Well, if it's true that 2012 is the end of the age of Pisces then there is going to be the emergence of the worship of the new age of Aquarius as a symbol. What form it will come in is a whole matter in itself. And let's face, Christianity is pretty much dying out now anyway. Wouldn't you guys agree? People are waking up more and more to the *beep* and it's time for change. But, will the change be good or bad is the question.
I don't agree... Christianity isn't dying. In China, for example, the Christian population has in recent years outgrown the Atheist population... and Christianity is still illegal in China.
Probably because it's getting far more liberal to the point where one really needs to question exactly what qualifies a "Christian" to begin with. That and Church attendance is decreasing.
The real question is, what is "Christ?" Because it's a human made construct, conceptually, people do this without adhering to "Christianity" all the time.
Submission to what not watching mtv? Man these morons are funny. Dude... what? Who said anything about MTV?
You're making an assumption about what I think the values and priorities of Christianity are, and then point and laugh at me for the values you just made up?
You sound pretty proud of that "burn" though (MTV, oh snap!) so I'm not going to disparage you from smugly patting yourself on the back. Go ahead... you deserve it.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion,not their own facts. Anyone can find whatever 'facts' they need to support their opinion. The truth is relative.
But then they'd be no more facts. The Truth is not relative. What you're saying is that some people twist the truth, making it appear that there are many contradictory versions of the truth.
That doesn't mean in actuality that truth is whatever we want it to be. What you're describing are opinions (or even lies) mislabeled as "Facts."
Don't take it so literally. Yes, the nature of truth is that it is absolute, but people can justify whatever belief system they want with a number of seemingly reliable or legitimate sources. That's what I mean by truth is relative. People think that their sources are the most objective or absolute but if it was so clear and obvious, everyone would believe the same way.
I just have met more than a few people who honestly think that the truth is whatever we want it to be (though when push comes to shove they don't really think this, even though they've probably said it a million times).
I just see it as a rhetorical attempt to brush off an argument and avoid having to substantiate one claim vs. another (ie: explain and defend one's own position).
I don't mind defending what I think or believe to people who aren't just trying to trap me in a contradiction, but I find that a lot of material for/against religion has its own agenda and ends up just preaching to the choir. I think it takes living a certain way or having a certain attitude towards life to convince people that your philosophies are more than just rhetoric.
I don't mind defending what I think or believe to people who aren't just trying to trap me in a contradiction, but I find that a lot of material for/against religion has its own agenda and ends up just preaching to the choir. I think it takes living a certain way or having a certain attitude towards life to convince people that your philosophies are more than just rhetoric.
I don't disagree or object to anything you said here, actually.
I think everyone has the right to change their mind. What annoys me is when people make a statment and then, when a contradiction is pointed out, pretend they never said it. We can misspeak, we can be wrong... is it so hard to admit it? I agree, it can be sometimes, but that's better. Becoming more accurate and closer to the truth should be valued as more important than "appearing to have won" or being popular.
Christianity as practiced today has little to do with how it was practiced on the first century. The gnostic churches of their times were considered Christian, and would have seen things like Evangelical Christianity as complete heresies.
Of course, all those gnostic churches and their adherents were exterminated by the more familiar-by-today's-standards form of Christianity created by Paul and the Romans.
if it's true that 2012 is the end of the age of Pisces That's not true, at least not according to what is presented in the movie.
The end of Pisces is in 2150. I think you're getting your conspiracy theories mixed up.
And let's face, Christianity is pretty much dying out now anyway. Is it? I feel like it's probably evolving right now. The "Christianity" your mom or grandma grew up with is definitely dying out, but it's resurfacing in the Emergent Church movements. It's a more liberal Christianity.
Christianity is NOT dying out, just some of the more destructive doctrines connected with it. Saying or even thinking Christianity is dying out is grossly incorrect conjecture and not based on any kind of documented proof.
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all religions need to parish and we all must start having a healthy perception of reality so we can indulge on a more realistic outlook to improve the human condition.
hiding behind fiction and external authorities will do nobody any good and failure to understand this will only stunt your life's pleasures and abilities to fulfill desires.
There is honesty and there is personal opinion/preference.
all religions need to parish and we all must start having a healthy perception of reality so we can indulge on a more realistic outlook to improve the human condition.
I hear this a lot. How Religion is some sort of fantasy or delusion, and that those who do not have a Religion are able to see the world as it is, and use reason, an d think for themselves. We need Religion to die so that we can have a healthier poutlook on life base don reality. I've also been critisised for pointign out that this is itself san impossible task, and based upon polemic.
The idea that Religion is a hinderance hat rpevents us from seeing eReality is nonsense, just as it is Nonsense to describe oneself as Nonreligious. Everyone is Religious. A Religion is nothing but a Philosophical model that described our existance. Its not somehtign we can really do wihtout, and is an innate wuality of the Human species. Those hwo describe themselves as not beign Religious, such as yoruself, still in the end have a set of beleifs about the Fundamental Nature of yoru existance, from which your understandign of yoruself and the wold aroudn you emerges, and from which your moral ideology springs from. This is what Religion supplies, and there really is nothign to distinguish one setof beleifs from another aside from the actual content of what they teach.
