education to Children and fed the poor, it'd be nice to have a system in palce that facilitated my needs, such as supplies, food, and building,and it owudl be nice ot have a central charter to follow that can help me to arrange my dialy tasks and coordinat the Tribe I am helping.

That means I will need orginisaton.

Even the Venus Project, which rests on Central Planning, woudl be orginised. And as Religion is not but ourtr beleifs, it woudl be in the end Orginised Religion.

To run a medical facility does not require an organized religion. If a hospital is needed somewhere, it's going to be there, whether or not it's from an organized religion or not. Human tragedy is everywhere, and at this point in society, we would not need an organized religion to want to help. Keep in mind, what kind of organized religion would you be if you turned your back on human suffering.

But Orginisation will be needed, and if youhave orginisation that also imparts doctrinal teachings abut hwo we shoudl live, which is inevitable anyway, then you will have orginised Religion.

"I’m sorry but, its fairly obvious that Organised Religion does advance us as a Society, and I’m not going to buy into the claptrap that it doesn’t. "

Technology is what advances us.

No, we advance the Technology that make sour work easier. However, our primary problems are social, not Technological, and the idea that all of our social problems will end with the rise of new Technical Solutions is simply wishful thinking.

It brings the means to help human suffering and tragedy across the globe.

But not the desire ot do so. And wihtout wisadom, and an orginisational platform to facilitate the use of said Technology, you will accomplish nothing.

Paul once said that even if he coudl do anything, such as move mountains, healthe sick, and feed all that are hungry, if he hadno Love, it was useless.

Also, not all Tragedy and sufferign are cause dby a lack of material goods.

And it is what an organized religion would need to use for said advancement. Any example you can think of will have technology entailed into it. And any example can be done, and would be done from someone of a non-organized religion.

No, it woudln't.

If organized religion fell of the face of the earth, and we woke up tomorrow none the wiser, would we as a society not face these issues, and would these issues not be overcome regardless?

We woudl mediatley build halls and centres to teach soemone elses idea about how we shoudl live, and listen as new gurius and sages tauvght us the meanign of life and how to be successful. Overtime, those meeting halls woudl become institutions, with codified teachings, and an orginisational Heirarhcy that coudl help arrange its teachings ot the masses and help run its charitable programmes.We would, in the end, have Orginised Religion again.

Just as we woudl have Government again if it dissappeared.


"Is it true that these events never happened? Why should I Think they didn't? What if Jesus really did Walk on Water? We have no firm evidence that he didn't."

We have no evidence that he did. It's the society we live in today. It's what the legal system is based on. Lack of evidence doesn't make something true, it's the exact opposite. I could spout countless of claims to you, that you would not believe unless I could prove it.

"And you know this how?

That said, many also argue they ar eincapable of thinkign of right or wrong. Even when you train a Dpg not to do somehtign he obeys less because he understands that behaviour is intrinsically wrong, but rather because he knows it leads to an adverse reaction which effects him. If this is so then they don't understand right and wrong in the same sense. If they could they would be able to think in a Religius Fashion"

For one it's scientific fact and I would not dare bring up a nature vs. nurture debate, that is an endless one.

"his is not always True. I've seen Animals kill for no real reason at all.

Have you ever seen a Cat play wiht a Mouse? I have, and it wasn't or sirvival. I've sen gangs of dogs kill cats when said dogs wee not really in any sort of threat either.

I can list other exampls. The point is, Animals do kill for reasons other than Survival."

I predicted you'd bring this up as most people do, I should of countered it before hand.
A cat is a domesticated animal and has been touched by a human society through years of evolution. It's only using its primal instincts when performing something of the such. Domesticated animals are taught a reward system. That is why a cat will kill a mouse and bring it to their masters to be displayed, hoping for something in return. A cat abandoned or brought up on its own will eat that mouse. Studies have shown cats see themselves as small humans, they do not have the mind set to think of themselves as a different species. A dog, and again this is scientific fact will only lash out in fear. Only a stray dog, who would be very susceptible to psychological trauma, will kill out of fear, which in turn is a form of survival. When a house dog escapes and kills the neighbors cat, it is because a fight ensues, and in turn will kill to protect itself.

"Which is an advancement to society. Not all Advancement is Technological. "

But it took technology to advance humans into a society. Without it we would still be mere animals. It is why species have been living the same way for millions of years, they do not have the intellect to create something technological and advance their kind.

È We think, therefore we are right? It's not that we invented religion, it comes with the territory. So in turn, does thoughts of happiness and love, which we do not need an organized religion for. Nor, do we need one to tell us what not to do.

But we do need Religion for it since those thoughts ae by definition Religious...

Its interestign that you shifted the focus from Religion to Prginised Religion specifically though. È

But I specifically stated organized religion, which is the real debate here. I am merely siding with your use of the word religion to make the debate easier. I donèt really agree with your use of the word as we are speaking of society, and societies terms have more than one meaning and sometimes only one use. If someone calls me gay, I will and rightfully so, assume they are talking about my sexuality. If I say it is noisy in here, you will assume I mean sound and not that my vision is being obstructed. I cannot fathom why you cant understand how a society views terminology. I highly doubt you walk through life conversing with people and when they use certain words, you assume they mean one thing based on the definition of that word, and not the way society sees it. So again, if you heard someone say oh that guy over there is religious, what can you assume he meant. When Zeitgeist says religion can be a form of control, you KNOW exactly what they mean, and it sounds pretty ridiculous to come back with but hey we are all religious. No movie, or person for that matter, is going to name off every type of religion to get their point across, when they can simply say religion and 99.9% of people will understand what you mean. If I wanted to nit-pick I could easily point out the English language is not the only language, obviously, that uses the word religion. And other languages simply define religion as the belief in God.


Mat, you’ve ye again proven that you don’t know what you’re talking about. Neither in terms of Human Nature nor Animals other than Humans do you seem to understand the actual realities of such creatures, as they truly are.

To claim that Cats kill Mice only because they seek the reward Humans give them is an absurdity. I’ve had Cats whom I have never trained ot kill Mice, and never rewarded them for such. They simply kill the Mice. They do this on their own, with no prompting. They also don’t usually drop them at my feet. So why kill the Mouse if you’re not going to bring it to the Human for some special treat?

Likewise with Dogs, you claim that a Dog who goes and kills the neighbours Cat does so simply out of self defence, because a fight ensues. But, I’ve seen Dogs outright attack Cats, with no provocation on the Cats Part. I even had to Rescue one of my Cats from two Dogs who ran after him for no reason at all. I’ve see Dogs literally seek to attack other Animals, with no real survival isk to themselves beign made Manifest. So, no, the idea that they only kill for Survival, or perceived self defence, is simply abysmally wrong.

You also claim that this is a Scientific Fact, well, prove it. Sow some evidence for this Scientifically Proven Fact, because I certainly don’t believe it base don my years of having Cats, Dogs, Chickens, Horned Lizards, a Cockatiel, and other assorted Animals, and observing the behaviours of others such as Crows, Geese, Eagles, Deer, and numerous other Species.

The same applies to Humans, in that you simply don’t understand the realities of Human Nature. You are projecting an idealised and unrealistic version of Humanity as Held by the Venus Philosophy onto a Reality that is quiet Removed from it. You assume that Humans commit Crimes out of a lack of Material goods, and once our material well being is taken care of society will form into a Functional, mentally balanced one. This is pure Poppycock. Not all Crimes are driven by Poverty, lack of education, and need for a place in society.

Some Crimes are motivated out of Jealously, anger, and strife caused by interpersonal relationships, or a desire for power over another, they aren’t all caused by a lack of material goods and Security.

For that matter, the idea that we can be given all we need, and be taken care of, and that this will automatically flow into us developing to our full potential as Artists, Philosophers, Poets, and Thinkers is pure Fantasy too. If you could create a Society in which everyone got all they needed or wanted, all for free, and in which no need existed for Humanity to work, the vast majority would reject any srt of Labour and would become complacent. They wouldn’t spend their days in endless self improvement and discovery, they would sit down and become Idle, not really desiring to do anything at all but entertain themselves. You basically create the Eloy from “The Time Machine”, by H.G. Wells. Most people would not spend there time developing their minds and bodies into peak perfection, they would have no real incentive to, other than the abstraction of bettering Humanity or themselves, which most people DO NOT DO NOW. Most Lottery Winners blow heir money rather than improving themselves for example. Human Nature lends toward Sloth, not diligence, and whole exceptions exist those exceptions are not the Majority or even a sizable minority, so you don’t get the best results.

Speaking of which, the Centrally Planned society itself comes with a mentality that demands conformity and predictability, and lacks the spontaneity for advancement to be kept up. Despite denials of this, the Truth is that the idea of a Society run by Scientists who wll be motivated by their pure love of Science and Learning is a Pipe Dream, and the idea that we can have a Planned Society that allows for Spontaneity a ridiculous assumption. I’ve discussed this, as have others, on the forum for “Zeitgeist: Addendum”, so you may want to pop over there and read why we find the whole Central Planning ideal nonsense. If you want I can present it here.

As to Religion, you claim hat other Languages do use the word “Religion” AS SMPLY “belief IN God”. So what? The Japanese do not Have a word for Religion at all. I really doubt that this is actually True as I know of no Language that actually defines Religion as “Belief in God” ( ad I know German and Hebrew so…) , but even if it is s, we are speaking English. English therefore should take primacy in this discussion, not other Languages. And can you name any that so define Religion as you claim?)

Untimely it wouldn’t matter though, because my point is what you ignore. That point is this; even if accepted that Zeitgeist is no presenting us with a Religion but an Alternative society that will have no Religion, and even if belief in God is what I claimed Religion was, everything Zeitgeist complains about in Religion s contained within itself. Zeitgeist wants to present us with a world in which we are made to fear and distrust “The Enemy”, such as the American Government, or (The Christian) Religion, and which views them as the biggest obstacles to our advancement, and then after generating that fear offers its how narrative of ho we can avoid he negative Fate that awaits us if we submit to “There Authority”. It doesn’t say we will evade Hell, but does say we will be Free to think for ourselves and no longer enslaved by he Institutions of (The Christian) Religion. It does the same for the American Government and the Banks. T promises us a perfect life and true Freedm, but nly if we follow its dictates.

Sure you ay say it doesn’t claim to be the ONLY Solution, but the films certainly don’t present you with anything else.

He Zeitgeist Movement is based on the same sort of Emotional Manipulation and control over others than it blasts Religion and the Banks and the US Government of doing. He Fear and Distrust that Drives it is what makes us angry and more than willing to fight for Change, and the Change we will fight for is naturally the Change that the Zeitgeist Project itself presents us.

By the way, this mans that the Zeitgeist movement s now an Institution of Authority, and if hey ever tried to build a society along the lines of he Venus Project, it to would have to operate along Social Lines and thus establish Institutions to maintain that societies Traditions, that educates its Children and its adults, and that Enforces its Laws. In the end you will still be indoctrinated into the beliefs of the Society, and will still be subject to the rules established by Institutions which are erected to maintain a sort of Orthodoxy.

In the end, this is all base don creating fear, such as fear of being enslaved by he evils of Religion or Money, and a system of rewards for adherence, and in the end is no different than what it criticises.

Further, if define Religion as “Belief in God” I have to conclude that Zeitgeist is folly, for belief in God does not in fact lead to control. Obviously its more than just Belief in God that counts, for belief that God exists is not something one can use to control others, you have to speak for God and tell us his will, and that, not belief in God itself, that could be used for Control.


I know exactly what I'm talking about. Animals do not, and can not think in a religious way. Period. You cannot debate that. It is a fact. You have the internet at your fingertips. The only examples you will ever find is someones incorrect opinion of cats killing for pleasure. You will never find a credited article of animals killing for fun. Only someones incorrect observation. Keep in mind if you ever take a course on animal behavior they will immediately bring up cats and dogs and explain the science behind why they kill out of a primal instinct, and why it can be viewed out of pure pleasure because of domestication from human nature. To simply observe a dog killing a cat and assume it is not doing so out of instinctive nature is naive. It boils down to survival. Sensing fear gives an animal reason enough to kill, because it in turn gives themselves something to fear. Cross a stray dog on the street, it is best to ignore it. Show them fear they will in turn react. But regardless my original point that an animal cannot think in a religious way is fact. Following your definition of religion and how it is us pondering our existence, is a trait an animal CANNOT do.

And why you are stating I am assuming people only commit crime based on lack of materiel goods. Never once said this. Never once implied it. Just another point you wanted to dribble out for the sake of saying it.

As for your point that you say I keep missing, I see your point I just disagree. That is the basis of this debate right. You see something like the Venus project and assume people think it is a means to free as from work, ending crime, and will create world peace. Nobody, me for that matter, assume this. I see it is a system to benefit society. To rid the world of needing to use natural resources. Nobody thinks it means we will be dancing in the hills all day, and dinner will pick itself and land on the table. Nobody thinks it means we will not have to work. Machines break, people need to be able to fix them. People will, and always will, want material things. This won't stop people from wanting to watch movies, play video games, travel, strive to be educated. And people will want to learn, develop and improve. To think because the Venus project becomes reality and we won't have doctors is crazy. To assume people won't cheat, lie or steal is asinine. These human traits will never go away, and the Venus project never once said they would, or implied it. To assume we won't have leadership is wrong as well. People will want to lead and people will want to allow that. There is no reason to think our lives will completely change in every aspect. Schools would still be in place. A legal system will still be in place. A government would still be in place. And we will still work. You see the Venus project and you stereotype it as heaven on earth and all are desires would be handed to us for nothing. Nobody thinks this way, and we all know would be impossible. We would still be a society and still have human flaws and negative emotions.

