Revolution of what?

I do not see a clear minded motive and ambition with the so-called "revolution is now" phrase; revolution of what, and to what? Also, what's the deal with so many people believing Religion was created by man to control itself, rather than, Religion was created by man to enlighten itself? Why the negative motif towards civilization? Why can't civilization hope or long for something that science cannot attempt explain? And, these same people in science claims science to be absolute truth, yet they speak of Religion as not being truth; why the bias? Oh, and my favorite one, "if you believe in any religion, or god, then you're misled, mistaken, and unintelligent." Why?


Actually Science doesnt attack Religion. Those who still insistthey are competign camps are holdign to the Cnflict Thesis, which most Historians and Scientists alike agree is at best flawed.

Most of the Time, "Science' just means whatever they agree with, and "Religion" just means Christianity, or generic beelfiin God.

The Truth is, everyone has a Relgiion, Religion is just a Philosophical model that informs us of how our world works, and the above narrative you presented above is as much a Religious Ideology as any other.
