I just wached this
and it was a complete waste of time.
well,the greater percentage of this world still adopts faiths in god,is ignorant of the fiction known as money and still watches sports and celebrities on TV.in my opinion,watching all three of these movies gives my hope that this world will possibly improve.
There is honesty and there is personal opinion/preference.
PSP- WHy is beleif in a god, use of Money, a reality in our world, and enjoyig Spirtign Events on Television somehow a bad thing?
Hwck, the Sportign and Clebrity viewrship isn't even dgpign to go away if Zeitgiest gets its way...
Because all of the aforementioned numbs your brain from thinking. It makes you a sheep, slave to conformity. Watch the movie again, or twenty times until you understand.
sharethis comment makes no sense
Btw, how do you 'wach' something? I guess it was a complete waste of time to spell the word 'watch'? Or is 'waching' something entirely different? Is 'waching' something like trying to eat, mate or converse? Help me out here.
Everyone gets everything he wants.