I understand your point and your view on the subject, but this is where we disagree. You see Zeitgeist as a means to fear things like religion and government, in a negative and hypocritical way. Others see it in a positive way. Zeitgeist, as much as it will mirror an organized religion, would still be a different one. That's the point. A change in our society and a different way of life, because we have the technology to do so. To not rely on our natural resources that will in the end destroy the planet. No matter how you look at the Venus project, it will much less be a reality in the end. Most likely just not in our lifetimes. Humans will continue to populate the planet and these resources will come to an end. If we don't kill ourselves along the way and not destroy the planet, we will need to use a technological based system inevitably. So when Zeitgeist tells us very bluntly to wake up, I see it is a positive outlook, and you see it is a negative one. We can either focus now on the problems we know will arise, or if history chooses to repeat itself, we will have to suffer first before we feel the need for a change.

"In the end, this is all base don creating fear, such as fear of being enslaved by he evils of Religion or Money, and a system of rewards for adherence, and in the end is no different than what it criticises. "

This is where I agree. The difference being is I say we do need to be scared, whether contradicting itself or not. But it's what we have to fear is where we disagree. If Zeitgeist has to be a hypocrite along the way so be it, but I will not condemn it for the similarities it has with an organized religion.



I know exactly what I'm talking about. Animals do not, and can not think in a religious way. Period. You cannot debate that. It is a fact. You have the internet at your fingertips. The only examples you will ever find is someones incorrect opinion of cats killing for pleasure. You will never find a credited article of animals killing for fun. Only someones incorrect observation. Keep in mind if you ever take a course on animal behavior they will immediately bring up cats and dogs and explain the science behind why they kill out of a primal instinct, and why it can be viewed out of pure pleasure because of domestication from human nature. To simply observe a dog killing a cat and assume it is not doing so out of instinctive nature is naive. It boils down to survival. Sensing fear gives an animal reason enough to kill, because it in turn gives themselves something to fear. Cross a stray dog on the street, it is best to ignore it. Show them fear they will in turn react. But regardless my original point that an animal cannot think in a religious way is fact. Following your definition of religion and how it is us pondering our existence, is a trait an animal CANNOT do.

CIte your evidence please.

And why you are stating I am assuming people only commit crime based on lack of materiel goods. Never once said this. Never once implied it. Just another point you wanted to dribble out for the sake of saying it.

its part of the Venus Projects underlyign thesis, which you seemtobe arguing.

But fine, if Crme will still exist n a Respurce based Economy you will need Law Enforcement to capture the Criminals and a Justice System to deal out Punishments. These will become social Institutions, thus defeatign the Antiestablishment ideals of the whole movement, as it will beocme nothign but asn attempt to set up its own order of thigns as the new Establishment, and will enturley depend on us thinkign the Old Establishment is far worse. I see no reason to think the current order is worse than lettign Peter Joseph and his followers reign over us.

As for your point that you say I keep missing, I see your point I just disagree. That is the basis of this debate right. You see something like the Venus project and assume people think it is a means to free as from work, ending crime, and will create world peace. Nobody, me for that matter, assume this. I see it is a system to benefit society.

But thats my point, in order to establish this world you have to abolish all establushemnts that can fascilitate social control, but this mean syou'd have to have no institutions which would operate socially as all wudl have tat power. If there is tsill crime, who manages to capute the Criminal and who doles out the Punishment? Who makes the Laws? if its a True Democracy and all the peopel vote, you'll still need peopel to count theVote and to execute the Will of the Majority.

In the end you will still need ot erect Institutions.

And, since the whole Zeitgeist movement rests on an ideological position that in turn is built from the premise of a systematic philosophical view of the world, you wll haave a shared, evn orginised Religion.

So its just swapping one order for another.

Worse still, all of these Utopian Cmunal experiments end badly, especially if the attemoptis made on a large scale. Why shuld I not think the Venus Project will try too hard to implement its Ideal and end up forcing people into complaince? Peter Joseph did say this was a Revolution.

To rid the world of needing to use natural resources.

This is simply impossible. Everythign you make will be either itself a Natural Resource or derived from Natural Resoruces. Food we grow is a Natural resoruce. Cloth for our clothign is a Natural Reource even if its a Synthetic fibre like Polyester. Electricity is a Natural Resoruce.

A world without Natural Resouces beign used is a world in which nothign is done.

Nobody thinks it means we will be dancing in the hills all day, and dinner will pick itself and land on the table. Nobody thinks it means we will not have to work. Machines break, people need to be able to fix them. People will, and always will, want material things. This won't stop people from wanting to watch movies, play video games, travel, strive to be educated. And people will want to learn, develop and improve. To think because the Venus project becomes reality and we won't have doctors is crazy. To assume people won't cheat, lie or steal is asinine. These human traits will never go away, and the Venus project never once said they would, or implied it. To assume we won't have leadership is wrong as well. People will want to lead and people will want to allow that. There is no reason to think our lives will completely change in every aspect. Schools would still be in place. A legal system will still be in place. A government would still be in place. And we will still work. You see the Venus project and you stereotype it as heaven on earth and all are desires would be handed to us for nothing. Nobody thinks this way, and we all know would be impossible. We would still be a society and still have human flaws and negative emotions.

If its the same as now, but ioperared on a different Philosophical perspextive and alternate worldview, why should anyone endorse it other than its own adherants? If it still has all of the same Institutions, what is the poitn in condemding our Society for its Institutions?

I understand your point and your view on the subject, but this is where we disagree. You see Zeitgeist as a means to fear things like religion and government, in a negative and hypocritical way. Others see it in a positive way. Zeitgeist, as much as it will mirror an organized religion, would still be a different one.

So this is really about makign sure the One true Religion reigns supreme and displaces he other Religions which are bad and Evil.

And to do that you attack those other Religions, and make them seem horrible. You even li abotu them and create an atmosphere where they ae blamed on all the worlds woes.

Oh and you present your own as not a Religion and fundamenally different than Religion just so peopel think they are gettign somethign new when its the same old trope you just condemned.

In other words, Its all a Con.

OK, Gotcha.

That's the point. A change in our society and a different way of life, because we have the technology to do so. To not rely on our natural resources that will in the end destroy the planet. No matter how you look at the Venus project, it will much less be a reality in the end. Most likely just not in our lifetimes. Humans will continue to populate the planet and these resources will come to an end. If we don't kill ourselves along the way and not destroy the planet, we will need to use a technological based system inevitably. So when Zeitgeist tells us very bluntly to wake up, I see it is a positive outlook, and you see it is a negative one. We can either focus now on the problems we know will arise, or if history chooses to repeat itself, we will have to suffer first before we feel the need for a change.

So again, yoru sayign that we either beleive int he Venus Project and its Ideals, or else we doom the planet. This is presented as basically our Only Alternative.

Most f the Zeitgeist Folowers have this same idea and state it ipenly, that you either follow the Zeitgeist Ideals, or els eyou think all is fine int he world, and shoudl just roll over and go back to sleep.

But, why is wuestionign these Ideals and Values seen as "Being Asleep"?

"In the end, this is all base don creating fear, such as fear of being enslaved by he evils of Religion or Money, and a system of rewards for adherence, and in the end is no different than what it criticises. "

This is where I agree. The difference being is I say we do need to be scared, whether contradicting itself or not. But it's what we have to fear is where we disagree. If Zeitgeist has to be a hypocrite along the way so be it, but I will not condemn it for the similarities it has with an organized religion.

Nor will you copndemn it for its blatant lies that have been shown to be lies.

If Zeitgeist has to use the same Tactics that it condemsn in others, wholst sayign everyone who uses those Tatics simply wants to control you, then Zeitgiets: The Movement should admit that its just out to conrrol peopel too. Likewise, if Zeitgeist si so angry at how "Religion" (Read Christianity) has lied tot he Mases, but it turns out that Zeitgeist itself liesd to the Masses with its own film, and noen of its allegations agaisnt Christianity were True. then why shoudl I think its message i sound?

All its tyrin to do is to demonise others and then supply its ollwors with easy ansers as if this si the only altenrative and the solution.

Its doign the same higns it claims Religion, Governemnt, and the Banks do, and it does thee thigns fo the same reason: To manipulate others and to control them.

Its more Dictatorial than liberating.


Like I said I'm not missing your point, I just disagree because your view on something like the Venus project is mistaken. It is a design to benefit society, by relieving the burden of relying on natural resources that do not replenish itself, ie rocks, fossil fuels and coal, which in turn destroy the planet on using said resources. We are creating so much pollution and disease it will in time, slowly kill us. Everyone knows this.

Cars are one of the biggest examples. We have the technology to run these machines free of gas, and not create pollution. Why do you think car companies still design with the means of using gas? Money. They are only slowly introducing now the idea to run on electricity, when they have the technology to do so otherwise.

Why you bother to condemn the idea of the Venus project is beyond me. Whether or not you agree, something like the Venus project will be present in the future. It may not be the Venus project itself, but will mimic it for certain. It's key to our survival. No, this doesn't mean it's the only alternative. Death is an alternative as well if we want to be technical. The idea of managing our use on resources is not alone the idea of the Venus project. All of society knows we need to rid the world of deforestation, burning fossil fuels and polluting are earth and water. Animals can be looked at as a resource, but the means to "harvest" that resource is creating horrible disease, not to mention needless suffering of billions of animals every year.

Just because Zeitgeist introduces the idea, and crosses a very fine line, that basically there is no God, is that something that would really destroy our ways as a beneficial society? If we were able to (which would be impossible) to prove there is no God, would the negative impact of such finding be worse than the positive? Or would that give society more the reason to want to strive for longer healthier lives?

The view you have on the Venus project again is where I disagree. You state we would basically have to tear down everything we have now and stat over. This isn't exactly the case. It would have to be introduces slowly to be applies successfully to a society. Ironically, we would have to rely on the Government and major corporations to fund and help build such a project. You cannot abolish our system of money and government before you attempt the construction of something like the Venus project. It would just fall apart. You would need to introduce it slowly and upon its success slowly introduce society to a different way of life.

This does not, and was never said to, mean we as humans will not strive to be healthy, educated and successful. Why you look at it as some sort of dictatorship is incomprehensible. No matter what to have a functioning society we would need leadership and order, and no where does the Venus project state we will be free of work and not ever have to do anything other than our own free will. The Venus project shows specific examples of the technology that can be used in our day to day lives, to make going to WORK more efficient. Like I said the Venus project is more a reality than just an idea. It's what society, government and corporations are already focusing on, just not in an efficient matter. It's more talk than doing. We have the technology to fix many of these issues, but it's instances of money and our current government that hold us back. It's not power and government in general, it's the current one. It's the current system of banks that can hand out money like candy, when I have no means of paying it back, destroying the economy and creating unemployment.

To claim that:
"Its doign the same higns it claims Religion, Governemnt, and the Banks do, and it does thee thigns fo the same reason: To manipulate others and to control them. "

This is simply wrong. Introducing an idea like the Venus project is not a matter of control. It's an attempt at a solution to some of the many world problems, and the devastating issues that we will have to face in the future. I guess it all depends on how you see the world and how it will be in the future. The Venus project is at least introducing an idea to benefit society and the earth, what is the government planning for in the future? Or do they think that far ahead? Or do you for that matter?



Like I said I'm not missing your point, I just disagree because your view on something like the Venus project is mistaken.

But you haven’t shown me to be Mistaken, and I know I’m not mistaken in my assertion that you can’t say that Zeitgeist is a good Documentary based around its message (Which seems to be mainly the Message of Addendum rather than Zeitgeist: The Movie itself) when said Message is not simply about protecting the Earth and managing resources, its about how the Christian Religion is a Fraud, based on earlier Pagan Religions and ultimately an Astrotheological myth designed ot tell allegorically the movement of the Sun through the Sky. Its abut how 9-11 Was a Conspiracy orchestrated by the United States Government in order to facilitate absolute control over us by implementing new laws and making us live in Fear. Its about how the Banks ultimately control everything and are behind all this for their own personal enrichment, and how they destroy our wealth and regulate our Lives.

And, that’s what I’m discussing. Each of the Three Segments (Not just par one, which only Zeitgeist followers seem to think is the only part that offends people) presents erroneous claims that simply aren’t True, and that are presented just to create a situation of Fear. THEN it comes along asking us to join a Revolution.

So, whether or not you like to admit this, Zeitgeist itself lacks any credibility as its nothing but Propaganda, which also relies on deceit and emotional manipulation in order to win over converts to its cause and ultimately use said converts as Loyal devotees and thus control them to get what the Makers of the Film wanted.

That’s what I’m primarily discussing. Addendum has its own board, and I’ve discussed the shortcomings of the Venus project in more detail there.

It is a design to benefit society, by relieving the burden of relying on natural resources that do not replenish itself, ie rocks, fossil fuels and coal, which in turn destroy the planet on using said resources.

We do not destroy the Planet by using rocks.

That said, one of the biggest problems with the Venus Project is that its an utterly untenable solution that will rely upon Central Planning, which in turn will enslave us.

Central Planning was suppose to make us Free in the Old Soviet Union, and in Modern China. It doesn’t, because the central Planners have to micromanage everything we do.

Also, we won’t be allowed to dissent form their ideals and plans because they are saving the planet and they will just accuse us of being selfish or wanting power, or worse, do like the Soviets did and diagnose us with a Mental Illness, like Slouching Schizophrenia.

We are creating so much pollution and disease it will in time, slowly kill us. Everyone knows this.

But, must the Solution rest upon Governmental Central Planning and a society in which our goods will be centrally processed and distributed?

Cars are one of the biggest examples. We have the technology to run these machines free of gas, and not create pollution. Why do you think car companies still design with the means of using gas? Money. They are only slowly introducing now the idea to run on electricity, when they have the technology to do so otherwise.