For example, A Secular Humanist is still an adherant of a Religion. Most Secular Humanists posit Secular Humanism as an alternative to Religin, but in the end Secular Humanism addresses all the same topics that Religion addresses, and covers the same ground, and Secular Humanism fills the same Rile that Religion Fills. So in what way is it not a Religion?
Religion is not defined asbeleif in gods or supernatural Powers, its simply defined as how we see our world.
Even your claim that we need to get rid of Religion, that all Religion shoudl perish so we can develop a Healthy perception of Reality and have a more Realistic outlook on ur world is itself a Religius View, though you won't call it that and if your' liek most may even be offended that I said this.
Your not really tryign to get rid of Religion, yoru simply trygn to supplant every other Religion wiht the one you hold to.
But what I find most amusing about htis is that you stil see it as a Perception. What you beleive is a mroe realistic putlook on rhe world is in the end still just an intellectual Model, a Philosophical construct that serves as a famework in yoru mind that tells you how life shoudl be and how our existance works. It rsts on Philosophical assumptions, many of which are subjective or untestable.
Really its not Reason over Religion, its simply the adoption of a differnet outlook base don yoru own different Philosophical tenets, and startign form a different frame of refefence wiht different startign assumptions.
Its not that yoru putlook is more realistic, its just that you buy into the polemic that Religion is Fantasy and not beleivable, wholst yorus is backe dby evidence.
Of xoruse Religiosu Claims are also held by evidence, and arent all beelived wihtotu evidence, btu I doubt you'll pick up a book by a leadign Theologian to find out what I mean.
hiding behind fiction and external authorities will do nobody any good and failure to understand this will only stunt your life's pleasures and abilities to fulfill desires.
Why shudl we assume that belifs that do not align wiht yoru bleifs are Fiction? And why do you asusme Religion is simply about hidding behidn fiction and external authorities? Again, this Polemic is getting old, and I for one am very tired of it. The idea that Religiosu peopel just take whateve heir authorities tll them as Truth wihtotu Quesioning it and never think for themselves is not really a reflection fo what actually occures, just as the self-styles Freethinkers with no Feligoion usually just parrot other peopels arguments, rathe than actually thinkign for themselves or becomign informed on the topics they speak of.
This sort of Brash asusmption on yoru aprt, which in turn is rooted in acceptance of said Polemic, emans you are a Hypocrite. You have basically aepted what Authorities have told you abotu Religion and Religiou peopel withotu questionign it and not make these sorts of statements as if they are unquestionably True.
There is honesty and there is personal opinion/preference.
But presenting an opinion as a facrt as you do here is not Honesty.
You read like you've been reading Neo-Tech literature. There is a much larger reality than atheists have been foolishly lead to not believe in. Religion, without the oppressive doctrines, have helped humanity tap into that larger reality.
If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!
by PeopleSuckPeriod 12 hours ago (Sun Jan 30 2011 17:52:36) Ignore this User | Report Abuse
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if you're referring to me,yes i do read neo-tech literature.EVERYONE should if it is a demystifier for the brain.
There is honesty and there is personal opinion/preference.
My response:
I thought as much. I like Mark Hamilton and enjoy his writings, but I have to constantly remind myself that his atheist stance is wrong headed. Actually I suspect Mark Hamilton is far less antagonistic to Christianity than his father. Neo Tech is good stuff, but handle like one would handle a very sharp two-edged sword!
If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!
by PeopleSuckPeriod 3 hours ago (Sat Feb 26 2011 14:41:42) Ignore this User | Report Abuse
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- why,there's no dogma or rules involved and neo-tech is anti-mysticism.
There is honesty and there is personal opinion/preference.
My response:
If this works for you that is fine. I personally choose to live my life in a metaphysical world.
If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!
religion of course fades away more and more in the future, the more science evolves and people are no longer ignorant fools who believe that there is a daddy in the sky who watches over them. knowledge destroys religion, just like it destroyed all ancient religions, like the egyptian and greek religions which are today just myths... christianity and islam will be myths too in the future.
of course in USA there are a lot of wannabe christians because it's part of the culture, so everybody tries to be christian in order to not be left out, just like in my country everybody tries to be atheist. the only explanation that i can think of is that most christians are essentially fools or ass-holes because no rational person could believe in something without evidence.
as an atheist and humanist,i despise all religions that corrupt our world and intellectually cripple the human race with its pathological,emotional dishonesty and also because of all the deaths it's caused which has costed us so much potential that each of those people posibly had.
religion owes humanity a great deal.
There is honesty and there is personal opinion/preference.
PeopleSuckPeriod, -Your name is not fitting of a "humanist" -Your name implies that nobody, especially you, "owes humanity a great deal." -Your name does not imply that those people who have died under the tyrannical hand of religion ever had "so much potential."
my name is an expression of the utter CONTEMPT toward the atrocious actions and behaviours of most people out there.as a humanist,i want it all to stop and everyone to start showing eachother some RESPECT and stop with all the childish conflict and think for themselves.
i know you're going to respond with "well,that's never going to happen,it's human nature".while that's nonsense,it is NOT our true nature,we only have parasites causing distortions for their own greedy benefits,i know you may be correct,however,which is why i'll never stop feeling as i do.
