A message to those opposed to the truth movement
I was skeptical that the government could have been behind this too but I've been reading up on a lot of irregularities from that day, and since, that I think the public deserves answers to.
What happened to Barry Jenkins?
Why have the videos of the pentagon attack not been released over a decade later?
How did wtc tower 7 really fall?
There's a ton of others but to those who don't believe in the truth movement, please take a couple minutes of your time and research these three to start. Discounting someone else's theory just because it varies from what you've been told isn't right. You should see both sides of the story. The official report is just a theory too, it wouldn't be the first time someone's been wrong. A very large amount of evidence that contradicts the official story is continuously labeled 'conspiracy theories' or 'just mere coincidence'. Something just doesnt smell right when it comes to the amount of irregularities that have been written off as mere coincidence.
Another thought, is it possible religion has conditioned many people to believe in what the authoritative figure tells them? When it comes to religion, a lot of followers tend to be unwavering supporters. Their strong belief system may condition them to take the words of people they're supposed to trust at face value. That's a dangerous thing to do when it comes to politics.