But, this doesn’t really tell me that we should have a centrally planned society or that such a society would be in our best interests.

Why you bother to condemn the idea of the Venus project is beyond me.

Because it can’t work.

Read this thread as to why.

Its being discussed as we speak.

It’s a long thread, and it veers off course into America Bashing, and Christian bashing, but if you read the whole thing, others, as well as myself, explain why we do not find the Venus Project particularly palatable as a Solution.

Whether or not you agree, something like the Venus project will be present in the future.

Boast not of tomorrow, for you don’t know what a day may bring forth.

It may not be the Venus project itself, but will mimic it for certain.

And you know this how?

It's key to our survival.

Is it? Or is it possible that some other solution will present itself to us?

How do you know that the Venus Project, or something like it, is the Key, by which would mean the Only real Solution, to our problems ad not some other System of Governance? EG, what if we all decide to live as the Amish Live, in which we abandon electricity, and live as they did in the Early 19th or perhaps early 18th Century?

What if we develop a sort of Compassionate Corporatism that generates a mentality that companies ought to be more interested in aiding society and making sure we are safe, and thus develop this?

What if we instead create a Feudal society as they did in the Middle Ages, but one that allows technological advance?

What if instead we decide to abandon the Earth other than a few small settlements and let it develop as a sort of Nature preserve, and Humanity moves to Mars or other worlds, and perhaps Space Stations large enough to serve as Cities in Space?

The possibilities are not so limited as to think that the Venus Project, or its underlying premise, are the Key to our Future and the Survival of the Human Race, and perhaps some other Solution will present itself to us instead of this.

No, this doesn't mean it's the only alternative. Death is an alternative as well if we want to be technical. The idea of managing our use on resources is not alone the idea of the Venus project. All of society knows we need to rid the world of deforestation, burning fossil fuels and polluting are earth and water.

You are not a daily reader of WorldNetDaily, are you?

That said, again, there are other means to this other than the Venus Project, and I still see no reason to think that the future solution will mimic it, as it mimics the Socialism of the past that has always ended in control and ultimately failure.

Animals can be looked at as a resource, but the means to "harvest" that resource is creating horrible disease, not to mention needless suffering of billions of animals every year.

Which still doesn’t answer my main objections regarding the Venus Project as a whole, or the film Zeitgeist.

Just because Zeitgeist introduces the idea, and crosses a very fine line, that basically there is no God, is that something that would really destroy our ways as a beneficial society? If we were able to (which would be impossible) to prove there is no God, would the negative impact of such finding be worse than the positive? Or would that give society more the reason to want to strive for longer healthier lives?

Perhaps you should ask yourself this though, what if Gods existence was proven to be irrefutably True?

And does it matter? This board is for the discussion of the Movie Zeitgeist, and its less the Atheism that people object to, and more the fact that Zeitgeist outright lies about the Origin of Christianity, and about the end result of Theism, not to mention its lies about 9-11 and its lies about the Banking System, and the IRS. Again, if what Zeitgeist said about these things is demonstrateably false, then the film has no credibility because a large part of the films appeal is that its telling us what is wrong with society, and clearly its claims are false in regards to Christianity and the United States Government and the International Banking System. That’s the problem you keep avoiding.

The view you have on the Venus project again is where I disagree. You state we would basically have to tear down everything we have now and stat over. This isn't exactly the case. It would have to be introduces slowly to be applies successfully to a society. Ironically, we would have to rely on the Government and major corporations to fund and help build such a project. You cannot abolish our system of money and government before you attempt the construction of something like the Venus project. It would just fall apart. You would need to introduce it slowly and upon its success slowly introduce society to a different way of life.

And remember, you and other followers of the zeitgeist Movement continually say that those who claim the Venus Project is just warmed over Communism are wrong. The big difference is, Communism still uses Money, while the Venus Project will abolish it. But now you’re talking about an interim state between modern society and the Venus Project. That interim state would have Money, and the Changes would be introduced slowly over time. Well, how is that any different than the Theory Marx had about society adopting Communism slowly over time as Changes are made gradually in society, till Communism emerges organically from the Peoples Government? In Communist Theory there is an interim State of Socialism. In Socialism you’d have Money and most if the same institutions, but changes would be introduced gradually in order to facilitate the new Communism.

The final Communist State would abolish money and the will of the people in a directly democratic society would prevail.

The difference is what, again, exactly?

This does not, and was never said to, mean we as humans will not strive to be healthy, educated and successful. Why you look at it as some sort of dictatorship is incomprehensible.

Read about the Various Revolutions that were base don the same sort of Ideal, like the Oktober Revolution. Read about how Communism emerged, and what the Ideals of Marx, Lenin, and the rest were. Read Mao Zedong. Read Chi Guevara. Read Fidel Castro. Read Sartre. Read Bertrand Russell. Read Peter Singer.

It’s the same Ideology.

Read Sam Webb, modern Communist Party USA’s head.

Read what Labour wants for the United Kingdom.

Read up.

Then read History and how this has usually played out in the Real World.

No matter what to have a functioning society we would need leadership and order, and no where does the Venus project state we will be free of work and not ever have to do anything other than our own free will. The Venus project shows specific examples of the technology that can be used in our day to day lives, to make going to WORK more efficient. Like I said the Venus project is more a reality than just an idea. It's what society, government and corporations are already focusing on, just not in an efficient matter. It's more talk than doing. We have the technology to fix many of these issues, but it's instances of money and our current government that hold us back. It's not power and government in general, it's the current one. It's the current system of banks that can hand out money like candy, when I have no means of paying it back, destroying the economy and creating unemployment.

And how would a centrally planned society really solve that? It would regulate what we had, and despite promises not to, you know this will happen. Shortages will also occur, quotas set, and rationing would set in.

To claim that:
"Its doign the same higns it claims Religion, Governemnt, and the Banks do, and it does thee thigns fo the same reason: To manipulate others and to control them. "

This is simply wrong. Introducing an idea like the Venus project is not a matter of control. It's an attempt at a solution to some of the many world problems, and the devastating issues that we will have to face in the future. I guess it all depends on how you see the world and how it will be in the future. The Venus project is at least introducing an idea to benefit society and the earth, what is the government planning for in the future? Or do they think that far ahead? Or do you for that matter?

Maybe you should take that to the Addendum boards. In this board I’m thinking about the Conspiracy Theory nonsense in Zeitgeist: The Movie.

Though I really doubt you understand me as well as you think you do.


This is why it is almost impossible to debate with you. You constantly put words in my mouth and make assumptions. Stating that the Venus project is the only solution is not something I ever said. You make the assumption because I like the idea that I am a follower and share the same views as everyone else.

With that being said you also stray off topic and then tell me take discuss it somewhere else, when you're the one who brought up the Venus project to begin with.

All in all, it's very hard to debate with someone who uses history as an example for everything. Although history is a strong indication of many ideas and theories of how they may conclude, something like the Venus project is unprecedented. Similar to what you have shown sure, but the idea is still based on modern technology that would need to be applied in order to work, which has never been done.

Ultimately, I'm on this forum for debates sake. I'm also currently on Facebook debating over a video my Muslim friend posted about Jesus being the center of Islam, and how it closely resembles Christianity, which turned into a religious debate and I am siding with him and defending his views and beliefs. This doesn't pertain to what I believe and to assume anything about me in that nature is unwarranted. Sure we could make assumptions by the side I choose to debate. I could easily assume you believe in God and follow a religion yourself, but that wouldn't be fair would it? And like you said, it doesn't matter. Just don't assume I am a follower of this "movement" and fear it is our only option, I could just like the idea, no matter how unattainable you think it may be based on other examples. As much evidence you would want to show that it will not work, someone can find just as much evidence it will.



This is why it is almost impossible to debate with you. You constantly put words in my mouth and make assumptions. Stating that the Venus project is the only solution is not something I ever said. You make the assumption because I like the idea that I am a follower and share the same views as everyone else.

Actually I make the statement because you said that even if the Venus Project itself is not the future, the same ideas in the Venus Project will be, as its the only key to survival. That does pretty well limit you’re beliefs, to either developing a resource based economy with the same basic principles as the Venus Project, or extinction.

That’s not putting words into your mouth, that’s what you said plainly/

that said, isn’t it Hypocritical to make this complaint after your own attempts at profiling me?

With that being said you also stray off topic and then tell me take discuss it somewhere else, when you're the one who brought up the Venus project to begin with.

Reread the thread, I am not the first personal to really discuss it. You’re the one who said that the Factual errors in Zeitgeist didn’t matter because its message was too important and then began to discuss the need for the bold new world. I simply don’t want to drag this thread too far off course and besides, its already been discussed.

All in all, it's very hard to debate with someone who uses history as an example for everything. Although history is a strong indication of many ideas and theories of how they may conclude, something like the Venus project is unprecedented.

No, its not. In fact, nothing is unprecedented in terms of Human Governance and the ideas behind it. There is nothing new under the Sun… You can find anyone from Plato and Aristotle to William Bradford to the 19th Century Communards discussing basically the same ideas.

Similar to what you have shown sure, but the idea is still based on modern technology that would need to be applied in order to work, which has never been done.

Exept mist of pr societal problems are not technical, and the Venus Project relies upon those problems being Technical.

Ultimately, I'm on this forum for debates sake. I'm also currently on Facebook debating over a video my Muslim friend posted about Jesus being the center of Islam, and how it closely resembles Christianity, which turned into a religious debate and I am siding with him and defending his views and beliefs. This doesn't pertain to what I believe and to assume anything about me in that nature is unwarranted. Sure we could make assumptions by the side I choose to debate. I could easily assume you believe in God and follow a religion yourself, but that wouldn't be fair would it?

Everyone follows a Religion, which is a point I’ve made before. That said, my primary argument is that Zeitgeist is a fraud because it asks us to believe things which are not True and then calls us into a Revolution on the basis of said Lies.

And like you said, it doesn't matter. Just don't assume I am a follower of this "movement" and fear it is our only option, I could just like the idea, no matter how unattainable you think it may be based on other examples. As much evidence you would want to show that it will not work, someone can find just as much evidence it will.

If its truly unprecedented as you claim, then no they can’t. They’d have to implement it before it could be tested.



No, its not. In fact, nothing is unprecedented in terms of Human Governance and the ideas behind it. There is nothing new under the Sun… You can find anyone from Plato and Aristotle to William Bradford to the 19th Century Communards discussing basically the same ideas. "

Similar yes, the same, no.

`Exept mist of pr societal problems are not technical, and the Venus Project relies upon those problems being Technical. `

Most problems are social indeed. However the Venus project does not claim the worlds problems to be technical, only that the it works to relieve social problems with technology.

If its truly unprecedented as you claim, then no they can’t. They’d have to implement it before it could be tested. ``

It is being implemented, drawn out and ready to be constructed as an experimental city. Then the testing will follow. Obviously money would be a huge factor in this, so in the end can only be made possible, or attempted, when enough money has been established to buy the materials, resources, pay laborers and so on, to put in motion said idea.


The idea that its "Similar but nto the same" is itself not really True. It is the same, it just wears a different lable ot arranges itself differently. The Industrial Communes of the 19th Century tried the same thing.


oh and if you dont beleive me because you wsnt to get all exited by the prospect and wish to pretend its somehow different, please consider that the Technology aspect int he Venus Project will still not solve underlyign problems, and you already admited this. You insist though that the work will be made easier by machiens which will eliviate those problems.

Well, how?


name a specific underlying problem, too many to show an example


worded that wrong, anyways, name an example of an underlying problem for me to address


I already have, and will repeat the same example.


Please tell me how the Venus Project will be ab le to help preserve marriages visa advwnces in Technology.

After that we can deal in other issues.

But it'd really be better to go back to the real poitn which si that Zeitgeost is a Fraud and its content is all lies, and to cover this part on the Addendum board.


I think for divorce in particular, you'd have to see why we get divorced first, and if those issues were able to be looked at first, then it may prevent divorce in the first place.

* Lack of commitment to the marriage
* Lack of communication between spouses
* Infidelity
* Abandonment
* Alcohol Addiction
* Substance Abuse
* Physical Abuse
* Sexual Abuse
* Emotional Abuse
* Inability to manage or resolve conflict
* Personality Differences or ‘irreconcilable differences’
* Differences in personal and career goals
* Financial problems
* Different expectations about household tasks
* Different expectations about having or rearing children
* Interference from parents or in-laws
* Lack of maturity
* Intellectual Incompatibility
* Sexual Incompatibility
* Insistence of sticking to traditional roles and not allowing room for personal growth
* Falling out of love
* Religious conversion or religious beliefs
* Cultural and lifestyle differences
* Inability to deal with each other’s petty idiosyncrasies
* Mental Instability or Mental Illness
* Criminal behavior and incarceration for crime

Many of these issues, say alcoholic and drug addiction, are claimed to be socially fixable by the Venus project itself. Which in turn could help prevent divorce. Now some of these aspects, ie falling out of love, would not be preventable. However it would not necessarily be looked at the same way either. Society looks at divorce as an emotional problem as well as a family problem. However, even since the last 30 years, the idea of marriage and divorce are not viewed the same way. Back then it would be more devastating just from societies views alone. It would also be more emotionally damaging to a child as well. Parents fighting for custody. A mother not being able to keep her keeps because she was raise in a world where woman stayed at home, and the man worked. Other children ridiculing the other because their parents are "crazy". And the guilt of breaking this commitment after pronouncing this sacred faction in the eyes of God. This is minor compared to divorce now a days. To say it is more socially accepted is not necessarily OK, however it does alleviate some of the traumas and turmoils that come with said territory. To truly understand one another would lessen the hostility towards one another, and would make things like visitation rights for a parent much smoother, by removing the aspect of wanted to spite one another. People today, even though population is on the rise, choose less and less to even get married. Divorce as well is also on the rise. We can't make someone love the other for ever and ever, and to not want to follow another love if the times come, the difference being it is more socially acceptable to do so now, which in turn reduces the friction of having a divorce and all the problems that can stem along the way. The biggest problem with divorce really boils down to the children. It can be very hard on a child not knowing why or what caused it. However, what it worse in the end? A child grown in a house without love and full of hatred towards one another, or to resolve the incurable family dysfunction by getting a divorce? In the end, what harms the child and the parents more?