Well, while I appreciate that you thought you had me figured out and claimed to know how I was going to respond, what I was actually going to say is that I don't know how the name PeopleSuckPeriod supports your cause to get "everyone to start showing eachother some RESPECT," end "childish conflict," and support positive feelings and actions toward one another.
Also, I don't know how calling me an idiot is supposed to do away with "childish conflict."
Listen, I was not disagreeing with you earlier. All I'm saying is that if you feel that you have an optimistic goal for society and that you plan to help enact a positive change in human behavior, maybe don't start by posting you're ideas and opinions under the extremely negative and insulting "PeopleSuckPeriod" pseudonym.
The moniker I've chosen to use is my opinion of the behaviours and attitudes,mostly uneducated and brainwashed,of the majority of mankind due to the monetary system.
I understand now,after watching all three of the zeitgeist films that it's the environment that creates it all but what frustrates me and many others is that nobody wants to hear it-while alot of these idiots just sit there in front of their stupid television sets yelling and complaining about how life sucks as others turn to drugs which leads to crime...such hypocrisies on their part.not to mention the fact that those who choose religion but are unwilling to actually follow the dogmas involved which is only because the church never enforces them.it would be difficult to do so but,well,they choose it.
I could go on,but,i doubt you'll want to read it all.
there is no time for a creator to have existed before the BB.
All matter that created and Universe does not need a divine creator to exist, period.
In other words everything that exists today can be explained by scientific means and theory, so sorry to burst your bubble but there is absolutly no need for a devine creator..
What could cause the spontaneous apperance of a universe?
If you understand Quantum Mechanices basics you then may understand how somthing can come from nothing. You can't get to a time before the big bang because there was no time for a cause to have existed. Therefor there was no time for a god to create the universe before the BB.
The question, did god create the universe? Makes no sense becaues time didn't exist before the big bang.
I Dunno if People can wrap thier heads around this but if you can and u are not brainwashed by religion then great, thats awesome. This is as simple as it gets without getting too dificult to grasp.
Open your mind and do some research, religion is poison and is dampering our technology and medicine we dont need it.
If you understand Quantum Mechanices basics you then may understand how somthing can come from nothing. You can't get to a time before the big bang because there was no time for a cause to have existed. Therefor there was no time for a god to create the universe before the BB.
The question, did god create the universe? Makes no sense becaues time didn't exist before the big bang.
If you presume to lecture us on quantum mechanics, spelling it properly might give you more credibility.
I've ran across this quote on the Big Bang Theory:
No reputable model yet exists that runs counter to the Big Bang model ... that stands up to the experimental tests that the Big Bang model has passed
So, basically, the Big Bang Theory is generally accepted since no other theory exists at this time to disprove it. Reminds me of the time when everyone believed the world was flat. Seems to me the last time I researched this topic, scientists believed the expansion of the universe was slowing down and would eventually stop. Now, they've discovered that distant galaxies are speeding up.
The theory of the Big Bang seems to rest on the measurements of galaxies that are moving away from us. However, I've recently read an article that claims that at least one other galaxy is moving toward us on a collision course.
Let's face it. There's quite a bit that science doesn't know or can't explain and every discovery ought to come with the disclaimer: "Science hypothesises today that..."
I don't know or haven't seen any scientific discovery that can claim it's possible to create matter and energy and time from nothing, zilch, zero.
That said, I will agree that I do not believe in a patriarchal giant deity that created the universe.
Both premises are flawed. The religious argument of First Cause--being, there had to be something in the nothing that created the universe--is a philosophical concept. As well, the scientific standpoint of a Big Bang in the absence of any other explanation is also merely a theory at this time.
It's the idea that in the beginning there was nothing, or, scientifically speaking, in the beginning there was a tiny blob of energy are both wrong.
Consciousness creates the universe and it is eternal. It never spontaneously began and it will never end. But, you say, something must have created consciousness, matter, etc. and I say no. Why does there have to be a beginning?
Everything always existed--however, to say that the universe behaves in a purely natural way is short-sighted. One must take a look at the idea of 'intelligent design' as a real possibility. The problem comes when, for lack of another explanation, society imposes a humanoid super giant all powerful male deity on this phenomenon. Some benevolent super being must be behind all creation. No.
It's highly likely that collectively all beings and all matter conspire to create the universe together.
Anything is possible.
I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar. reply share
Consciousness creates and individual's model of the universe, not 'the' universe (if such a thing exists). Science may only be on the surface of understanding the nature of consciousness, but we know enough to know that it's not eternal and it's dependent on the material in a parallel, integrated, functionally emergent way (much like how software needs hardware and vice verse). We know this because we can do things like alter a person's consciousness in a controlled environment with physical stimuli such as magnets and electrical currents.