MovieChat Forums > Zeitgeist (2007) Discussion > This is too soon for some people

This is too soon for some people

We're gonna see in the future that this movie had the facts and always at that time people won't realize it.. that's our problem... if we could just accept the reality we wouldn't be hurting each other without knowing the real reasons.. THIS WILL BE PROVEN IN THE FUTURE .. If I'm still alive or dead I don't care.. I just wanna see that day when people wake up ...


I don't think we or even the next generation will be alive by the time mankind will wake up to this. The current situation is too deep rooted for any lasting and widespread change.

There is an angel inside me whom I am constantly shocking.



What is too soon for some people? Granted it has been some time since I watched this mockumentary but as I understood it the only point it was trying to make was that . . .don't believe something just because you are told it. That any random incidents can be pulled together to create a story that sounds believable. I didn't get the impression it was actually trying to convince me of some conspiracy theories.

Click On My Clicky Click!


Religion has been in decline for many decades now. More and more people become educated thanks to the freely available information. Internet probably has THE biggest impact on how people perceive the world today versus two decades ago.

Let's leave the stupid alone; they will die out eventually. If humanity is lucky, in about 100-150 years, religion will become one of those "part of mankind history" things -- something that people study in school as to learn what kind of idiots lived before them.