Actually Divorce is also most often (though no always) damaging to the people who are divorced as well.

But you did admit that this is a problem that just can’t be solved by the Venus project, so building from that, what about Drug and Alcohol abuse? How, exactly, does the Venus Project solve this?


Also most well doesn't really make sense but OK.

Haven't you ever heard "divorce is always the hardest on the children"?

The point was it isn't necessarily a problem

As for drug and alchohal addiction I'll quote from the Venus project itself:

" They can be educated out of the need for requiring artificial stimulants. Life would be much more interesting, exciting and always evolving.

All drug addict would be taken care of and provided with the necessary treatment to over come their problems without the dependence you drugs, alcohol or tobacco all without a price tag. Not using money would eliminate the sale of drugs, prostitution, etc.

In a society where people are brought up with access to information, and resources there would far less stress or need for these artificial substances.

Meditation, exercises and other means in many instances will serve to relax tensions. People would also learn how to express themselves without needing substances to say what they think.

There is a tremendous incentive today for the selling of drugs and making people addicted as it is very profitable. Yes during the transition there will be problems because people need and require drugs. They will be able to attain them. But there will be more information out in regards to the negative and positive effects of taking various drugs. There will also be a tremendous amount of help for those who want to get off of them but today they can not afford the facilities today. There will be no moral judgments with the rehabilitation from drugs but the main concern is health both physically and mentally.

We ultimately hope to provide an environment that is interesting and challenging enough that very few people will have a need for drugs. Through education and a much less stressful atmosphere the need will be surpassed. People will be equipped with a healthier mental outlook or better tools for handling situations that confront them."



Also most well doesn't really make sense but OK.

Haven't you ever heard "divorce is always the hardest on the children"?

The point was it isn't necessarily a problem

It is a problem and the saying is wrong. Often Divorce is emotionally crippling on the man and woman who are getting divorced. It can be a gut wrenching, devastating process in which ones entire sense of self worth is destroyed, and can lead to bitter recriminations and hostility.

The idea that Divorce isn’t a problem r is mainly a problem if Children is involved assumes a view of Human sexuality that is promoted by Humanism today, but that’s been proven wrong by medical science. The idea that intimate relations that bonds us on a Physical and emotional level can just be let go is an absurdity.

As for drug and alchohal addiction I'll quote from the Venus project itself:

" They can be educated out of the need for requiring artificial stimulants. Life would be much more interesting, exciting and always evolving.

How are they educated out of such a need for requiring Artificial Stimulants? I’d love to hear the How, I’d love to have you explain this process of educating someone away from Addictions.

All drug addict would be taken care of and provided with the necessary treatment to over come their problems without the dependence you drugs, alcohol or tobacco all without a price tag. Not using money would eliminate the sale of drugs, prostitution, etc.

That sound sounds nice but, its ultimately vague and doesn’t tell me how this will actually work.

In a society where people are brought up with access to information, and resources there would far less stress or need for these artificial substances.

Except in today’s world we are brought up with access to information and resources are already in place to assist us, and we still have these problems. So again, I am going to ask you how you intend on educating people away from addiction. Explain how that is suppose to work.

Meditation, exercises and other means in many instances will serve to relax tensions. People would also learn how to express themselves without needing substances to say what they think.

What if they take them anyway? Or what if this is an easier route to alleviate stress? What if they don’t take them to end stress but just to “Get high”? I mean, you still haven’t even explained why educating them and letting them meditate and exercise will automatically lead to them not wanting to take Drugs, and you overlook other reasons people take them in the first place.

There is a tremendous incentive today for the selling of drugs and making people addicted as it is very profitable. Yes during the transition there will be problems because people need and require drugs. They will be able to attain them. But there will be more information out in regards to the negative and positive effects of taking various drugs. There will also be a tremendous amount of help for those who want to get off of them but today they can not afford the facilities today. There will be no moral judgments with the rehabilitation from drugs but the main concern is health both physically and mentally.

Rehab today is often free in many areas, and yet we still have Drug addicts. People aren’t themselves addicted simply because Drug Pushers want to make a Profit, either.

People already know the positive and negative effects and tale them anyway, there have been numerous resources released for free on Drug Use. So why should I think this will really sole the problem?

Yes I know this is “the Transitional Phase” but why should I think it should ever leave this “Transitional Phase’ and enter a stage where people are simply too educated to take the Drugs and instead meditate and exercise? Why should I think this will work?

You can’t even explain why it will work.

We ultimately hope to provide an environment that is interesting and challenging enough that very few people will have a need for drugs. Through education and a much less stressful atmosphere the need will be surpassed. People will be equipped with a healthier mental outlook or better tools for handling situations that confront them."

If you don’t see why this doesn’t really answer my question I feel sorry for you. All this does is outline the desired goal and general idea, but doesn’t show any real reason to think it will work, or even give you a systematic outline for how it will work. Its basically saying that we will be educated and live in a stress free environment so Drugs wont be taken. It doesn’t really tell us why this is so, though, and it’s a massive example of begging the question. So I will repeat my question: Why should I think that merely educating the masses will make the Drug Use Drop? And how does this educational system work, exactly?


"It is a problem and the saying is wrong. Often Divorce is emotionally crippling on the man and woman who are getting divorced. It can be a gut wrenching, devastating process in which ones entire sense of self worth is destroyed, and can lead to bitter recriminations and hostility. "

Here ya go bud:
Stress and Behavioral Problems at Home: Children are usually sensitive and are therefore more susceptible to emotional damage, than the adults are. Since the parents are likely be stressed out by the divorce and no longer showing the child the same affection and tolerance that they had once displayed, children express these difficulties in many ways. With the disruptions to the family routine, combined with a sense of powerlessness, children display their grief by:

* Demonstrating anger, directed both toward others and themselves
* Failure to acknowledge responsibility.
* A sense of guilt.
* Frequent breaking of rules.
* Drug and alcohol abuse.
* Destructive behavior and problems with defiance
* Isolation or withdrawal from friends and family.
* Thoughts of suicide or violence.
* Increased or early sexual activity

Do you just disagree on everything for the sake of it?? I would imagine your debating right now all over the internet with people, somehow incorporating the same points on various subjects.

"The idea that intimate relations that bonds us on a Physical and emotional level can just be let go is an absurdity. "

It happens all the time. If you want to look at it in a scientific way love is merely a chemical that it released into the brain, and when no longer produced can be taken as, "I'm no longer in love". The rest follows.

"How are they educated out of such a need for requiring Artificial Stimulants? I’d love to hear the How, I’d love to have you explain this process of educating someone away from Addictions. "

For one I'm not a teacher. Secondly, I don't know about you but I've never once questioned a teacher or professor on the grounds on how they were actually going to educate me on a particular subject. But as for educating them, we do it now, today. I've witnessed it first hand with my own family. They can use all sorts of tactics, ever hear of the term being scared straight? You ask the question as if it is rhetorical and cannot be answered. As for the process, ask Dr.Phil he has a pretty good system on how to do it. You ask "I’d love to have you explain this process of educating someone away from Addictions". Why do you want me to explain the process, do you think this is impossible? Are you assuming this isn't being done today? You ask under the assumption that if I cannot explain the specific process, that it cannot be done. If it can be done today, then it can be done, period.

"All drug addict would be taken care of and provided with the necessary treatment to over come their problems without the dependence you drugs, alcohol or tobacco all without a price tag. Not using money would eliminate the sale of drugs, prostitution, etc.

That sound sounds nice but, its ultimately vague and doesn’t tell me how this will actually work."

Well let's see, without money there's no need to prostitute. That's not vague that's a simple answer. What part is vague and hard for you to comprehend? I would imagine providing treatment similarly to how we do today. Who said it had to be revolutionary to anything we do now? You wanna answer that? Quote where it says otherwise. If there is a tool that works use it, the difference being the emphasis to use that tool and the availability of that tool. Keep in mind, "free" rehab is only as good as the money put into from taxpayers dollars.

Except in today’s world we are brought up with access to information and resources are already in place to assist us, and we still have these problems. So again, I am going to ask you how you intend on educating people away from addiction. Explain how that is suppose to work. "

In place yes, easy to access not always. And yes we do still have these problems what's your point? Would they not be dealt with the same level of effectiveness, at least? It's more about the emphasis and the freedom and time to do so. Dealing with an addiction is not an overnight process, but when you remove factors like work and money, this relieves some of the limitations that can go with treatment. This brings the opportunity to have more time to be educated on the matter and can be done more thoroughly. As to how they will be educated, I can't directly answer that. I'm not a teacher, doctor or psychologist. I can't tell you the process they use to teach addicts step by step now. But it can be done and it already is. You make it out as if the question you asked can't be answered. I can't explain how it is supposed to work but I do know it does, and can assume it still would. I can't tell you how people learn to build cars, but I know they can be educated enough to do so. I can tell you a doctors going to be able to treat your illness and mend your broken bones, but I can't tell you how. I just know the means of doing so is out there.

"What if they don’t take them to end stress but just to “Get high”?"

We're talking addiction. So no matter how you look at it, it isn't just to get high, although an addict would respond with something like that.

"I mean, you still haven’t even explained why educating them and letting them meditate and exercise will automatically lead to them not wanting to take Drugs, and you overlook other reasons people take them in the first place. "

You realize I can't answer anything until you submit your post, right? Remember you asked how the Venus project would deal with addiction as a social problem, not the process in step by step form on how to totally ERADICATE drug use. Nobody, not me, not them, said it would be obliterated off the face of the earth. This is as much as a conclusion you'd assume they'd want to claim, much like the claims someone would assume a God believing person could be told simply because they found Jesus.

"Rehab today is often free in many areas, and yet we still have Drug addicts. People aren’t themselves addicted simply because Drug Pushers want to make a Profit, either. "

Rehab can be free, but it's limited by time, finances and usually not on a one to one basis. People don't get addicted because someone wants to sell drugs, congrats on that keen observation. But if you walk down the grape vine, you will find someone trying to make a buck, period.

"People already know the positive and negative effects and tale them anyway, there have been numerous resources released for free on Drug Use. So why should I think this will really sole the problem? "

It wouldn't if there was no emphasis on doing so. It's not necessarily how they will be educated on something like this, but actually providing the information instead. 13 years old school before post secondary and I remember having only one demonstration of drug abuse, which lasted half a day.

"Yes I know this is “the Transitional Phase” but why should I think it should ever leave this “Transitional Phase’ and enter a stage where people are simply too educated to take the Drugs and instead meditate and exercise? Why should I think this will work? "

It's statistically proven that a person enrolled in extracurricular activities is less likely to partake in drugs and drinking. Sure we can mention the star basketball player who died from a heroine overdose or Lindsey Lohan, but this topic isn't as black and white as you'd like to think, and there are no easy answers, only possible solutions.

"You can’t even explain why it will work. "

You know I didn't write any of what you read previously, right? I can't explain how an internal combustion engine works either, does that mean it doesn't? Remember no one claimed it would be the end all to be all with addiction, and like you said yourself, we already use rehab and educate people on drug use. But not everyone. So it's safe to assume, no, easy to know that the more people you educate and treat, the less there is.

"If you don’t see why this doesn’t really answer my question I feel sorry for you. All this does is outline the desired goal and general idea, but doesn’t show any real reason to think it will work, or even give you a systematic outline for how it will work. Its basically saying that we will be educated and live in a stress free environment so Drugs wont be taken. It doesn’t really tell us why this is so, though, and it’s a massive example of begging the question. So I will repeat my question: Why should I think that merely educating the masses will make the Drug Use Drop? And how does this educational system work, exactly? "

How does educating someone on drug abuse and providing someone with other activities, decline the rate of drug use? It is now. Many people don't realize they are enabling drug abuse for their friends and family, they need to be taught this. However it is only taught once the addiction is set. If we could educate people before hand it would help decline the use of drugs. Most people do not feel the need to completely help a drug addict until it is so far into the process that it's affecting their life and health. With that said and like I said I'm not a teacher, one instance I would imagine is educating someone on the fact that they may be helping someone pursue a drug addiction, with certain warning signs from what they do, and what the addict or possible addict is doing. Educating people they need to address a possible addiction before it is full blown but analyzing specific scenarios that show the warning signs. Educating people at a certain age and consistently. Educating people beyond the whole drugs are bad for you, can destroy your life and kill you. Show them the gradual stages that would cause such a digress in someones life, so they can realize they are entering an addiction, instead of just thinking "I'm not addicted I can quit whenever." Educate the sufferer about how the disease of alcoholism and drug addiction ravishes the mind and body. Changing neurological pathways, altering behavior patterns. How the body is wrecked with consequences of using, sores that do not heal properly, organ damage, undue stress on the heart and high blood pressure. The painful withdrawal symptoms every time you try to stop on your own, and you may need someone by your side through the entire process. Parents can help kids understand the basics about healthy living and good nutrition. Kids who have a good understanding of what is and is not good for their bodies may be more likely to avoid substance abuse problems as they get older. Parents can encourage kids to get involved in team sports or individual exercise programs and more to help them understand the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle. This would be done through education. Drug use is already on the decline (so the news tells me), so it would be ignorant to assume that a society who strives in helping addiction would work backwards in helping addiction. Whether it's on the decline or not, certainly the means on discovering what causes addiction, and treatment is evolving. So do we need something like the Venus project to cure addiction of course not. But if one of it's focuses was to do so more than now, and was written out as a proposal, I see no harm in trusting the idea, and find it foolish to think it would work backwards.

