Are the only arguments against these films the questionable sources? Because this is how religion is formed in the first place, anyway that doesn't matter.
To me the most important thing this film is saying is our philosophy is wrong and you don’t need any sources to understand this.
We are harming the world and we are enslaved to money, wars are being fought over money on all sides, these are the facts we need to concentrate on: war is profitable, money makes us suspicious of each other’s intentions, how many times do we wonder especially in sports “did he do it for the money, or the love/loyalty”, let’s face it everyone can be bought and if they can’t were suspicious of them, the rich get richer the poor get poorer; it’s a tired old statement but its true and its wrong.
when most people walk past a homeless person in the street they either say he’s a lazy scrounger or I’m not giving him anything cos he’ll spend it on drugs/alcohol, and I work hard for what little money I have, these people exist because not everyone can earn the same amount of money, it’s impossible in this system, there has to be a bottom of the pile as well as a top and all they are guilty of is coming from unstable homes with abusive parents and lacking education or the will or understanding of how important it is to be educated.
poverty is prison and numbing the experience with drugs and alcohol is they’re only solution, as liberal as it might sound they need our love and support but we love money and nothing else.
Money creates a class system, if you wear expensive clothes and cruise around in a pointless gas guzzling jeep in a city then all you’re really saying is “look up at me, I have money and you don’t“ It breeds jealousy for those who don’t have it.
For example (In a hypothetical social situation) your good friends who happen to be wealthy insist on dining at expensive restaurants all the time and you are struggling financially, you can't afford to keep doing this, a conflict ensues, and even if an agreement is reached there will always be a divide “Is he jealous of me”? Does he think I’m jealous of him?
And we all gradually drift further and further away from each other, how many of you hang around with people that live in the same class as you, do you have any poorer friends? If so do you pity them? Underneath the surface?
Its sounds cynical and it may not always be the case but these situations exist and they shouldn’t, money provides a smoke screen, the poorer person might be a nurse and the wealthier a banker, which is more important to humanity?
The more money you have the less of a failure you are, and some people will rob you blind of everything you have in order to get one step further up the money ladder, they will kill for it, money is why we have crime.
It’s very simple if you wanna be rich, become an un-empathetic *beep* (wall street, call centres), hate humanity (rob, kill), degrade yourself (pop/American idol), gamble (lottery,sports betting) lie (politics, media) steal (bankers) or you can create! but which is easier? which options suit you more?
MONEY DIVIDES! *beep* wake up.
If you need sources go find them, even if they all lead to a turd floating in a toilet it wont change a thing.