So, when you ask a question how does the Venus project solve this, that's an unfair question and almost assumes you think they stated it would be solved. To be truly solved it could be and would be eradicated. Just like divorce, you can't just solve it. If there was a definite answer to this, then it would be common knowledge and already be implemented on addicts across the globe with this magical solution. But it is fair to come to the conclusion that a project with a specific goal would only increase the success rate by using an effecting means that we already use, but to aim it at everyone and more thoroughly.


Mat, regarding divorce, I never said it was not traumatising to Children, and yoru misreadign what it was that I was arguing. I simply said that to claim that Children are the bigfest problem in Divorce is Nieve. Even your own clip says that the Adults are stressed out due to the Divorce. Your argument hinges on the Children beign the only real focus for negative consequences, but there are negative consequences to Divorce even if no Child is invovled. The reason Children suffer is because of the stress the Adults are suffering, stresses they pick up. Adult suffering is itself stkill the core problem.

I never said Children werne't suspetable, or easilydamaged by Dicorce and no, I am not just arguign for ths wk fo it. However, even if the couple who are divorcing have no Children at all, they will still suffer massive psychic Trauma in the vast majority of Dvorces.

My point wss that the Emtional Damage that Divorce Causes is not limited to the CHildren, and the Trauma felt by the Children is from the ambient situation, meaign the Adults generate hte Trauma by the Stress they feel. DO you deny that Adults feel stressed out by Divorce?

That said, you still haven't really tol me how the Venus Project will help with divorce, other htan to pretend that the caues of dicove will be covered, and they still aren't.

"The idea that intimate relations that bonds us on a Physical and emotional level can just be let go is an absurdity. "

It happens all the time. If you want to look at it in a scientific way love is merely a chemical that it released into the brain, and when no longer produced can be taken as, "I'm no longer in love". The rest follows.

love is not merley a Chemical releaed int he Brain, and crtainly real life relationsips neer end that cleanly. I know you want to live in a fantasy world in which a sort of Dialetic Materialism is the fundamental reality, and in that world the only real problem with Divorce is the negative consequence it has on Children, btu his sint the case. You won't have two marrie dpeopel woth no Children falligntu of lve becausze a brain Chemical stops and then divorcign with no neative consequences.

Thats not how real popel respond to things in real life.

Love is a comlex thing, and is more baout our choices than our feelings. If you really want to look at Love in a Scientific Way, you'd see that it snot just a single brain chemical at all, but an interaction fo several Brain Chemicals, neurological synapsis, and memories. Its a choice we make to be committed to somehing, not a feelign we express.

Also, seldom do these feeligns just stop, an dboth parties agree to seperate amicably.

Do you even remotely have any case studies to prove me wrong on this point?

Becaue I've seen studies done on Couples hwo divorced yet ad no VChildren, and they din't just walk away no harm done.

I've even SEEN this happen in person amongst friends of mine.

Don't be so mindless as to think Divorce only effecs Childrne or that Love is "Just a Chemicla in the Brain' that when it stipops peopela rnet in love nay mroe and cna move on.

That isn't reality.

"How are they educated out of such a need for requiring Artificial Stimulants? I’d love to hear the How, I’d love to have you explain this process of educating someone away from Addictions. "

For one I'm not a teacher.

Yet you know Drug Addiction can be eliminated as a spcial problem by Teachers. All I ask is, how?

I am not a mechanic, but I can explain how Mechanics will fix a car, generally.

Secondly, I don't know about you but I've never once questioned a teacher or professor on the grounds on how they were actually going to educate me on a particular subject.

This is disingenious twaddle.

I am not Questioning a teacher or Proffessor onhow thye will educate me on a subject, I am askign how education in general will eliminat Drug Addiction as a societal problem.

But as for educating them, we do it now, today. I've witnessed it first hand with my own family. They can use all sorts of tactics, ever hear of the term being scared straight? You ask the question as if it is rhetorical and cannot be answered.

No, I asked the question flatly. I want you to explain the actual Mechanism that will be used by the Venus Projet to eliminate Drug Addiction.

I want to see an outline of how this is suppose to work.

I do not want fluff material found on a FAQ, I want to see the actual programme outlined.

As for the process, ask Dr.Phil he has a pretty good system on how to do it.

Dr. Phil is a television entertainer who speaks ot peopel for 15 minuets...

I am studyign psycology and wudl never, ever approach higns like the Dr. Phil Show does.

You ask "I’d love to have you explain this process of educating someone away from Addictions". Why do you want me to explain the process, do you think this is impossible? Are you assuming this isn't being done today? You ask under the assumption that if I cannot explain the specific process, that it cannot be done. If it can be done today, then it can be done, period.

I am asking because I want to know how the Vnus Project actually plans on implementign its ideas, rather than simplty hear about its vauge Goals and general views on Humanity.

if I told you I was creaign a Governemnt in which all Crime will be eliminated by simple behavioural training, its not really out of bouns to ask me how this behavioural trainign will work and what exaclty it entails.

The same applies here. You ae sayign that the Venus Project will eliminate, or at leats greatly reduce, Drug addiction. You claim this will be done via eduication. I want to know the actual educational system that has been proposed tthat will accomodate this.

Its really that simple.

"All drug addict would be taken care of and provided with the necessary treatment to over come their problems without the dependence you drugs, alcohol or tobacco all without a price tag. Not using money would eliminate the sale of drugs, prostitution, etc.

That sound sounds nice but, its ultimately vague and doesn’t tell me how this will actually work."

Well let's see, without money there's no need to prostitute.

We aren't discussing prositution, though. Even on this I'd disagree, but for the sake of this portion ofthe discussion, I do not care.

We are discussing Drug Addiction.


That's not vague that's a simple answer. What part is vague and hard for you to comprehend?

The part about howe Drug Addiction will be handled.

I would imagine providing treatment similarly to how we do today. Who said it had to be revolutionary to anything we do now? You wanna answer that?

Todays Therapies recognise the reality of Physical dependancy, as well as the limitatiosn on mere education. You need moral trainign as well as strict disipline, and to increase willpower. Even then there are many, many relapses. Drug Addiction works by causing hte body to crave the Drug, EG, many Drugs stimulate part of the Brain that is repsoncble for a feelign of reward. The user feels euphoric or happy that he took the Drug. No matter how educated a person is on the effects of the Drug and how damagugn it is, that feelign of Euphria, the meory of it, and the longign for it, as well as the crash after the Drug wears of, can easily cause said person to seek out the Drug, especially in a time of high stress.

Todays Theapries on Drug Treatment realise this as a reality.

Further, if the Venus Project is not really presentign anyhign new in thsi regar, if the Drig Therapies they will be enmploying will simply be the same nes as used today, it undermines the need for he Venus Project. The Venus Project wont help us eliminare Drug Addiction, the Therapies we had before the Venus Project will.

Quote where it says otherwise. If there is a tool that works use it, the difference being the emphasis to use that tool and the availability of that tool. Keep in mind, "free" rehab is only as good as the money put into from taxpayers dollars.

The same will be true of the "Interrum" society before we reach "The Venus Project" soxcioety...

Hell, the sme owudl be True even if we created the Venus Project sopciety. Rehab will only be as good as he resounces the central planners allocate to it.

Except in today’s world we are brought up with access to information and resources are already in place to assist us, and we still have these problems. So again, I am going to ask you how you intend on educating people away from addiction. Explain how that is suppose to work. "

In place yes, easy to access not always. And yes we do still have these problems what's your point? Would they not be dealt with the same level of effectiveness, at least?

Actually its likely they will be less effective, becaue there is an inherant flaw to a centrally planned society I've alreayd discussed, as haveothers, on the other board.

Are yu Brave enough to visit that Thread?

It's more about the emphasis and the freedom and time to do so. Dealing with an addiction is not an overnight process, but when you remove factors like work and money, this relieves some of the limitations that can go with treatment.

But you said earilier we won't eliminate ork from society...

That said, a centrally planned society will by nature operat eon a rationed portion of goods fromt he central planners, so whose to say that the Rehab will get al it needs? It will oly get the resoures allocated to it byt he Central Planners themseles.

All the talk of all goods beign in abundance and Free is Pipe Dream.

This brings the opportunity to have more time to be educated on the matter and can be done more thoroughly. As to how they will be educated, I can't directly answer that. I'm not a teacher, doctor or psychologist. I can't tell you the process they use to teach addicts step by step now. But it can be done and it already is. You make it out as if the question you asked can't be answered. I can't explain how it is supposed to work but I do know it does, and can assume it still would. I can't tell you how people learn to build cars, but I know they can be educated enough to do so. I can tell you a doctors going to be able to treat your illness and mend your broken bones, but I can't tell you how. I just know the means of doing so is out there.

if the Tratment is just todays Treatment we o not need the Venus Project, and sgin, event he idea of it beign Free is not really helpful since the resouces will still need tobe allocated by Central Planners,which will lead ot ratining, not abundane as is promised.

"What if they don’t take them to end stress but just to “Get high”?"

We're talking addiction. So no matter how you look at it, it isn't just to get high, although an addict would respond with something like that.

Actually sometims it is just to Get High.

Even wiht Addicts.

"I mean, you still haven’t even explained why educating them and letting them meditate and exercise will automatically lead to them not wanting to take Drugs, and you overlook other reasons people take them in the first place. "

You realize I can't answer anything until you submit your post, right? Remember you asked how the Venus project would deal with addiction as a social problem, not the process in step by step form on how to totally ERADICATE drug use. Nobody, not me, not them, said it would be obliterated off the face of the earth. This is as much as a conclusion you'd assume they'd want to claim, much like the claims someone would assume a God believing person could be told simply because they found Jesus.

You posted the Venus Projects FAQ quore when I asked how this woudl be axheived. They didn't explain how it will be acheived, thats the point.

"Rehab today is often free in many areas, and yet we still have Drug addicts. People aren’t themselves addicted simply because Drug Pushers want to make a Profit, either. "

Rehab can be free, but it's limited by time, finances and usually not on a one to one basis. People don't get addicted because someone wants to sell drugs, congrats on that keen observation. But if you walk down the grape vine, you will find someone trying to make a buck, period.

The same wiol exist in the Venus Society. I know htis because the same xisted in the Soviet Union. Black Marketeers existed freely becase the official Soviet line was that there wa sno Black Market.

Also, the Free Rehab with one on one counselling won't happen in reality. The Centrally Planned society wil not have an endless supply of goods, and will begin to raiton them accordign to what the Cental Planners fidn inportant or think they need, or align thign ot match Government Targets.

It will have te smae flaws as the old Soviet Union, or modern China.

Yez ye si know...the Venus Project is not COmmunism... it still relies ont e same basic proemise though, of a Centralluy planned Sicnetific Utopia.

"People already know the positive and negative effects and tale them anyway, there have been numerous resources released for free on Drug Use. So why should I think this will really sole the problem? "

It wouldn't if there was no emphasis on doing so. It's not necessarily how they will be educated on something like this, but actually providing the information instead. 13 years old school before post secondary and I remember having only one demonstration of drug abuse, which lasted half a day.

But, unless you are or were an addict, whats your point?

And why woul I think the Venus Project will do better?

"Yes I know this is “the Transitional Phase” but why should I think it should ever leave this “Transitional Phase’ and enter a stage where people are simply too educated to take the Drugs and instead meditate and exercise? Why should I think this will work? "

It's statistically proven that a person enrolled in extracurricular activities is less likely to partake in drugs and drinking. Sure we can mention the star basketball player who died from a heroine overdose or Lindsey Lohan, but this topic isn't as black and white as you'd like to think, and there are no easy answers, only possible solutions.

How do you get them into the xtracirriculars though? Or will that become mandetory?

If its Mandetory the benefits of uti will drop, as part of why Extracrricular Activity is an indicator of a lower prbability of Drug Use is because said persosn have higher conidence and a sense of self worth.

Most Athletes who use Dugs use Performanc Enhancers, so...

How does educating someone on drug abuse and providing someone with other activities, decline the rate of drug use? It is now.

No, it snot. Again, it snot that the Extracirrisular Activitiesd htmselves reduce the desire ot take Drugs, but he COnfidence one feels in oneself. Even then it snt failsafe. How do you get the peopel into those activitis? If htye sre voluntery those hwo ar eincluned ot tak rigs wont be inclinded ot join, period.


"My point wss that the Emtional Damage that Divorce Causes is not limited to the CHildren, and the Trauma felt by the Children is from the ambient situation, meaign the Adults generate hte Trauma by the Stress they feel. DO you deny that Adults feel stressed out by Divorce? "

Well that's a useless point, considering I never stated divorce only affects the children. I said it can affect the children more, which has been proven. I can show you numerous studies and research on the matter, show me something that tells me otherwise. Just another observation that you twisted around to come back with an irrelevant response. I listed numerous reasons for divorce, you focused on one out of 12, then went off on that trying to debunk, and then in your response throw out other reasons and reactions which were already stated by me. I'm starting to think you don't actually read my posts, you just focus on a sentence, quote and respond to it, without even noticing your response entails something I've already said.

"Love is a comlex thing, and is more baout our choices than our feelings. If you really want to look at Love in a Scientific Way, you'd see that it snot just a single brain chemical at all, but an interaction fo several Brain Chemicals, neurological synapsis, and memories. Its a choice we make to be committed to somehing, not a feelign we express.

Also, seldom do these feeligns just stop, an dboth parties agree to seperate amicably.

Do you even remotely have any case studies to prove me wrong on this point?

Becaue I've seen studies done on Couples hwo divorced yet ad no VChildren, and they din't just walk away no harm done.

I've even SEEN this happen in person amongst friends of mine.

Don't be so mindless as to think Divorce only effecs Childrne or that Love is "Just a Chemicla in the Brain' that when it stipops peopela rnet in love nay mroe and cna move on.

That isn't reality. "

When considering Love wasn't exactly the topic of discussion I figured I'd state one of the reasons, one of many, that being falling out of love, without having to go into the chemical reactions and the electrons and the release of phenylethylamine into the brain. If you really wanna pick at just the one reason and ignore the others (why you chose this reason out of the rest I'm not sure, probably just another one of your useless points your trying to make that isn't really true) that's fine, but you don't stand a chance on the subject. Again, I SAID this is ONE reason, not the entire basis of why people get divorced, considering this phenomenon doesn't require marriage in the first place. With that being said and regards to your question, that is why I'm telling you, you cannot simply "cure" divorce, which makes your question an impossible one to answer. Only in a statistical manner can we argue the subject on specific causes of divorce, and if something like the Venus project would in turn lower chances of divorce.

I am not Questioning a teacher or Proffessor onhow thye will educate me on a subject, I am askign how education in general will eliminat Drug Addiction as a societal problem."

No, you're asking how education, and only education, would resolve drug addiction. Your ignoring the fact that no one said through education alone. No one implied through education alone. I already stated how someone may educate a person on drug addiction at the end of my last post, which you seamed to ignore (maybe because it answered some of your questions in your response that you tend to ask before reading everything that was written). And like I also said pertaining to drug addiction, you need to educate the entire family, not just the user. There are many misunderstandings when it comes to addiction and it isn't as black and white as some may thing. Going on a person to person basic you would need to understand the reasons why said person has the addiction and what particularly may have occurred to cause said addiction. Through education, these misunderstandings can lead to contention within the faMILY. Lectures could be provided to help the family better understand the nature of addiction, as well as what their loved one may be going through on a "psychological and emotional level. You can also discuss the concepts, causes and enabling of their addiction. The idea would be to clear up some of these problems and in turn can teach the family on what they can do to help.

È Dr. Phil is a television entertainer who speaks ot peopel for 15 minuets... È

Agreed, but he has the means to refer people to the proper treatment facilities. IE money. Why do you think so many people go on these shows and embarass themselves and involve the public on their privacy

I am studyign psycology and wudl never, ever approach higns like the Dr. Phil Show does. È

I highly doubt that, I;m assuming your studying towards something else and happened to take a couple courses along the way, which many of us have done.

È Actually sometims it is just to Get High.

Even wiht Addicts. È

Any introduction to psychology course will tell you otherwise, as this is NEVER the case.

È And why woul I think the Venus Project will do better? È

Why would you assume it would do worse, or at least not meat the same standard

No, it snot. Again, it snot that the Extracirrisular Activitiesd htmselves reduce the desire ot take Drugs, but he COnfidence one feels in oneself.È

This is a circular statement, while I agree it is the confidence one feels, however in order to gain the confidence in completing such a task, you must set and accomplish these goals, little by little. I am not confident to fly a plane, but through proper teaching and training, I may have the confidence and knowing that I can actually do it. This point is going to turn into a useless argument considering the nature on how you debate, so just keep in mind where confidence can come from. And no, I;m not saying it can only come from completing tasks and activities.

È Even then it snt failsafe. È

No one said it was. Or could be. If there was a sure fire way of resolving such an issue, or as a fail safe, this would not be a debate, it would already be applied to society and drug addiction would be eliminated for good. There isn;t a magic cure out there the Venus project is keeping secret until we submit to the idea of their way of life, although you may want to come to the conclusion that is what they are proposing, when you know damn well no ones implied this what so ever. That is what heaven is for.

ÈHow do you get the peopel into those activitis? If htye sre voluntery those hwo ar eincluned ot tak rigs wont be inclinded ot join, period. È

Haha of course not, who said that would be step one. Hey I am an addict, lets go play some basketball and cure me. Wow, the conclusions you can come to.


Mat, I hae some private buisness on y end, so I won't be respondign to you for the next week, to let you know.

That said,

"My point wss that the Emtional Damage that Divorce Causes is not limited to the CHildren, and the Trauma felt by the Children is from the ambient situation, meaign the Adults generate hte Trauma by the Stress they feel. DO you deny that Adults feel stressed out by Divorce? "

Well that's a useless point, considering I never stated divorce only affects the children. I said it can affect the children more, which has been proven. I can show you numerous studies and research on the matter, show me something that tells me otherwise. Just another observation that you twisted around to come back with an irrelevant response.

Its not irrelevant, because you really haven't demonstrated how mere Technological advancement or a society like the Venus Project proposes will really solve Divorce.

I listed numerous reasons for divorce, you focused on one out of 12,

The reason I focused on one out of the 12 is because you can't have a proper discussion that fluctuates. You have to eventually Isoate a point to discuss it with any rigour. I cudltn try to discuss all 12 without it beign nothign but short claims on each. This way we can focus.

then went off on that trying to debunk, and then in your response throw out other reasons and reactions which were already stated by me.

I didn't debunk it, I simply said that Drug and Alcohol addiction will not really be obviously solved by the Venus Project, and also added that if all we will do is what we do now, only in theory grant greater access to it, then its not really a Solution that the Venus Project itself is needed for.

Why must we see the Venus Project, or somethign liek it, as our only hope for the Future when all it can do is give us what we already have now without it?

I'm starting to think you don't actually read my posts, you just focus on a sentence, quote and respond to it, without even noticing your response entails something I've already said.

You're actually evadign my central point.

Take his point for instance: The problem is, the Venus Project itself is not needed for overcomign Drug and Alcohol addiction as all it iwll do, at leats accordign to you, is to make the currntly existing programs mroe broadly available, but htose prorams can become more broadly available in a society that isnt a resoruce based economy, so its still not really showing an advantage to the Venus Project, much less why it, or somethign liek it, must be our Future.

"Love is a comlex thing, and is more baout our choices than our feelings. If you really want to look at Love in a Scientific Way, you'd see that it snot just a single brain chemical at all, but an interaction fo several Brain Chemicals, neurological synapsis, and memories. Its a choice we make to be committed to somehing, not a feelign we express.

Also, seldom do these feeligns just stop, an dboth parties agree to seperate amicably.

Do you even remotely have any case studies to prove me wrong on this point?

Becaue I've seen studies done on Couples hwo divorced yet ad no VChildren, and they din't just walk away no harm done.

I've even SEEN this happen in person amongst friends of mine.

Don't be so mindless as to think Divorce only effecs Childrne or that Love is "Just a Chemicla in the Brain' that when it stipops peopela rnet in love nay mroe and cna move on.

That isn't reality. "

When considering Love wasn't exactly the topic of discussion I figured I'd state one of the reasons, one of many, that being falling out of love, without having to go into the chemical reactions and the electrons and the release of phenylethylamine into the brain. If you really wanna pick at just the one reason and ignore the others (why you chose this reason out of the rest I'm not sure, probably just another one of your useless points your trying to make that isn't really true) that's fine, but you don't stand a chance on the subject.

But gou also said I only picked the one point of Drug and Alcohol addiction. Butm that makes it two, and not one poitn on your list.

Really mat, all I am doign is discussign in detail individual points, which cant be done if I try to address each item on yru list in a single post.

That said, Falling in Love is more often fallign into Pattern, with a shared, similar interest and a development of cooperation and a healthy (as opposed to unhealthy) codependancy. Its not really all about phenylethylamine, and if you think it is, then I would stand a Chance o the subjet as a recent aticle on this was just Published. You'r reductionitst viw of what Falling in Love is is itself an oversimplistic, and erroneous assumption.

Again, I SAID this is ONE reason, not the entire basis of why people get divorced, considering this phenomenon doesn't require marriage in the first place.

But, at the same time, you odn't even know what csuses said Pheoneomeon, and, again, the Venus Project won't solve it.

Thats my point.

It also isn't needed to solve he Drug and Alcohol addicion problem if the existign rpogramms are simply to be kept up.

With that being said and regards to your question, that is why I'm telling you, you cannot simply "cure" divorce, which makes your question an impossible one to answer.

Which was the point. it is a social problem that is not Technological.

When someone who advoctes the Venus Project says all of our problems are Techninical, they ignore social issues which aren't bt which often compose much larger portions of our existance.

Its not all about Labour, which is what tech is designed ot help with.

Only in a statistical manner can we argue the subject on specific causes of divorce, and if something like the Venus project would in turn lower chances of divorce.

Which it won't, which is another point.

I am not Questioning a teacher or Proffessor onhow thye will educate me on a subject, I am askign how education in general will eliminat Drug Addiction as a societal problem."

No, you're asking how education, and only education, would resolve drug addiction. Your ignoring the fact that no one said through education alone. No one implied through education alone. I already stated how someone may educate a person on drug addiction at the end of my last post, which you seamed to ignore (maybe because it answered some of your questions in your response that you tend to ask before reading everything that was written).

I didn't ignroe it though. The problem wih it is that even if someone is educaged about Drug Use before hey start they sometimes begin to use it anyway.

And like I also said pertaining to drug addiction, you need to educate the entire family, not just the user. There are many misunderstandings when it comes to addiction and it isn't as black and white as some may thing. Going on a person to person basic you would need to understand the reasons why said person has the addiction and what particularly may have occurred to cause said addiction. Through education, these misunderstandings can lead to contention within the faMILY. Lectures could be provided to help the family better understand the nature of addiction, as well as what their loved one may be going through on a "psychological and emotional level. You can also discuss the concepts, causes and enabling of their addiction. The idea would be to clear up some of these problems and in turn can teach the family on what they can do to help.

Which will not prevent addiction, for even if you educse peole beforehand they may still fidn themselves on someting.

That said, and again, why is the venus Project itself needed to scheive this end? Or soemthign liek it?

If itsnot, then its still not s viable case for he VP is it?

Why hould I hrink the VP is goin to reduce Drug Addiction when similar efforts already exist today?

È Dr. Phil is a television entertainer who speaks ot peopel for 15 minuets... È

Agreed, but he has the means to refer people to the proper treatment facilities. IE money. Why do you think so many people go on these shows and embarass themselves and involve the public on their privacy

it'd be nice to knwo if this actually works in practice.

"You need to Prioritise!"

I am studyign psycology and wudl never, ever approach higns like the Dr. Phil Show does. È

I highly doubt that, I;m assuming your studying towards something else and happened to take a couple courses along the way, which many of us have done.

Your wrong. I am workign toward a doctorate in Psycology.

That and Theology.

That requires mroe htan just one or two coruses.

È Actually sometims it is just to Get High.

Even wiht Addicts. È

Any introduction to psychology course will tell you otherwise, as this is NEVER the case.

You obviusly haven't been to those intorductory oruses, or worse, simply been arund causal drug users, or addicts. Sometimes it is that simple.

È And why woul I think the Venus Project will do better? È

Why would you assume it would do worse, or at least not meat the same standard

I posted a link to a rather lengthy discussion on why centrally Planned spcieties do not work.

Do I really have to repeat all fo that here?

No, it snot. Again, it snot that the Extracirrisular Activitiesd htmselves reduce the desire ot take Drugs, but he COnfidence one feels in oneself.È

This is a circular statement, while I agree it is the confidence one feels, however in order to gain the confidence in completing such a task, you must set and accomplish these goals, little by little.

But my point is, those who donot engage in the extracirriculars do not simply lck confidencethat will be gained if they join them, they already have the psycological state in mind that causs them not to be intereste din such extracirriculars.

Unless you make those extraccirricular activities cirricular, by forcing peopelinto them, hou won't evenmake them work towards their goals, and veen then, f orced they may do only the smallest amount ot get by, or nothign at all and fail.

The drive has to already exist before they begin the task of pefectignthemselves to whatever activity this is, and that drive has to come first.

So what do you do when said person imply does not want to join inthose activities to begin with?

È Even then it snt failsafe. È

No one said it was. Or could be. If there was a sure fire way of resolving such an issue, or as a fail safe, this would not be a debate, it would already be applied to society and drug addiction would be eliminated for good. There isn;t a magic cure out there the Venus project is keeping secret until we submit to the idea of their way of life, although you may want to come to the conclusion that is what they are proposing, when you know damn well no ones implied this what so ever. That is what heaven is for.

But you miss my point. You haven't presnted nay real reason why I shoudl think peopel will be any better in a Resoruce Based economy, and have not sown any real reason to think that the Venus Projec will ahnle Drug Addiction in a way thst cant be handled now in our modern society.

Yes I know... Money... please read the Link.

ÈHow do you get the peopel into those activitis? If htye sre voluntery those hwo ar eincluned ot tak rigs wont be inclinded ot join, period. È

Haha of course not, who said that would be step one. Hey I am an addict, lets go play some basketball and cure me. Wow, the conclusions you can come to.

But if they do not join those activities then they arne't useful in helpign cure their addiction, or preentign them from beomign addicting by instilling confidence.

Thats sort of my point.


I have never met someone who watched this 'movie' and didn't choose a side. May be it has something to do with the difference between perceived sense of well-being in developed and developing economies.

my voting history


It could just be that some prefer to believe this is True to have easy answers for all the problems in the world or to justify their pre-existent Anger, whilst others don't like the lies inherent in it, and the attempt to deceive.


OK....So are you now actually acknowledging to the fact that people (like you and me) look at the world around us in search of easy and comforting solutions to their problems in light of their deep rooted prejudices and pre-existing anger?? Or is it that all this while I have been arguing with an all knowing, all perfect, prejudice free, one of a kind free thinker??

Easy answers like 'god did it' or 'sorrows in this life are the result of sins committed in previous lives'?? Easy answers are not this late to come.

Here is a book for you to read : Masks of the Universe by Prof. Edward Harrison

my voting history


You know, it’s not “god did it” but God with a Capitol G. You use it as a name, so it is a name.

That said, actual people who believe in God don’t usually see things as simply as ”God did it”, that’s a gross oversimplification used by people who attack Theism, not what Theism actually is.

Which proves my point, you’re not interested in what people actually believe I or why, you want a quick and easy solution that fits into your own predetermined prejudices and that’s easy to consume.


That said, actual people who believe in God don’t usually see things as simply as ”God did it”

I think what you actually meant to say was 'That said, the people who actually believe in God don't usually see things as simply as "God did it"

Anyway, Would you care to tell a theistic point of view about creation of the universe, the theories of hell and heaven, the notions behind Karma, reincarnation or the purpose of life?

Before you say anything, I would like to clarify that I am very open to the idea of a supreme being (just like i am open to any other idea, even those put forth by Zeitgeist). But I am not willing to take it as a dustbin for every miscellaneous unanswerable question. Also it pains me when people set out to define, classify and categorize their faith which according to me should be a very personal, formless and nameless (and yet imperfect) entity meant to be relied upon when everything else fails. I don't believe in its eternity. its as liable to change with the world around you as the clothes you wear or the food you eat.

Also you should realize that the more you accuse me of being a slave to my prejudices, the more you are (in a way) supporting the notion of the movie.

P.S: What exactly is a 'predetermined prejudice'?? Isn't it same as a 'regular prejudice'?? Please ignore if i am wrong, as you know English is not my first language.

my voting history


That said, actual people who believe in God don’t usually see things as simply as ”God did it”

I think what you actually meant to say was 'That said, the people who actually believe in God don't usually see things as simply as "God did it"

No, I meant what I said and your edits change my meaning. I mean, actual people who beleive in God do not think about God in the way that the Hypothetical peopel who beleivd in God in the film Zeitgies do. I mean that those who understand peopel eho beleive in God as nohtign but Brainwahsed ZOmbies usign Goid to explain everything and neve flookign for answers are not describing real people.

Anyway, Would you care to tell a theistic point of view about creation of the universe, the theories of hell and heaven, the notions behind Karma, reincarnation or the purpose of life?

I woudl but such a topic wudl be extensive, and nessisarily take up a lot of space, and I've covered these sorts of ideas elsewhere on the Zeitgueist board, over on the Relgion board, and on other message baords. While I dont expect you to dig through to fidn my old postigns, I do ask you to realise that you cna't possibley cover all of those things in a short Post on a Message Board, much less all of them.

After all, they arne't realy all that simple, either.

Before you say anything, I would like to clarify that I am very open to the idea of a supreme being (just like i am open to any other idea, even those put forth by Zeitgeist). But I am not willing to take it as a dustbin for every miscellaneous unanswerable question.

But thats sort of my point. Most peopel who beleive in God don't actually use God as a catchall explanafion for ht eunexplained. If you are serious abo tthis I coudl give you a list of Theological books, not all from the sam perspective, that tell you a lot on reasons ot beelvie God exists and discuss the nature of God.

Noen simply try ot use God as an explanation for ht eunexplained thigns we see in our world.

Also it pains me when people set out to define, classify and categorize their faith which according to me should be a very personal, formless and nameless (and yet imperfect) entity meant to be relied upon when everything else fails. I don't believe in its eternity. its as liable to change with the world around you as the clothes you wear or the food you eat.

The idea that Faith is personal is a recent Phoenomenon, nd hen you look at Religion you find that all it is int e end is a set of beelifs. Peopel categorise and lable htigns to make those htigns abke to be conceptualised, and without labled you don't relaly have a mean to describe anything.

Thees mre to Fiaht than a last resort, you hav to know what you have Faith in.

Also you should realize that the more you accuse me of being a slave to my prejudices, the more you are (in a way) supporting the notion of the movie.

No, I'm not. However, if you take what this film said as havign any value and havn't looked into the facts what else can be said?

P.S: What exactly is a 'predetermined prejudice'?? Isn't it same as a 'regular prejudice'?? Please ignore if i am wrong, as you know English is not my first language.

Predetermined means you have arrived at a conclusion before you see information, so a predetermined PRejudice is a prejudice you arrive at beforehand. The term is a bit redundant but its meant to convey a difference ebtween a Prejusdice that one develops on ones own and one that was told to you and carrie don by some external mean such as Culture.


Zarove do you just argue for the sake of arguing?

What's the christian stance on stem cell RESEARCH? So American universities that were originally established as Christian entities, maintain those ideals? or do they have non-Christians in charge of their science programs? You should know people I love suffer from SCI, and as of yet 'God' hasn't cured anyone. Not even Superman.

Why do the most vocal Christians enforce what the bible says is true? Why so many different versions, doesn't such speculation warrant an element of disbelief?

What do most people regard faith as meaning?

You're argument over communism vs capitalism is merely your opinion (not that I disagree). Presuming your American, do you believe you live in the 'ideal society'?

I believe in the idea of a higher power, I'm just skeptical towards all forms of organized religion.

Guessing your dyslexic, and not having a go, but can't you click spell check? Pardon my ignorance if I'm flogging a dead horse.



Zarove do you just argue for the sake of arguing?

In this case its for the Truth and to dispell falsity.

What's the christian stance on stem cell RESEARCH?

I hate to break it to you but, not all Christians agree on all things. Despite beign portrayed as fols hwo only buy into Authority, Christians, and various Churches, have different stances.

Thouhg it should be said that this argument is almost always a Fraudulent one. I know of none that actually oppose Stem Cell research, the opposition is to Embrionic Stem Cell Research, and there is a marked difference. The way its portrayed plays into the “Religion is Anti-Science” mantra and acts as if Scientific advances are being blocked by mere mystical nonsense with no basis in reality, and sidesteps the actual ethical reason some people oppose Embrionic Stem Cell research, which is that in order to attain the Cells from Embryos an abortion must occur, and it is not simply Christians that oppose this. Heck, many Atheists also oppose this for moral and ethical grounds, just as some Christians support both Abortion and Embrinoc Stem Cell research. All Christians I know of, though, have no problem with Stem Cell testing on Adults, for no one actually died as a result.

So American universities that were originally established as Christian entities, maintain those ideals? or do they have non-Christians in charge of their science programs?

This is too broad a Question and ultimately depends on which Univesity your talking about.

But many Universities, such as Georgetown, which is a Catholic University, do, in fact, have Catholics in charge of their Departments for Science on average. So does Notre Dam. In fact, the heads of Various University Science departments that aren’t explicitly Christian are Christians, such as Dr. Hood of the university of Tennessee, Chattanooga, who is a Christian I believe. ( I may be confusing him with another, but I think its Hood.)

You should know people I love suffer from SCI, and as of yet 'God' hasn't cured anyone. Not even Superman.

That’s nice but, what does it have to do with the movie Zeitgiest and its obviously false claims? One can be an Atheist and note that this movies claims are utterly false.

Why do the most vocal Christians enforce what the bible says is true?

All or most Christians would advocate that the Bible is True, though there are differences in what they mean by this. Then again, Ardent Secular Humanists believe the ideals of Humanism are True, so what’s the real Difference? Would you expect a Humanist not to try to enforce his beliefs as True? I think that as a Society we should be tolerant and allow Freedom so people can make up their own minds, but not form a Government that tries to impose or restrict considerations from one Religion or another.

A Christian lawmaker should be free to vote according to the tenets of his Faith, provided he does not Legislate something that would Violate someone else’s Rights, just as a Humanist should be able to vote in accordance to his own beliefs, provided he shows similar restraint.

Why so many different versions, doesn't such speculation warrant an element of disbelief?

If you mean of the Bible, that’s because of Translations. The different Versions really aren’t that different in content though, just word selection. In general Bibles in English agree with each other around 98% of the time and the 2% difference is on something relatively minor, such as inclusion of a mild Verse like “Then they went home” in one that’s not in another because of the differing Manuscript Sources they use.

Still, the vast majority of Bibles agree on the Vast Majority of the text and what it says. This is especially True if you use a Formal Equivalence Bible, as opposed to a Dynamic equivalence.

Just compare the KJV with the ESV, the ASV, the RSV, and the Jerusalem Bible, and you will see that there are very few divergences.

What do most people regard faith as meaning?

Faith has six definitions and the words meaning will depends upon the context of its use, much like many other words. Religious Faith, though, has Traditionally simply meant that you are Loyal to the Teachings of that Religion, or else that you fully Trust it.

You're argument over communism vs capitalism is merely your opinion (not that I disagree). Presuming your American, do you believe you live in the 'ideal society'?

I am a Monarchist. I believe that, while the Monarch should not have indefinite and absolute power that can be exercised Arbitrarily, the Monarch should be given real, actual Power.

So, obviously no.

I believe in the idea of a higher power, I'm just skeptical towards all forms of organized religion.

Organised Religion is just people who share the same ideas about what is True, sort of like a Political Party, or a Philosophical Club with a Shared Mission. The benefit to Organising is that you can now gather like minded people and thus accomplish more though an existing Framework, and can codify teachings, and present a body that can hold others accountable or that can peer review the words and actions of others, as well as specific teachings.

Of course this sometimes Fails, but it does even when not dealing with Religion, so that’s not a good case against it.

Guessing your dyslexic, and not having a go, but can't you click spell check? Pardon my ignorance if I'm flogging a dead horse.

All the words on a Drop List will look the same and I wont be able to tell them apart. However I sometimes have a mate help me out, as I did in this post.


Thank you for your response Zarove. Not everything was intended to come across argumentative, I was genuinely seeking your opinion on some matters.

I suppose it matters because this movie claims there are people limiting our progress/freedoms and religion is a big part in that obstacle. Not that I believe this movie in it's entirety.
Why the opposition to embryonic stem cell research? try give me a non-generic response, the life of a few cells in a vial of blood can't compare to the life of an actual person.

I'm not saying religious people don't have a right to vote or to express their beliefs but why the need to enforce it over the rest of us? Why do they have the power to do so?

Monarchy really? People should have power because of their birthright as opposed to what they've accomplished in life? Talk about limitations and unfairness.

Your right it fails across the board. Organised religion should admit to this.

Okay, I understand.



Thank you for your response Zarove. Not everything was intended to come across argumentative, I was genuinely seeking your opinion on some matters.

Tis the Internet, and thus the Nature of the Beast.

I suppose it matters because this movie claims there are people limiting our progress/freedoms and religion is a big part in that obstacle. Not that I believe this movie in it's entirety.

The argument is one that’s a staple of the Atheist movement, and originates in the 18th Century. This is also why all the arguments aim at Christianity as the greatest of evils, because all of the Enlightenment thinkers were attacking it exclusively, most particularly Catholicism in France. To them, Christianity was Religion.

Generally the same language and basic arguments carried on into the 19th Century, with the beginnings of Humanist Philosophy, which culminated in formally creating Humanism in the 1920’s, thought he basic concepts ( and even the name) existed in the late 19th Century.

It was part of the overall desire to reshape Human culture and society on the belief that how we act is based upon cultural ques, and that Humans are born as Tabula Nulla, or Blank Slates, whose Characteristics are determined by Cultural Values. The assumption was that if we could overthrow the existing Cultural order of the Monarchy, and the Christian Faith, and replace it with Reason ( which naturally meant the conclusions held by the Philisophes of the Enlightenment ) then we could basically rewrite how Humanity behaves and interacts and create a perfect world of equals.

This idea was the basis of the Socialist and Communist ideologies, and a large part of why they don’t work is because Human Nature is Hardwired, not simply the product of Culture, and Religions like Christianity emerge in large part based on observed Human Nature that pre-exists, not as a mean to create conformity.

Why the opposition to embryonic stem cell research? try give me a non-generic response, the life of a few cells in a vial of blood can't compare to the life of an actual person.

But, the “Few cells in a Vial of Blood’ is not what’s being opposed. What your describing is not Embryonic Stem Cell research. If someone drew my blood in a Hospital and then extracted Stem Cells form it and use those for research no one would find anything to object to Morally. In fact that sort of Research is carried out all the time with no protests at all from anyone. Your right, its not Morally objectionable.

But Embryonic Stem Cell research attains the Stem Cells it uses from Embryos, which have to be destroyed to harvest the Cells. Therefore the Moral Objection is to the Destruction of the Viable Embryo, which is seen as a Human Life. It would thus be killing a Human Person to acquire the Cells, not extracting a small amount of Blood. It’d be the Moral Equivalent of killing one 30 year old man to make a Cure for a Village, should the Cure require all of his blood to synthesise. It ties in with the Abortion debate because Aborted Foetus’s are the source for the Embryonic Stem Cells, hence the name Embryonic Stem Cells.

I'm not saying religious people don't have a right to vote or to express their beliefs but why the need to enforce it over the rest of us? Why do they have the power to do so?

Isn’t this really a matter of Framing though?

For instance, you make a distinction between Religious people and others, but as I’ve said numerous times, what’s the distinction base don? Who, exactly, qualifies as nonreligious?

I’ve debated Baroness Murphy over on Lords of the Blog, and she thinks like you. Religious people should not force their views onto others. But her views are perfectly acceptable, and when she forces them onto everyone else, guess what happens? Its perfectly OK. She’s a Rationalist, and is only trying to create a society of Equality and Justice.

So she advocated the Sexual Orientation Regulations which makes it against the Law to discriminate on the basis of Sexual Orientation and said that such Discrimination is just like Racism, since being Homosexual is a Trait one is born with and can’t help.

Never mind that she couldn’t prove this. There isn’t an ounce of evidence that Sexual Orientation even exists, it’s a Politically correct Phrase to describe Homosexuality. No Scientific evidence suggests its immutable or unchangeable, this too is just Politically correct to believe.

My Views were those of a Libertarian Though. The exact debate was if they should allow Clergy to perform Same Sex Civil Partnerships, with the fear being that it may interfere with Religious Freedom as now they can be sued if they don’t perform them. There was also a fear that if a Provision of law allowed them to opt out then maybe private companies would wan tot opt out too. It was a huge, sticky mess to them.

My response was simple, I said that Clergy who wish to perform the Same Sex Civil Partnerships should be allowed to, but there should be a clear law that says that people can’t be sued over matters of conscience and this would protect the Churches.

As to the fear of Private Companies, though, I said that they too should have the same Protection. If a man owns a Print Shop, and a Homosexual Advocacy Group steps in and wants him to print Fliers about their organisation, and he refuses because he views Homosexuality as wrong, he should not be compelled by Law to do business with them. As owner of the Establishment he should have the inviolable right to freedom of association, including in Business. I thought that any Government Regulation over his choice of Customers, and a demand to treat all Customers equally and to do work for anyone who would pay, was a Violation of his Fundamental Rights as the Owner of the Business and as an individual. For this view I was scorned.

I was mocked, called a Homophobe, and Lord Norton said that I apparently thought Gay Clubs existed but not Straight ones.

Well, no. I think that Homosexuality is a Moral Issue best left for individuals to decide and its really none of the Governments business.

The same Baroness Murphy also wanted to close down Faith Schools. Her reasoning was that they destroyed Social Cohesion because they Taught from a different perspective, and the only way to make sure everyone has Equality in society and are all one is to teach them all form the same platform so they can all get along. This platform would of course be in the form of the State Run Schools.

In other words she wanted to make sure the Students learned what the Governments beliefs and Values are, and as the current UK Government is basically Secularist, the Values they’d learn would be the same as hers. She wants to produce more Humanists by silencing any voice of opposition to her Views.

I was critical and noted that this would simply be doing what she complained that the Faith Schools do. She is Proselytising people into her Faith and Indoctrinating them into her Religion.

Yes she said she had no Religion and tried to make this out to be something different than it was, but remove the whole ”Not religious” rubbish and you get the same thing. She wants all Schools to teach form an explicitly Atheistic standpoint, and for all Students to be compelled to learn from that specific point of View. The point of View of a “Rationalist” like her.

But because she is not Religious its not forcing a Religion down anyone’s throat and no one complains. Well they do but hats because their Religious nutters and should be ignored…

Its all words really.

Any attempt to make society follow your values, morality, and beliefs would be the same to me, whether you admit that your beliefs are a Religion or not, and this is what happens in every “Democracy”. Why should we pretend that Religion has no place in this and allow only secularists to advance their own Agenda?

And would it make those Religious people feel more Free to have to live under the Rule of a Secularist system that goes against what they believe in? This is particularly important to me given that the State is increasingly demanding we conform to its dictates.

Which is why I am a Libertarian.

Monarchy really? People should have power because of their birthright as opposed to what they've accomplished in life? Talk about limitations and unfairness.

There are four problems with the above.

1: You assume all Monarchies are Hereditary. This is not always the case. The Papacy isn’t, and neither was the Holy Roman Empire’s Throne For most of its existence.

It was by Merit that you were elected by Electors.

2: Hereditary Monarchy is not Unfair if the system is built from it. The system is actually more Fair than Democracy. However, in order to understand it you’d have to let go of the Democratic Ideal of “We, the people”, which I never really liked anyway and will explain why momentarily. Monarchy is rooted in Land Ownership, Divine Right, and Familial Ties if it is Hereditary. This means that Land Owners rights will be protected and people will have the power over that which is their own. There will be smaller Government (Unless it’s a modern Monarchy that lets Politicians rule and the monarch is just a Figurehead) because the Monarch will b forced to recognise Property an individual Rights over Communal rights and aspirations, as is true in a Democracy.

And as the Monarch owns he Government ( But not everything in the Nation, we are not Slaves to the King) he will also have a proper, very legitimate reason to hold power other than simply popular appeal.

Also, Owners have far greater motivation to take care of what is there’s than do transitory office Holders. President Barrack Obama does not own the White House, nor does he own the Executive Powers he holds to. Nothing he does has direct personal impact on him, so he can destroy the Country if he wants to. A Ling on the other hand is a Property Holder, and Owns the Palace and Government, and it would be in his Best Interest to maintain it.

Further, Monarchy has the advantage I will list below.

3: In our Democratic System, we believe the People Rule. But do they? How? Supposedly we vote for our leaders, which means we, the people, pick. But I didn’t vote for Obama. You may have, but if so I bet you didn’t vote for Bush.

Its not like we all get together in a big room and come to a consensus of who will lead us, rather, there is an election, which is inherently divisive, and the Candidate that wins is the one who gets the most votes. The roughly half the population who did not vote for him can then complain for however long he is in office, and this will inevitably lead to dividing the Nation along Political Lines. Social Unity is impossible.

Worse, the idea that the people themselves Rule is a joke. The Politicians Rule us, they hold the offices of power and execute power however they will. And as to the Man getting in o Merit, that too is rather a Joke. People hold office in a Democracy based on Popularity, not Merit. Look at O’Donnell.

Politicians are an aggressive and ambitious lot, who encourage the divisiveness in society as it motivates Voters. Raw Passion will make sure voter turnout is high and they can claim a proper “Democratic Mandate”, even if they win by just 51% of the Vortex. They accomplish this by demonising the other party. Don’t vote Trecumberlan Party for they are evil and will make sure you die poor and sick, ect…And all they need is 51% of the Vote, Not Merit, to win. Its just popularity, not how worthy or competent you are.

This social disharmony leads to a security of power for the two major parties who act as bulkwarths against each other but also play off of each other, keeping the populace in constant tension and competition.

A Unifying Democracy cannot exist, nor can a cooperative society emerge form it, because by its very nature it is competitive and divisive.

And whoever runs for office will always be one who seeks power, so it will nearly always fall to the ambitious, willing to make backroom deals and to modify an agenda in favour of wealthy backers.

And despite the Theory that we, the people, think as individuals and for ourselves, the population at large is easy to manipulate, and those wealth backers, ad the politicians they support, know this. That’s why they fight over the schools and what they teach, and why certain corporations fight so hard to put out media detailing exactly why they are right or, most often, the other side is wrong.

In a Monarchy, we can be United under a King, who may not be elected so no one voted for him, but no one voted against him either.

He rules by right over the property he has, or by merit and not by merely winning a Popularity contest that pit’s the whole society against itself.

And I can support a King who rules by Right and remain loyal to him even if I disagree with everything he does as Policy, because he is my King. I cannot feel Loyal to a President I did not Vote for, because the Democratic Mandate he rules under determines his Legitimacy and because I don’t support the Presidents policies, I’m not really Loyal to him in any meaningful way. Likewise, in what way ids my elected representative really representing me if I voted against him?

Kings are not swayed by Popularity, do not owe their power to corporations or large political activist groups, and are independent. They can also make unpopular decisions, because they don’t need to worry about the next Election. And whoever said that the Majority was always right? Another Drawback to Democratic Theory.

4: Aristotle said Monarchy was the only form of Government established for the good of all. Justice emanates when there is a fair standard, unmoved by Politics and ideology, and to this end a King, who does not owe wealthy ideological backers for his position and doesn’t have to appease voter blocks or win approval, can judge much more impartially than can any Elected Politician or judge appointed by them.

The only thing that is unfair in a Monarchy is the fact that it contradicts the Democratic Ideal, and is usually demonised today.

But if you’d like I can send more information in PM to you regarding this issue, or anyone who asks.

Your right it fails across the board. Organised religion should admit to this.

But, it already does. I don’t know why you thing “Organised Religion” doesn’t. Heck, event he Pope admitted that some Priest fail to live up to the examples they are suppose to be setting, and most other Churches don’t try to present a Mystique around their ministers.

I know of few who don’t admit this.


You know the thing about organized faith is that if I follow yours, I am betraying mine (not that I am that keen to follow my own, but lets just say for the sake of argument). For eg. Its very alright to consume meat (includes fish) in Christianity but its a demonic thing to do as far as Hinduism is concerned (although they are not averse to work them to near death). Similarly idol worship is as accepted in Hinduism as condemned it is in Islam.

Secondly I am as interested in reading your choice of books on theology as you were in reading the books and watching the documentaries I provided the link for. You may not realize this but you yourself are a slave to your own prejudices just as I am to mine.

As far as looking for (and finding proof thereof) things you want to see is as easy as it gets. We are very liable to choose what to believe and regard everything else as hogwash, according to our own advantage. For example you chose to believe what the 'reputed engineer' had to say about the collapse of the buildings because it suited you (unless you yourself are an expert on that). You are very willing to change (and broaden) the scope and definition of a religious person just to prove your point. In my line of work (i.e medicine) if I want to look for the cause and effect relationship between two seemingly unrelated factors, I am bound to find one. If you happen to come across this documentary by the name of "Ancient Aliens" you will be surprised to know that these researchers have actually found the evidence in support of the view that it was aliens who helped humans build pyramids, stone henge, and gave them ability to fly.

P.S: As regard to 'predetermined prejudice' will you be kind enough to take Merriam-Webster dictionary ( a proof of your desire to go to any extent, just to prove your point. It clearly states prejudice as 'an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge'. You see we are a product of our environment and culture, barring a few amongst us, most can't think that differently.

my voting history


very well said


frankly i think the smugness of the people who believe this movie, such as yourself, far outweighs the anger of the people who don't buy into every insane thing they hear, such as myself.


As someone who values education and maintaing an inquisitive attitude, it is very upsetting to me to see that so many people appear to agree with the argument put forward by the OP. This film pretends to advocate the importance of questioning the traditional stories we are told and searching deeper for the truth, but it betrays this message throughout its entirety.

First of all, it's a textbook work of agit-prop. There is a reason why scholarly articles often make for very dry reading, and that is because they are made to inform, not provoke. Zeitgeist features some impressive, if unoriginal, filmmaking techniques. The editing is swift, the music is urgent, and the calm and mannered nature of the narration implies that we are in the hands of a sober individual who is stating the facts as they are. If Peter Joseph was actually interested in telling the truth, he would have little need for these flourishes.

Then, there is the simple truth that the vast majority of the "facts" presented in this film are false, a reality that would be apparent to anyone willing to conduct even the most basic research. Although, seeing as the supporters of Zeitgeist claim to be the kind of free minds who are always searching for answers, I'm sure that they've done extensive research on these subjects, research that goes beyond watching a movie online and visiting websites which support its ideas. Research which involves reading books and article written by actual scholars and experts, whose work has been judged by others in the field to be valid.

Each section of this film relies on exaggerations, distortions, and, most often, simple inaccuracies. It doesn't matter if you are Christian or not. Experts on the subject, people who have studied major world religions, many of whom are atheists themselves, can take take apart the first section minute by minute, revealing that its primary thesis is rooted in the understanding that most audiences don't know much about these subjects and will believe anything a cleverly put together movie will tell them. The same goes for the other sections, most notably the one on 9/11, which involves carefully editing the information so that it supports the conspiracy theory.

If the conspiracy theory were accurate, no such careful editing would be necessary. An analogy to the strategy of these filmmakers is as follows. I can say "Zeitgeist is not a good movie." Someone who wants to suggest that I support the film will pick out the part of my statement they wish to use, resulting in "Zeitgeist is [...] a good movie."

This is what Peter Joseph and others are doing, only on a much larger scale.

After all, an early version of the film suggested to viewers that Christians tried to sell their religion to sun worshipping cultures by claiming that Jesus was God's son. What Peter Joseph chooses not to tell the viwer (although it should be apparent to anyone watching this film with even a meager dose of critical perspective) is the fact that while "sun" and "son" are homophones in English, they certainly are not in the languages being spoken by those cultures.

I'm sorry, but an error as basic as that is not one that would be made in an intellectually legitimate documentary.

There's also the basic fact that none of the three sections tie together very well. Peter Joseph picks three hot topics of contention-religion, 9/11, and the banks-and goes on to make bogus claims about them? Why? Because he knows these are the topics that will get people fired up.

It's not sad that people debunk this. It's sad that people ironically tell the debunkers to free their minds, when in reality, Zeitgeist relies on the viewer being closed off to anything remotely true.

I know that people still can read books and ask questions. It's just a shame that films like Zeitgeist prove we don't want to.


Oh, for the love of Pete. It's practically as if you have predetermined that any dissent regarding this film automatically fits into your "weak psyche" profile. Just look at the trail of idiocy left by your own post. In this case, the "1-in-10 posts" only happens to be your own. The rest just weakly parrots the "anti-dissent dissent" you put forth. Unfortunately, your point fails. In fact, I find more fault within the psychology behind your post than I do with the film itself. Hopefully someday you'll get past yourself.


Oh, for the love of Pete. It's practically as if you have predetermined that any dissent regarding this film automatically fits into your "weak psyche" profile. Just look at the trail of idiocy left by your own post. In this case, the "1-in-10 posts" only happens to be your own. The rest just weakly parrots the "anti-dissent dissent" you put forth. Unfortunately, your point fails. In fact, I find more fault within the psychology behind your post than I do with the film itself. Hopefully someday you'll get past yourself.
